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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning!  Wednesday is co-op in Tampa day. 

-DS17 off to school
-run to Publix on the way home or during his classes - nope there was a torrential downpour and lightning on top of us as I drove past the Publix
-workout (cardio) - nope taking my rest day today
-laundry (whites must get done) DONE:  0
-dinner (something picked up from Publix - probably ingredients for Egg Roll in a Bowl) - nope, breakfast for dinner

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Good morning!

I'm dragging around this morning after a night of insomnia. What little sleep I got was spent dreaming about some stressful things that are happening with dh's crazy family. Ugh. It's bad enough that I have to deal with these people when I'm awake, does my brain really need to think about them all night, too??

  • office work (only a little bit today)
  • maybe actually do some cleaning instead of just putting it on my list and ignoring it
  • make a menu plan and shopping list
  • take kids to Walmart pharmacy for meningitis B vaccine (This is the new vaccine that is recommended for teens and especially college students, in addition to the "standard" meningitis vaccine. Called around to the local doctors and none of them have it or had even heard of it, which is kind of alarming since there have been several news stories about it recently. If I know about it, shouldn't they know about it? ? Called the Walmart pharmacist and she not only knew what it is but was able to order it for us overnight. Yay, Walmart!)
  • dd violin lesson
  • ds18 golf lesson - maybe? have to check
  • dinner: ?? might be a takeout night
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Good Morning!

We have a busy day! Dd's WHA class has "Meet the Teacher" today, my kids' piano lessons start back and so does Wednesday night church. Woohoo! 


Pick up milk


Church  Hooray, I don't have to make dinner on Wednesdays for the next two and a half months!


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Good morning!

Selkie, that is awful having to dream about situations you don't even want to deal with in the day.  Hope you feel better and sleep better tonight!

I slept in today and woke up with my back hurting. I am wondering if it is how I sat doing tutoring. I usually sit at the table and demonstrate things on paper and wonder if I bent over a lot. Five hours of doing that might be hard on it. 

To Do:

  • meals      We are eating dinner at church or somewhere on the way. 
  • school with ds
  • prepare a training session with children's leaders in my department at church
  • tidy house
  • laundry          finished some and have a load of towels in the washer
  • church
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Good morning! I have a change in plans for the day as dmil needs a ride to get follow up scans after her fall. I am not entirely sure what I will get done today.

  • coffee/paper
  • kids off to school 
  • quick set of chores
  • pick up dmil and take to scans
  • write and read while I wait
  • take her home
  • home to jen things
  • dd2 to practice
  • pick up ds3
  • homework/ds3 pack for a tournament this weekend
  • dinner: leftovers? Not sure...

Have a great day!

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Selkie, those kinds of dreams are so frustrating! 

Morning walk to school, make breakfast,  shower, homeschool, PT appointment, cook something with DS2, clean the house really fast, ABA appointment, afternoon walk to school, make dinner, reading with both new readers, straighten the house.

Also, make multiple phone calls about the ongoing medical billing saga, try to fit in a half an hour of paid work, submit my homeschool letter of intent. There’s something else too...what is it? 

Edit: I never did figure out the other thing I forgot, but instead of work and homeschool letter, I ended up at the pediatrician for a tetanus shot. A certain child of mine made a “robber trap” out of nails. A certain other child of mine stepped on the trap. I still don’t know whether to laugh or cry. 

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Lots to do and I am not feeling well?

  • Finish taking meds
  • Pick up glasses and mail along with other mail
  • Go to pharmacy and pick up supplies
  • go to doctor appointment
  • call for allergy issues
  • clean kitchen
  • take care of plants
  • laundry
  • pack
  • pack medical bag
  • make dinner
  • get my dh to print absentee ballot for daughter since we have a runoff
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Thank you, ladies! I'm in a better state of mind now after lots and lots of coffee!

Amy, I hope your back pain is just a temporary little twinge and will be back to normal soon.

TravelingChris, I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I hope you feel better as the day goes on!


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I picked some wild catnip in the pasture this morning and brought it up to the house, and my cats are going positively loco over it. This is what they look like: ?

Got one load of laundry done, did two hours of outside chores, and worked with the horses a little bit. So nice to have cool weather - it feels like fall today.

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TravelingChris, hope you feel better soon!

My back is better, so I think I need to be more careful while sitting that long. 

I forgot that I needed to send out some emails to the co-op class parents, so I had to hurry up and do that. I've been working on the training tonight. I actually feel a little nervous about it. I prefer speaking to children and teenagers over adults, though! 


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Hi! It's been a weird week.  So I'll take your word that it's Wednesday.

I was up until 5:something am watching youtube videos that I did not need to watch.

Then got up at 6:50 to get the kids up, fed, and off to the school bus.

I took out the garbage.

Then I had to get myself ready and go to a ribbon cutting thing.

I was late, partly because I forgot where I had put my car keys before leaving for DC on Sunday.  (The spare key is with the driver.)  I did eventually remember that it was in a side pocket of my suitcase.

I stood on my feet in the heat for over 2 hours.  In a suit and heels.  Not my fave.  The event was nice but the post-event chatting dragged on way too long.

Back home, it was time for a 1pm conference call which just ended about 2:30.

So the majority of my day has gone by without me getting any client work done.  Plus I feel like taking a nap.

My kids will be home around 4:10?  And then kid 1 will do homework while kid 2 rides her horse, then kid 2 will do homework while kid 1 is in gymnastics class.  And I have a lot of work that needs to get done in the mean time.

I should probably feed people at some point.

I should do yoga and, if possible, some walking / running.

The kids need to log their volunteer work for tomorrow's scout meeting.  Also I should fill out their health forms.  (Why do we have to fill out so many forms over and over for every organization?)

After everyone has their work done and their bath/ hair wash, I will hopefully do a read-aloud.

Then kids to bed and me - work or sleep.

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Dishwasher running

went to Japanese bookstore and got stuff for this school year.

Tried to go to gf restaurant but they are closed for vacation so we went to another one that I really didn't like. 

Gassed up the car.

Rested at home

Dd is making gf brownies for my potluck tonight.  And I have made an ingredients list for my salad for the potluck tonight. 

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The kids brought home applications to be on the yearbook committee.  It requires me to promise to do more extra stuff.  (Mainly get them places they otherwise would not need to be.)  Sounds like the whole class is applying, so most likely they won't be chosen - or at least the busier one probably won't ... but I don't like to discourage them from trying ....

Apparently there are 3 or more quizzes tomorrow in addition to a pile of homework due.  Plus they need to take their gym and volleyball stuff.  And here I am just wanting to go to bed!

I ordered a few more items of school clothes for my diva brats.  I did get a nice discount on one (over-priced) item.

I also need to remember to make a donation for medicine my sponsored family needs.

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I’m waiting in the car while my kids pick up food at the Japanese restaurant. 

Two of the kids got their meningitis B vaccines; ds18 has to wait 4 weeks because he just got a booster for the other meningitis vaccine yesterday at the doctor’s office. We got flu shots, too. 

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I am ditching back to school night because I am on my fifth 9th grader and everyone else mostly turned out okay.

I am watching the US Open with ds3 and he is scheming how to play tennis all the time and not go to school at all. 

It is fairly freeing to operate with such low standards.

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