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Britax marathon car seat on sale at Target for $43!

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I just got a Dear Jean letter starting that it was an error. I figured they were selling them for a clearance. Oh well.

I got this too, I'm sending a letter though. They're a big enough company (and any company should do this really) that they should honor the price, even though they were wrong.

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Did they say what happened in the email?


When I saw it, I thought someone had mixed up the figures. It showed $279 slashed $239 off for a sale price of $43. When maybe it should have been $279 slashed $43 off for a sale price of $239.


Still, would be nice if they'd honor their mistake. They do it in their store for me but I guess that's a long way off from a .69 error on a can of baby cereal.

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Thanks. I have both the confirmation and the cancellation. I'll have to see if I can take this anywhere.


Please keep us posted on how it goes. I too have a confirmation . They sent an email saying they made a price mistake on the website and could not fulfill my order--but that if I still want to purchase, I could, for $239.

I thought it was too good to be true when I ordered, so I've been expecting an email from them today. ;)

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As much as I wish I had gotten in on the deal...I'm with Margaret. Stores have every right to post disclaimers for mistakes and not honor the mistaken print ad. Usually in a store the first time the mistake is found it is honored...but at that point the store has the opportunity to correct the mistake and thousands of other people don't come rushing in to take advantage of the mistake. On the internet where a mistake would have the opportunity to be mass announced (as it was) before the store even had the chance to process the first order and discover the mistake, I think it is unreasonable to expect them to honor these orders. And saying that they are a big company justifies why they can afford the loss just doesn't ring right for me. Loss is loss and if they have to take that loss and based on that theory it should then theoretically have to come out of the paychecks of their workers who are part of that company as big profits also generally mean big expenditures. No matter how you deal it that loss could have hurt a lot of people - not just an anonymous ceo sitting with an overflowing money bag. Sorry it wasn't truly a clearance item and a good deal for all but it was an unfortunate mistake and there is almost guaranteed legal protection so I personally wouldn't spend my emotional energy trying to fight them for it -although I agree that a coupon for 10 or 20% off a single item sent to those who had confirmations would have been a good will gesture that probably would not have had the loss effect of the previous deal. O.K. end of my .02!

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For my part in it, I just thought it "would be nice" if they did it. :001_smile: I don't think they are legally bound to and I'm sure it's not realistic. It is a lot of money. It was just "sure would be nice".


I was just asking if they explained what happened. It seems to me the figures must have been transposed. I'm sure they have a disclaimer about such inadvertent mistakes on their website somewhere. They always have them on their flyers.

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