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Wedding mishaps and BTDT stories


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DD's wedding is Saturday. In order to save money, I purchased the table cloths and runners. It was indeed a big savings. Or so I thought. I decided to unwrap them today and let them air out. They are wrinkled, wrinkled, wrinkled and, of course, creased. I don't have time to iron 22 table cloths and called the local dry cleaner to see how much they would charge for pressing them. $10 each for a pressing. $17 each for cleaning and pressing. If I pay to have them pressed, there goes almost all of my savings.

The irony of this situation is that I have had insomnia for the last two weeks and have been up for hours at night. I could have ironed two each night and have been done with it without stress or expense. 

If anyone has a surefire way to get rid of wrinkles (other than ironing), please share. I've put a couple in the washer to get them damp and will put them in the dryer on wrinkle release to see if that works.


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12 minutes ago, The Accidental Coach said:

DD's wedding is Saturday. In order to save money, I purchased the table cloths and runners. It was indeed a big savings. Or so I thought. I decided to unwrap them today and let them air out. They are wrinkled, wrinkled, wrinkled and, of course, creased. I don't have time to iron 22 table cloths and called the local dry cleaner to see how much they would charge for pressing them. $10 each for a pressing. $17 each for cleaning and pressing. If I pay to have them pressed, there goes almost all of my savings.

The irony of this situation is that I have had insomnia for the last two weeks and have been up for hours at night. I could have ironed two each night and have been done with it without stress or expense. 

If anyone has a surefire way to get rid of wrinkles (other than ironing), please share. I've put a couple in the washer to get them damp and will put them in the dryer on wrinkle release to see if that works.


That would be similar to my suggestion...put them in the dryer with some wet items and create some warm moisture.

I'm sorry. Big hugs!


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Use a handheld steamer or generously spray with Downy Wrinkle Release and give them a good snap & shake and then hang on the line.  We also set up the tables the night before so once they were on the tables, they got another light spray of the wrinkle release & sat on the tables overnight.  The tables looked great the next day.


Amber in SJ

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The tumbling did not work. I did 3 banquet table sized cloths.

I had an old bottle of Wrinkle Release and sprayed that on one cloth before heading out for an appt. Upon my return, I would say about 10% of the wrinkles are gone.

I put out a request on FB to borrow a steamer since I do not have one. I also do not have a clothes line and it's been raining most of the day. I'm trying to find room in my house to hang a cloth and steam it.

I downloaded an audiobook and plan on spending the night listening and ironing.

I believe the cloths are polyester.

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I'm so sorry!  I'm planning DDs wedding for next summer.  We just picked a venue that the environment is not as pretty and costs more than I would like, JUST BECAUSE they handle so much of the work.  I thought I was going to be doing it all myself because the full service places were just too expensive.  Then we found a place that was full-service and on the higher end of our "affordable". It is beautiful on the inside, but in an industrial area of town.  We're about to sign the contract.  I can't pay a million dollars, but neither do I have the emotional or physical energy to deal with all those details!

Adding, in our area, we could not do any of the cheaper outdoor only options because the weather is just too unpredictable.  

Edited by goldberry
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I have never had much luck using a steamer.  I have found it more time consuming than ironing when it is a flat rectangular piece like a tablecloth.  I would try washing and then drying one at a time to allow for more space to toss in the dryer, making sure that the lint filter and the vent were clear to allow maximum airflow.  

Can family or friends help iron the cloths?  Is there a young teen that could be paid to iron--that would be cheaper than sending them to the dry cleaners.

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Well I cooked the food at my own wedding, so my nails were ruined. That’s about it, everything else went amazingly well and it was a party ?

oh. If you get married on an island and want to do your own flower arrangements and go to the mainland for it. Just. No. Should have sent family and friends for a wildflower gathering party ?

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It took two of us 7 hours to iron those babies. I did ask for assistance and one friend showed up for two hours. Most people claimed too short of notice and having other plans. I Just think people didn't want to iron. Can't blame 'em.

I stacked all of the table cloths on my dining room table and started from the top down. Ironing on top of each other meant the cloth immediately underneath the one being ironed was also being ironed on the top. All I had to was rotate it 90 degrees for 4 turns to do the drop edges and BAM, it was done. You wouldn't believe how thick a stack of 22 tablecloths can be. For some reason, during the last 2 hours I always seemed to have 8 left. "Hey, how many did we do?" 14?! 8 left."  Twenty minutes later - we have to be down to 6, right? How many are left? 8?!?" , "I just added two more to the fold & hang pile. We are at 6, baby! Wait...what? 8 left?  What the heck?"  

I swear they were multiplying right before my eyes. I used three irons (Shark, Black & Decker, and some off brand) and a hand held steamer. The steamer took 2 hours to do one cloth; my DH did that one and promptly walked to the basement to listen to some vinyl records. My Shark over heated (I think) after 4.5 hours and wouldn't turn back on. My friends iron (the off brand) was good for initial smoothing. My DS's college iron - the Black & Decker - was the beast and did the best. It was the heaviest iron and made short work of those wrinkles. Too bad DS wasn't attached to it while it ironed.

I have until 4pm tomorrow before the first guests begin to arrive. There is still so much to do. And there is still the little thing called my job. I guess I should make an appearance tomorrow.


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