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The It's Tuesday Teachers Lounge 8-14-2018


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Greetings, all!

I've been away for awhile and now I'm back. 

We had a very soft start to school a couple of weeks back and will probably continue that course this week. NEXT week, back to FULL SCHEDULE.
What is your schedule like, school-wise?

What are you up to today? Here: planning for school next week, figure out how the heck to make our $$ s-t-r-e-t-c-h to the next payday,
and meeting with a friend for tea.

What's for lunch? Here: no idea. Probably ramen noodles for the kids (I know, I know).

Who needs encouragement today? Here: Oooh, pick me!

Talk to me! ?

Edited by scrapbookbuzz
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I can't believe it's already time for the lounge, the summer wasn't long enough! But, good to see you Scrap ?

We're still prepping for the school year, some subjects already started and waiting on some books to arrive/be printed out. Today is mostly organizing to help this out. We're starting a new schedule today with alarms and everything, so we'll see if it will work for the school year! 


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We started back softly yesterday with just History we will add a subject or 2 a week until we are full steam.

I am finishing up putting courses in Skedtracker I haven't used a planner before but I wanted to see which course will take the longest to get through. 

Lunch will be whatever frozen meal or leftover they want.

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Good morning/afternoon, depending on your part of the world.  I hope you had a great summer, Scrap. 

We had a soft start last week, which included our co-op. It's full school this week. Ds is mostly working independently today because I have 4 math students coming today. I have 6 each week, but today is an all day schedule. Tonight will be cleaning house and hopefully playing a game or two. 

Lunch was chicken salad, celery, and an apple. 

Yes, I could use some encouragement. My dad, who is 81, was diagnosed with lymphoma. We don't know which kind yet or how advanced it is. He lives in east TN by himself, but my sisters and I are all with in 2.5 to 4 hours of him. He is very active and in relatively good health, so I'm hoping it's a mild or early form of it. 

My mom died 4 years ago, and we've lost a brother-in-law and a special needs nephew during that time. On my dh's side, we lost his dad and grandfather as well . Losing those we love is difficult, even when comforted by the beliefs we have in the afterlife and when suffering has ceased. 


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Afternoon, Scrap!

We're still doing summer work - light math, music lessons, science and literature.  All things my kid doesn't think of as "school". ? He's finally enjoying using c-rods and spontaneously doing so many of the Montessori-like activities I tried to introduce many years ago.  It's....odd.  But the activities I'm directing with him are broadening his understanding of fractions and number work, so between the two of us he's really enjoying himself.
We will actually start back up in September with a full schedule. I have two more things to print before we're good to go.

Lunch today was brats.  I thought we would be leaving quickly for another activity and planned a simple meal, but that activity was cancelled. Dinner is a recreation of a Masterchef recipe thanks to Blue Apron, which hopefully we'll all enjoy! ?

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We are also on a soft start - just math and reading for now.  I'm planning to order more materials tomorrow when dh gets paid but we probably won't start everything else until after Labor Day. That's when schools traditionally start around here and I have some Open Houses and Camps coming up for my science center that I went to get through before having to work the kids through new curriculum.  

Today I"m working at the classroom.  I was planning to set up bulletin boards but even though I remembered my big stapler, I forgot staples.  And ran out very quickly, so that has to wait until tomorrow.  I'm also painting a shade for a green screen, doing some cleaning, and setting up some activities.  I have a potential student stopping in tomorrow since they aren't available during the open houses, so I want things to not be a mess, even if they aren't completely finished.

Lunch today was a steamer bag of brussel sprouts with cheese and bacon.  It was what I could grab out of the freezer easily this morning when I left the house.  They were okay.

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Good to see all of you! 

I am now re-thinking jumping into a FULL schedule next week. Thinking I might stick with soft starts -
maybe one subject intro'd per week, or every other week. Science is going to be intense and he had to have the first 
module read by next Tuesday! So that definitely has to be done this week.

I'll check in later!

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Hi Scrap!

We did soft start last week, mostly because it takes us a while to get used to getting up early again. Ds has all his school up and running this week, except art and drama tutorial, which should begin in a couple of weeks. Dd has about half her schedule in place, but online classes start later, one next week and two in September. 

Our various activities are starting at about 2-3 per week over the course of this week and next. 

All this means we are not really in full fall schedule til the 2nd week of September.  I suppose if it all began at once I'd just be catatonic with the shock. ?


Lunch was chx sausages and watermelon. 


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We haven't started yet, but I wanted to pop in and say HI!

I'll only be actively homeschooling one dc this year (so far). My ds 14 is going to public school to try it out. He may return to homeschooling if he finds out it's not all social fun and building cool stuff in tech class. ? 

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