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Job Ideas


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Pretty please throw me some suggestions for jobs.

I had planned to just do some little part-time gig this year and try to figure out what I wanted to do. BUT dh keeps hearing word from multiple people that his plant may be closing sooner than we thought. He is very worried and he typically poopoos my worry in this area. I know it would take a huge load off of him if I had a job with so benefits so the kids could have health insurance in case of a closure and my check would be enough with his unemployment to get by until he gets a job.

I need resume tips and hints, websites to check out? 

I have a 4 yr degree in Social Work but haven't worked in 14 yrs and only worked 2 yrs after getting my degree for Div. of Youth Services

I've done a lot of volunteering and could get references from a variety of people. 

So, I'm looking for a job that pays at least $12 an hour w/ healthcare

I'm still going to try for VIPKID but who knows w/ my tech glitches if that will work and the problem is too that it pays great but no benefits, so if it worked I'd probably snag some hours (since it is super early schedule) for the extra money.

I really, really prefer to keep the hours closest the kid's schedule I can

There are Caseworker jobs open but heaven help me, I really don't want to do that.

I see Easter Seals has an opening for Autism Specialist- I know they hire people right out of school so my lack of recent experience might not be a hindrance at all

Goodwill is opening an adult school and has an opening for life coach, I don't see the pay listed though. They want a 4 yr degree and 2 yrs experience, that is probably overly optimistic? IDK, on the plus they are off 7 weeks a year. 5 planned and 2 discretionary

Someone told dh about bank openings, pay is $13, not sure on benefits. Good things are closed on holidays schools are closed on. I don't know if that type of customer service is my forte. 


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How about something in a school? Everywhere I've lived, schools need really good support people. An Ed Tech III position likely pays more than $12 an hour, and is full time so has benefits. I was a teaching assistant for a long time, and it was very rewarding ? The pay kinda stunk, but you could use it as a way to get your foot in the door, and on your kids' schedule, too.

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I feel like there's a reason Starbucks is a go-to, and it's because they provide benefits for part-time work. I think the starting pay would be below what you want, but it might be an emergency stop-gap option, if you end up needing benefits right away. 

Sorry I don't have much other advice on a more ideal or desirable job. I have no idea what I'd do if I needed a job with sufficient pay and benefits. 

Edited by JIN MOUSA
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It’s really not as hard to get your foot in the door as you might think with a big employment gap. I think the key is a good reference, the expectation that you are starting over and no expectation of benefits. You’ve got two out of those three. When my dh was unemployed for four months, we got insurance on the exchange for a very reasonable amount. It was like 1/3 of the cobra, doable enough that we could pay it with unemployment benefits. Also, If you and dh are willing to go uninsured, I think you can get free coverage for your kids though the state. 

I worked about 30 hours a week temp job while dh was job searching. My employer liked my work so much, we worked out a plan this summer for me to come in once a week, and now that it’s nearing an end, he again doesn’t want me to leave.  We are trying to figure out if I can continue that schedule while homeschooling. It kinda sucks for me because I net about $40-$50 a day after babysitting costs and payroll taxes. We are taking a long term view on this. I’m learning a ton and working for a guy who likes me, which is great for the resume!

I think employers who give a chance to homeschool moms restarting work end up with some real prizes. Hopefully word will get out. ?

Edited by SamanthaCarter
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1 hour ago, JIN MOUSA said:

I feel like there's a reason Starbucks is a go-to, and it's because they provide benefits for part-time work. I think the starting pay would be below what you want, but it might be an emergency stop-gap option, if you end up needing benefits right away. 

Sorry I don't have much other advice on a more ideal or desirable job. I have no idea what I'd do if I needed a job with sufficient pay and benefits. 


Safeway also provides benefits for part-time work. It's what my friend did.

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I would second looking at your local school district, and quickly as they are in a mad rush to fill anything still open before school starts. My position this year is an Educational Assistant making a little over $14 an hour. It's meager compared to teaching, but has no take-home work and less stress. Benefits are available for any position that is 4 hours or more (and most positions aren't a full 8 hours--I'll work the whole school day and clock in 6.5 hours). Homeschoolers would be great at this job--helping kids learn, usually one-on-one or small groups. In subbing this role last year, I always felt valued and appreciated by the schools. I'm at a high school this year, but they need EA's at all levels and everything from 3 to 7.5 hours. Same schedule as my kid--summers and holidays off.

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Thank you for the ideas ladies! No safeway here but we have a new Starbucks. 

I'd thought about trying for a support position in the district but thought it would be best to sub first, looks like it would be better to go for it. I have a friend who was recently hired so I'm asking her for some more information on that. 

I have 2 contacts at the local CC and one told me about some jobs there, pay at the bottom of the range I'd like but it does have health insurance and a chance to move up some. Some holidays off and 3 day weekends in the summer. The big benefit is free tuition for myself and my family members. 

I'm going to work every contact I have and see what I can find.


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Definitely just go for it with the school district. Now is the perfect time to get something quickly. In my experience, being a support person is so much better than being a sub. You can actually make friends with the other adults, and you don't constantly have to be stressing about lesson plans with rowdy kids. 

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Do you have a Preferred Family Healthcare facility near you?  There was one in the town I went to college in.  I think each one specializes in different things (kids, adults, mental health, etc.), but would probably be looking for someone with a social work degree.  I don't think it would be as time/life consuming as casework or DFS.  Probably more stressful than the school, though.

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I want to second the teacher's assistant suggestions (personally, it's not my forte). I have a friend who was a school teacher. When she re-entered the work force, she chose the assistant position. She said the pay was less, but she didn't have to deal with the pressure or the outside hours. She loved it.

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