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I'm so upset! (Great Update!!)

Night Elf

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I take an anxiety medication, Ativan, that is known to be addicting. I'm a regular dosage for it and take it 3 times daily. I picked up my new bottle on Monday and remember bringing it into the house but now I can't find it anywhere! A brand new bottle never been opened. I called my doctor's office and spoke to an advice nurse is who sending a message to my doctor. I told her I needed it by tomorrow. I've never had this happen. What will I do if they won't refill it again? I have bipolar 2 and General Anxiety Disorder and when I'm not taking this medication, I'm subject to bad anxiety attacks that affect my daily functioning. According to my profile online, I cannot request this medication again until August 27th. I'll never make it that long without this medication. I have to be at work at noon today and am working until 6:00 pm. They're going to call my cell number but I may be behind the register helping a customer and I won't be able to take the call. I don't know what to do. I've never had this happen before and I'm scared they're going to think I'm just trying to get more medication. 

Has this ever happened to any of you? Losing medication and needed it asap?


I FOUND IT IN THE TRASH! I have no idea how it got there but I found it. Now my psychiatrist is going to think I'm crazy. ?

Edited by Night Elf
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I am on Ativan as well. If you do not take these at all, you will suffer from really bad withdrawals. Ativan is really hard to just stop(and can be dangerous). You would need to be weaned.

As far as getting them replaced. I know this is a class 2(controlled substance) and pharmacies/insurance companies are very strict on even when to refill.

But if your Dr send over another script, and you can pay it out of pocket. They might do it for you. I am crossing my fingers that they do. You def cannot be without this med.

Edited by dancer67
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The only thing I  can think of is it was thrown away by accident. It was in a bag and the bag was on my messy kitchen counter. We've searched high and low. I know i can't just stop this medication because of withdrawal symptoms. I've been with this doctor for years and have never had anything like this happen before so I'm hoping she'll give me grace and just believe me. The advice nursed asked if I had called the police and wanted to know who lived with me. I can understand her line of reasoning but neither my DH nor my DS would take this medication. 

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if nothing else, the pharmacist might give you a days worth until this is figured out.

They probably asked if you called the police because people love to steal this and sell this on the streets.

I really hope you get your medication. Fingers crossed for you.

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Thanks. I have enough to last me through tomorrow afternoon. I'd rather not go without a dosage at all but if I have to wait until Saturday morning I can deal with one missed time. That's happened before when I forgot to take my mid-day pills. But I'll need it Saturday morning for sure.

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If this is the first time something like this has happened, I can't imagine they won't give you another refill. If they refuse, I'd try to see another doctor. Benzos aren't nearly as bad as opioids, and I can't imagine they'd be so strict as to force you into withdrawal for a month just to avoid giving you more.

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52 minutes ago, Night Elf said:

SUCCESS! I found it on the bottom of last night's trash. I'm glad it was in a sealed plastic bag because it had coffee grounds all over it. Whew!


Side note: I have thrown my keys away three times. And once I accidentally threw away a packet containing six piano guys tickets! Like $500 dollars worth of concert tickets. So far, I’ve not permanently lost anything but, goodness I was sweating it over the tickets as I frantically dig through a weeks trash.

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@OP    Re the Update in the first post.  I am glad that you found it.  I don't know how it got into the trash, but I think your Shrink will feel pretty good about the fact that you were able to search for, and, find, the missing medicine. 

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