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Is there a way to protect a white sofa from my kids?


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DS17 has special needs and is not toilet trained.  In the past he had peed a ton on our fabric sofas and they got horrible and we got rid of them.  Both he and DS14 who also has special needs also managed to rip them quite a bit.  For a while we has no furniture.  Last year we bought a nice beige leather sofa that was in good condition.  It was second-hand and cost very little.  They managed to scratch off little sections here and there and there are now dark brown spots all over the seats from pee and water stains.  This is the sofa we use for all our homeschooling reading and DSs hang out on  it for hours every day.  Food and forks are sometimes brought to the sofa.  

Anyways, it just does not feel cozy and it's gross and I spend hours there with them there every day.  I saw a beautiful white/off-white textured sofa online for free.  (At this point I am not willing to spend much on furniture that they are likely to wreck).  Is there a good  way I could cover the cushions with plastic so they don't damage them?  I know there are couch protectors but they would pull those off and also I would have to wash them regularly and I already do so much laundry.  I am concerned that they would pick at a plastic cover and destroy it and that it would be noisy and that would bother them and they would not want to do reading.  Still, any ideas of how to make this work?

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Some kind of washable waterproof cover sounds best, like the nice ones to protect beds. Would you be able to sew something like that? Really, though, it sounds like the color doesn't matter. You either need something washable or just plan to get a new-to-you sofa every year or so. It wouldn't be any cleaner if it were black.

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Maybe you could consider getting a couch meant for outdoor patio use.  Like this:  https://www.walmart.com/ip/BCP-3-Seat-Outdoor-Wicker-Patio-Furniture-Sofa-Couch-w-Steel-Frame/471726932

Or, Walmart also sells a bunch of outdoor cushions individually.  You could see if it would be possible to replace your current couch cushions with ones meant for outdoor use...if the size worked out.  That would be very inexpensive, and since I assume most of the stains are on the cushions as opposed to the arms, then it could really spruce up your couch, especially if you found some that coordinated nicely. 


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I upholstered my kitchen chairs with boat fabric. It’s a thick vinyl. I figured if it was made for water that my kids couldn’t kill it. It still looks good 17 years later. I bought the fabric at Jo Ann’s I think you need vinyl with some throws to make it cozy. That way everything is washable. Maybe some kind of waiting room furniture?

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I've heard great things about bleachable white canvas or white denim slipcovers and kids.  In your particular case I'd also have waterproof plastic (or whatever they make good mattress waterproof covers out of) over the cushions but under the slipcovers.  Then after one accident you can take the cover off and bleach.  I would also get washable fabric chux pads (the kind that go on the mattress above the sheets to protect them) and put them down over the cushons every time.

Alternatively you could get the sort of furniture that is used in nursing homes - it tends to have traditional lines but be upholstered in heavy-duty bleachable vinyl.  There are often sofas and wingback chairs.  Every once in a while a nursing home redecorates and sells dozens of used furniture items on craigslist. Note: with known incontinent people who frequently leak around adult diapers staff will often have them sit on a chux pad on the furniture too, even though it's cleanable. If the pad is visible, they will give them a lap blanket to preserve their dignity.

I don't know a good source of new nursing home furniture, but when I google that term there are many results.

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I wonder if switching to something like washable canvas covered butterfly or directors chairs for each of them might be better. Or vinyl beanbag chairs if they wouldn’t break in and spill the beans  

You could possibly cover a new couch with waterproof nylon sewed around each cushion,  and then put more comfortable soft plush washable throws over that. Over comfortable but tougher covers such as ones meant to hold up to dog claws.  And maybe it would keep the interior nice enough to someday take off the covers and have the white couch showing.

But I think white couches tend to be hard even in much easier circumstances. 

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9 hours ago, Katy said:

In your particular case I'd also have waterproof plastic (or whatever they make good mattress waterproof covers out of) over the cushions but under the slipcovers.

I do this on any cushions with removable covers (including car seats).  I just use disposable puppy piddle pads that I can get a cheap pack of from the grocery store.  I spread one out between the cushion and the cover.  That way, when one of the kids has an accident it doesn't soak into the cushion.  I still have to remove and wash the cover, but the smell and stain are much easier to get rid of if they don't get into the foam/padding of the cushion.


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