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The Changeling (w/Angelina Jolie) - anyone seen this yet?

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We saw it. I thought it was a good movie. Heartbreaking and disturbing, yet still an excellent movie.


I usually buy any movie that I thought was good, but I don't think I'll buy this one when it comes out. The type of violence in this movie just leaves me with an awful feeling. I don't want to see it again, but I don't regret seeing it once.

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Could one of you please pm me about this movie? I don't want to spoil it for everyone, but I need to know why it was disturbing beyond "the type of violence in this movie". Violence I can take. A lot of violence against a child, I don't think I can take, along with some other things. I've been thinking about seeing this movie, but I know I'm easily upset by some movies. I'd like to know so I can decide whether to see it or just skip it.

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I saw it last night with some friends. It was disturbing to say the least. I was just curious if anyone else saw it and wanted to discuss your thoughts on it. If no one does, that's OK, too.


I just read the big write-up on Wiki about it and about the true story it is based upon. What a tragic horrible story. My heart just breaks for this mother. True stories like this stay with me much longer because they really happened and we cannot brush that aside when watching the movie. Wow. I simply cannot imagine what that would feel like and I hope I never know.

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I just read the big write-up on Wiki about it and about the true story it is based upon. What a tragic horrible story. My heart just breaks for this mother. True stories like this stay with me much longer because they really happened and we cannot brush that aside when watching the movie. Wow. I simply cannot imagine what that would feel like and I hope I never know.


I'm laughing because I did the same thing--I'm glad there are others out there like me! :)


Having read the summary, I was so saddened. I'll never be able to watch the movie. What a truly awful situation.

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I just read the big write-up on Wiki about it and about the true story it is based upon. What a tragic horrible story. My heart just breaks for this mother. True stories like this stay with me much longer because they really happened and we cannot brush that aside when watching the movie. Wow. I simply cannot imagine what that would feel like and I hope I never know.


Could you share the link? I would like to know about the true story.

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For years my son's biological father threatened to take him from me. I can't even watch the commericals for this movie without experiencing that fear all over again.


My heart breaks for parents of lost children. I cannot imagine how they go on...


I can't even imagine the fear and pain you lived through. I'm guessing it's never really gone away. :grouphug:

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I'm guessing it's never really gone away. :grouphug:



No. It hasn't.

I try hard not to stifle his independence, but sometimes I can't help myself.

Yesterday he was over an hour late coming home, didn't have his cell phone on and I couldn't reach him.

I was a basket case.

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I can't watch movies like that either. Does anyone remember the movie about a mom talking on the cell phone with her dd and heard her dd attacked? I think Sally Field was in it. There is no way I can watch a movie like that. Nope.



Yes, and it took me a long time to ever want to see Kiefer Sutherlands face again.

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I've read the wikipedia article too. There's no way I could watch the movie and be able to sleep at night.


Those murders are disturbing in such a modern way, you know? That sounds like something you would read about now and be totally shocked at what the world is coming to. And yet it happened in rural California 80 years ago, in a time and place I had imagined to be relatively peaceful.


I grew up in Southern California not far from that location. My grandmother was a child in a different part of southern California at the same time those crimes happened. Some of her ancestors came to California during the 1800s. From the stories I've heard through her, her California family were not very good or classy people. Her Oregon ancestors were solid farmer salt-of-the-earth types, but the California ones were something else. It's hard to know what parts of my grandmother's stories are true and how much has been exaggerated. But if there were people capable of doing those chicken coop murders at that time and place, maybe her stories aren't as exaggerated as I would like to think.

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