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Is Aldi's Worth An Hour Drive?

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We recently heard of an Aldi's grocery store about an hour's drive from home. Do they have anything healthy or is their inventory mostly boxed convenience foods and snack type stuff from Mexico? :D (Please...no offense to anyone who regularly shops there...I heard this from a friend). I really desire to save money with my grocery bill and am wondering if this is a wise trip? Thanks for your input~


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Hmmm. It depends on what you buy.


Aldi has fresh produce and meats, as well as frozen. It has cereal, canned goods, pastas, rice, flour, sugar, oils (incl. olive). It's not really a junk food place, although they do sell chips and cookies. They also sell wine and beer. Aldi is owned by the same folks who own Trader Joes, and they have some of the same products, but they're just in an Aldi wrapper.


In fact, all of Aldi's foods are actually name brand foods, they're just in generic/Aldi wraps.


Go at least once and give it a shot. You may be pleasantly surprised! (Just don't go at the end/beginning of the month. They tend to run out of stuff during that time).

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We buy loads of stuff at Aldi's and really love the twelve grain bread. Butter, milk, chips, sour cream, eggs, cheese, chicken tenders, tator tots, canned goods, all condiments, toilet paper, soap, paper towels, pototoes, onions, cream of whateverIneed, chicken broth, sugar, flour, oil.


We're an hour from Aldi's.

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They have the same stuff as any other store. Fresh meats, veggies, fruits, cheese, milk, eggs, butter, etc... They also have frozen veggies and fruite. Yogurt, sour cream ,cream cheese. Everything other stores have. They have the same amount of boxed food as any other store too.


We do about 90% of our shopping at aldi and I make everything from scratch. The things I usually get at other stores are italian sausage (we have a store with the best italian sausage), feta cheese, whole wheat flour and other things that might be on sale so they are cheaper than Aldi.




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No...........But I would go in if I happened to be in town. Most of the stores are on the small side. I do shop there once a month or so, but less now that I'm a Sam's member. They have great prices on fresh fruits and veggies (I only purchase US produce now) but I always check. They have lots of German goodies during the holidays and great seasonal deals.:001_smile:

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No...you'd spend as much in gas as you'd save in grocery cost.

But are there other things that you wouldn't be able to get while that far from home?


I have to drive an hour and a half to grocery shop. While I'm down there I'm able to go to the supermarket, library, dd's dance lessons, Wal-mart and McDonalds. So the money I save on groceries helps get me down to the area I need to be in.


If we have the money to go super-shopping we will drive the extra 35 minutes and go even further to get to Sam's, Kohl's, the movies, Home Depot, the book store, and Olive Garden.

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I plan my distance shopping with another activity in the area. It helped when gas prices were crazy. I do almost all of my shopping at a store similar to Aldi's. For our area the produce is better than the regular grocery stores. It's a good time to try out Aldi's, they have great christmas chocolates. :)

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I honestly don't think it would be worth an hour's drive. However, if you're going that way anyway, I would definitely stop in and check it out. We are just 10 minutes from an Aldi store so it's easy to just stop in to pick up the few items that we do buy there. I get milk ($2.49/gallon), cereal, half & half, cheese, OJ, baby carrots, and ground turkey there. I go to Walmart for everything else.

Edited by Part-Time Homeschooler
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Oh my goodness...I didn't realize they had such a variety! I already have my trip planned out! My dh and I have dates on Saturdays, so we can just drive south instead of north. (Doesn't this sound romantic?? Folks get more and more practical with their advancing age!) There is an outlet mall down the street from the Aldi's so we can swing by and I imagine I can find *something* there! I am certain there will be a restaurant or two so we can get recharged after all that walking. Then it's on to Aldi's for Christmas chocolates!!:D ...OK, maybe some veggies, too! There must be a Walmart near as well to finish up. Thank you all SO much for your detailed descriptions!


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