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I can't stay down.

Night Elf

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I'm still nursing a hurt back although it's way better than last week. I can move around fairly easily. I'm still not lifting anything though because I don't want to put a strain on my back. And getting to my hands and knees hurts.


But I have a house to take care of!! DH took time away from work last week to help me. He did some of my regular chores but not all of them. I am feeling frustrated that my routines are off. I can do more this week than I did last week but I can't do everything. For example, I just sorted laundry, not easily mind you because I had to bend over a bit, but I can't lift the basket so I can't start the washing. I'm waiting for my ds to wake up at 4:00pm so he can help me.


I got the kitchen counters, sink, and stove clean. No bending or twisting required.


I've got to get the bathrooms. DH doesn't like doing them so they haven't been done since I hurt my back 1.5 weeks ago. I can do the counters and sinks with no problems, but I have to bend over to clean the toilet and even get on my knees to reach the bottom of it and the floor around it. I'm scared to try because I"m worried if I aggravate my injury it will just take longer to heal. 


I totally understand my problem though. I feel good and therefore feel like I can do more than I really should be doing.


I'm just frustrated.

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I’m befuddled by the issue that at least 2 other adult people live there and can’t clean up after themselves in the bathroom.


Either hire it out or pitch a fit for them to do it.


My toilets might not disintegrate if not cleaned for nearly a month, but I sure wouldn’t want to use them either. And it’s hard to squat over a nasty toilet with a bad back.

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I’m befuddled by the issue that at least 2 other adult people live there and can’t clean up after themselves in the bathroom.


Either hire it out or pitch a fit for them to do it.


My toilets might not disintegrate if not cleaned for nearly a month, but I sure wouldn’t want to use them either. And it’s hard to squat over a nasty toilet with a bad back.


True, I was forgetting she couldn't even bend over to wipe it down quickly. 


Either someone else does it (yes, DH doesn't like doing it, but you CAN'T do it...so he has to) or you pay someone to do it. Ask him which he'd prefer for the next week or so. 

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True, I was forgetting she couldn't even bend over to wipe it down quickly. 


Either someone else does it (yes, DH doesn't like doing it, but you CAN'T do it...so he has to) or you pay someone to do it. Ask him which he'd prefer for the next week or so. 








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DH said he'd do the bathrooms tonight. Yes, he CAN do them but we've been married 22 years and all chores have fallen naturally to the one who doesn't mind doing it. Like he does ALL outside. I am not an outside girl. He also said not to worry about the laundry. He'll do it tonight. If ds lifts the basket to the dryer, I can put the clothes into the washer. That's no bending.


I'll confess I never taught my children how to do bathrooms. Oldest dd learned from her stepmom and she helped me out since she knew what she was doing. Youngest dd learned when she got into a dorm room that had a bathroom shared by her and her roommate. They take turns cleaning. Ds has never needed to do it since I do it. He also has sensory issues and doesn't like stuff on his hands so I'd need to buy him rubber gloves. It's not rocket science. He can do it if I just show him the routine. I've just never had a reason to do it. I didn't learn to clean the bathroom until I moved out and got my first apartment. I bought a can of Comet like my mom used and figured it out. It was easy.

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Your family has never sounded unusually heartless from any of your posts.  I'm 100% sure that if you tell them how very much it hurts to do certain chores that they will pitch in and do them.  


I think you sound a bit shy about imposing on others and might not want to impose on them to ask them, but I am also 100% sure that in this case, it's ok to impose.  :)  


So, just ask them to help you out and teach your son how real fast.  Cleaning a toilet is very, very easy and he'll surely get the hang of it. If you have high standards, let them drop for a few weeks.  


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You also sound like someone who likes to move a lot.  My mom is like that.  She has some health issues and won't stay still as much as she's supposed to.


If you can't clean, but feel like you must move, then take some nice lovely walks to help with your extra energy.  Or find a project to do that you can do while standing up straight.  Can you straighten out any drawers or cupboards that won't require bending, for example?  Organize something at a good height for sitting or standing in one spot? 


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DH said he'd do the bathrooms tonight. Yes, he CAN do them but we've been married 22 years and all chores have fallen naturally to the one who doesn't mind doing it. Like he does ALL outside. I am not an outside girl. He also said not to worry about the laundry. He'll do it tonight. If ds lifts the basket to the dryer, I can put the clothes into the washer. That's no bending.


I'll confess I never taught my children how to do bathrooms. Oldest dd learned from her stepmom and she helped me out since she knew what she was doing. Youngest dd learned when she got into a dorm room that had a bathroom shared by her and her roommate. They take turns cleaning. Ds has never needed to do it since I do it. He also has sensory issues and doesn't like stuff on his hands so I'd need to buy him rubber gloves. It's not rocket science. He can do it if I just show him the routine. I've just never had a reason to do it. I didn't learn to clean the bathroom until I moved out and got my first apartment. I bought a can of Comet like my mom used and figured it out. It was easy.

I wasn’t being critical of you or your family.


Sometimes a little blunt observation is helpful. 😉


Whatever the plan was before, it needs to change for now.


And I understand that jittery antsy need to DO something. I’m sure there’s plenty you can manage safely and there’s no reason to think you are slacking because it’s not as much as usual.


But the jobs need done so discuss how the family best wants to help get them done. They probably just aren’t thinking about it bc they’ve been blessed by your work to not have has to before now.

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I'm antsy because this is the 2nd week in a row I've been unable to volunteer at the thrift store. It's really the highlight of my week. It's only three 2-hour days but it means a lot to me. I'm hoping to be back next week. The lady I work with has been checking in with me every couple of days. She's so sweet. She says she misses me and looks forward to when I can return but to not return until I'm fully well. Hopefully that will be next week. I'm thinking of increasing my hours again if there is work for me to do. Some days I finish before I'm supposed to leave. I just thoroughly enjoy being there.


When I get too antsy, I go walk on my treadmill and watch a Brit com. Each day I'm able to walk a little faster but I'm still taking it easy. It just feels good to be moving my body.


I had a chiropractic adjustment today and felt better afterwards. My next one is Friday.

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I'm antsy because this is the 2nd week in a row I've been unable to volunteer at the thrift store. It's really the highlight of my week. It's only three 2-hour days but it means a lot to me. I'm hoping to be back next week. The lady I work with has been checking in with me every couple of days. She's so sweet. She says she misses me and looks forward to when I can return but to not return until I'm fully well. Hopefully that will be next week. I'm thinking of increasing my hours again if there is work for me to do. Some days I finish before I'm supposed to leave. I just thoroughly enjoy being there.


When I get too antsy, I go walk on my treadmill and watch a Brit com. Each day I'm able to walk a little faster but I'm still taking it easy. It just feels good to be moving my body.


I had a chiropractic adjustment today and felt better afterwards. My next one is Friday.

You are just like my mother. She also volunteers at a thrift store. She had to quit on two occassions for medical reasons, but didn’t go more than 2 days before she went back to working there because she was too antsy to stay at home.

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The pain is nearly all gone! I can bend without it hurting, i.e. standing up or sitting down. Getting out of bed this morning was a breeze. I did some more cleaning in my kitchen and back deck. Yesterday DH and I did the bathrooms and laundry so I don't have much to do today. I"m having lunch with my dd this afternoon and I'll get on the treadmill before dinner. It looks like I'll be able to go back to work next Wednesday! Yay!!

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