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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Goodwill. Before I go, add items to my donations spreadsheet, because I hate trying to find scraps of paper with donation lists at tax time.


Stop by Dick Blick to get paints for restoring old tole chandelier, the kind with metal flowers. This weekend I skimmed a book on tole painting on Amazon. The book recommended JoSonja paints. Their product list was a bit confusing, so I will call company and see if I can get some help before I shop. I think this chandelier should also be retired, but I'll do that later.


Activity this evening, so I will do a simple sheet pan dinner that has worked nicely for me.



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Good morning!


Drs appt for dd @ 9:30

Maybe breakfast at Silver Diner (she's on restricted diet and they have food there she can eat and it's on the way home!)

Home again - make 16 yo do math and geography

Do quick grocery/pet store run

P/u college student from school

Plan for AHG meeting

Figure out dinner

AHG meeting

Home again - dinner and watch 2 yo for his mom while she goes to class


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Good morning!


The sunrise was gorgeous this morning, with the sky all flooded pink and orange. It seems like these very cold mornings (-11*) always have the most beautiful sunrises. It will be clouding up soon, though, as there is a snowstorm headed our way.


•run to town before the snow hits

•errands (bank, gas, post office)

•get groceries


•office work (print out beginning of the month bills and get busy paying them)

•figure out why my hayshed lantern isn't working (I think the batteries froze)

•dinner: Buddha bowls with crispy peanut tofu, spicy chickpeas, and broccoli

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Good morning!  It's Monday...



-clean up after the pigs I live with (everyone with a Y chromosome)

-get DS16 off to school (total tude)

-school with DS13

-laundry DONE:  3

-tackle a few clutter spots

-workout low impact HIIT (took 2 months off, ugh)

-start to gather up clothes to take to Goodwill

-DS16 scrimmage game right after school

-dinner (something having to do with chicken)


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Good morning!

make baked oatmeal
breakfast for me, dh and dd (ds is still asleep - late night watching the football game)
get dd started on math
pork tenderloin out of the freezer

To do:
keep dd on track with math HW corrected and ready for class!
update checkbook
school with ds     He still has a couple things to do, but they are independent work. 
dog to vet for checkup this afternoon
order SS curriculum
Target?   Not today, not til Friday. Spent the money for the Target things at the vet. Ugh! 


Pinewood Derby tonight at CS!

dinner - random leftovers

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Good morning! Yesterday was spent at a tennis tournament, a long way away with driving in freezing fog. I had volunteered for the day, because ds3 assured me that he was going to lose (single elimination), but then he proceeded to make it into the semi-finals where he finally lost at 8:20 pm, 12 hours from when we had left the house. I watched the Super Bowl in the clubhouse with other stranded parents and the Eagles are my new favorite team, joining the Giants in my personal heroic pantheon of Patriot killers. 

HS state this week, so lots of things in my calendar.


To do:

coffee, paper

update calendar

check bills

edit paper with ds2

school with ds3 (provided he can walk up the stairs today :lol: )

pick up dd2, order state gear

guitar for ds3

ds3 to tennis/pick up dd2

dd2 club practice/ds2 to aikido


Have a great day!



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Good morning

- coffee

- clean cat box- done

- laundry- load in dryer

- tidy living room- done

- lunch for dd2 and I- done

- tidy kitchen- dishwasher loaded but not full enough to run

- read microbiology, notes and reviews ch. 4 and 10

- history discussion initial post- done

- start reading history chapter and notes

- start reading history primary documents and journaling those

- type history journal entries on laptop to submit by Sunday

- change clothes- done

- pack back pack- done

- greet sitter- done

- dd1 and sitter’s son off bus- done

- help dd1 with any homework- she was working on it when I left

- pick up class mate- done

- go to school

- dinner- meat pulled to thaw for dh

- drop off classmate

- shower

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done- helped a friend with unemployment benefits, fixed vacuum, got the mail

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Okay, so we're really doing school ANYWAY, *but* with a fire and, I think, very necessary hot cocoa! 

ALL the kiddos classes got cancelled so no running to and from stuff today.  One trip in to pick up some stuff and drop off some stuff and back home to snuggle.





I used the order groceries at Wal-Mart online thing today?  That was FUN!  Pick up at 1:00 and drive away.   :driving: 

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Cancelled my transcription interview... the building is unsigned, there's no parking, and inside the building reeked. i just got "scam" vibes from it and peaced out. I found the job on school's career center job posting site-thing... I have a lot of comments on the site anyway and I think I am going to add to the list, "Put a really big sign on all the postings that aren't school's, that nothing has been vetted" because right now it's in one tiny place and there are definitely some bad postings.


Today: homework and grocery store. 


Waiting for 2 more books to arrive. One of them got to my post office, I think, then got sent to a regional center, and now has to make it back to me. The other one seems to be on track.


My coat came. It is nice and warm and pretty (bright cardinal). 


Step one: make a list of things to do.

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I was wrong about our AHG meeting.  That's next Monday!


And it turns out there really isn't anything dd can eat at Silver Diner - so we just came home and made something.


Picked up my son from school and bought super expensive raw dog food for my dog.


Came home, took a nap, finished reading my novel.  Being super lazy . . .


I did clean the kitchen a bit and nag my dd to do her math and geography homework!



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I was up most of the night working, so I took a couple of naps today.  Haven't gotten much work done yet.  But I will.

  • Work.
  • Some laundry.
  • Some school papers, gym bags, etc.
  • Kids up & off on time, yay!
  • Sent off an Amazon return.
  • Did some house cleaning.
  • Responded to some emails.
  • A little reading.

To do:

  • Work.
  • Clean out the car so someone else can drive it - yikes!
  • Figure out something to feed the kids before gymnastics.
  • Driver takes kids to gymnastics.
  • Kids' work.
  • Read-aloud?
  • Finish up the laundry.
  • Work.
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Got my errands and grocery shopping done. The roads were still snow- and ice-covered from the weekend. I slipped and slid the whole way, despite driving at a snail's pace. :glare: I was hoping to beat today's storm, but it started snowing while I was in the grocery store - so that made the drive home even more fun. :tongue_smilie:


Glad to be home now, with lots of food. I was so hungry when I got home that I stuffed my face with tortilla chips and hummus instead of my usual salad. Sigh.

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Started a load of laundry, hung a load of towels, and put away a basket of clean clothes.


Gave the upstairs a thorough sweeping.


Dug out some business info that dh needed from my files.


Fed the birds.


Washed out grain buckets and filled them for tonight. The first of 2 loads of hay is steaming.


About to start dinner.



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I cleaned out the car and warmed it up for the driver.  (So much for the idea of making the kids help with it.)  Also cleaned out my coat pockets, which are essentially my purse.  :P


But, I'm not complaining too much because the kids got all their homework done early, for the 2nd night in a row.  I could get used to this!

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grocery and dinner done.

have headache, possible from smelly wax melt. mother annoyed that i turned it off. ugh. 

she is watching agents of shield, i have jungle sounds on the headphones


back to homework

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