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A little disappointed

Night Elf

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I've been volunteering at my Humane Society's thrift store for a few weeks now. I work for 2 hours each on Thursday and Friday mornings. I'm really feeling like I belong there much more than when I was working directly with the animals at the shelter. So yesterday my hip started hurting and I just happened to have my regular monthly chiropractic visit today so he adjusted me. It feels better to walk but getting up and down still hurts. I had to cancel my time at the thrift store this week because I'm afraid to be standing on my feet for 2 hours. I could also need to bend over or sit on the ground and that's just not going to happen. My chiropractor said if the pain isn't gone by Friday I have to go back in and he'll put in a request to my insurance for treatment. I'm simply not going to stay away from the thrift store for a month! It makes me feel so disappointed to not be there this week and the idea that I might not be able to go in until my treatments are done is a huge disappointment. The lady I work with was worried I'd burn out and not want to go back and I don't want to disappoint her. She says I help her so much and she thoroughly enjoys when I'm there with her. I sent an email to the volunteer coordinator and asked her to please get a message to this lady I work with that I'm out this week but I'll be back next week. And if I can't go back next week, I'm going to go in and talk to her on my own so she can see me and hear me tell her I want to keep working with her.


I was having such a good time and now this. Dumb!

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Sorry about your hip. Are you on your feet a lot more there than normal? If so, make sure you wear some really good supportive shoes.


Yeah, I'm pretty much on my feet the whole time and I'm not used to that. The most supportive shoes I have are my running shoes. I think I should buy some inserts for my regular shoes though that I prefer to wear. My running shoes are a very bright pink and not my favorite color.

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I don’t know if this would help, but if you stand in one place a lot while you’re at the thrift store, maybe you could get one of those thick foam-filled floor mats so you would have some cushioning under your feet. I have seen them in several stores and many people use them in the kitchen to cushion their feet while they’re standing by the counter or at the sink.

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Can you sit on a high stool for part of the time?  Then you're not putting so much stress on getting up and down, but at least you can stay off your feet for awhile, in case that's part of the problem.


Also, almost our whole family has seen a physical therapist at one time or another for a variety of aches and pains.  It's not necessarily a quick fix... Building up correct muscle use takes time, but physical therapy has been amazingly helpful.  They're generally able to pinpoint exactly what is going on and where and what muscles you need to work on strengthening or using, suggest shoes, or recommend a specialist if something else altogether is going on.


Just a thought!


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The whole store's floor is concrete so can't get away from that. I do a variety of things but mostly have been repricing items from the floor that haven't sold. I take a wheeled cart out, load it up with stuff, then wheel it in back again. I stand at a high table that has another wheeled cart next to it and work on the items. Last week I was working on the remnants bins which meant I was either kneeling or sitting on the concrete floor. This week I wanted to start on the pet section but that will mean kneeling and bending over again I'm sure.


I'm only at the store for 2 hours. I am always so tired when I leave. Anyway, I wish I know what happened to my hip. I can't see how it's connected to my working at the thrift store. It just happened in one second. I was barely bending over to put some tshirts into a bag that was sitting on top of a box and got this excruciating pain in my left hip. It hurt so bad at first that I didn't think I would be able to stand up and move. I finally got to the couch and stayed there until it calmed down. It still hurt but the sharp pain was gone. So anyway, that's what happened.


I am not going to see my doctor about my hip yet so no physical therapy. I'm starting with my chiropractor. He gives exercises too but he didn't yesterday because he wanted to see if the one adjustment would work. Unfortunately it didn't. I woke up this morning and hurt as much as I have done in the past two days. I'm going to go back tomorrow. 

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