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This is a bit ridiculous right?

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Ya know...I never got my third exam back...didn't get most of the graded homeworks back...and of course not the final either.  I'm not worried about it in terms of my grade or anything, but that just seems rather nuts to me.  People who ARE worried about their grade are possibly quite stressed about it. 


Luckily grades are due by Jan. 3rd otherwise I wonder how long it would take to find out my grade!


I liked the prof, but she is the slowest grader I ever encountered.



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I just finished an 8-week course in which the teacher posted grades for the first 4 weeks during week 5 and then posted all the rest of the grades the day before grades were due. She gave no feedback beyond "good job" on anything I did. She also messed up the final grades. There was a participation grade and mine was less than 100%, although I had met all the participation requirements. I messaged her and she told me that she knew my participation was perfect, but somehow she came up with less points (total) for everyone than she had marked as possible, but I hadn't missed anything. She blamed herself saying she wasn't good at math, but never changed the grade in blackboard. I had an A, so it didn't matter, but it made a 3% difference in my final grade, and I'm sure for some people that did matter!


So far, she is the only worthless teacher I've had lol. 



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I just finished an 8-week course in which the teacher posted grades for the first 4 weeks during week 5 and then posted all the rest of the grades the day before grades were due. She gave no feedback beyond "good job" on anything I did. She also messed up the final grades. There was a participation grade and mine was less than 100%, although I had met all the participation requirements. I messaged her and she told me that she knew my participation was perfect, but somehow she came up with less points (total) for everyone than she had marked as possible, but I hadn't missed anything. She blamed herself saying she wasn't good at math, but never changed the grade in blackboard. I had an A, so it didn't matter, but it made a 3% difference in my final grade, and I'm sure for some people that did matter!


So far, she is the only worthless teacher I've had lol. 


Ugh, that sounds annoying.

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Ditto here  :mad:   . Very frustrated with turnaround - over a month and a half for one paper yet very small class. Without extenuating circumstances, I really feel anything over two weeks is too long especially if there are other papers due in the interim.

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In my years of taking classes, I don't think anybody ever took more than 2.5 weeks to return work. As a teacher (TA, college instructor, co-op teacher, etc) I don't think I've ever taken longer than a week or so to return work. There are 2 exceptions. If an assignment is turned in early, I might wait to grade it when everybody else turns it in (not always - if a student wants feedback for studying, I try to get it done sooner). If an assignment is late, especially if it is significantly late, I save it until after all of the on-time work is graded.

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Yikes - do they not give grades at the semester break? Even if an instructor wanted to procrastinate, usually faculty need to submit grades (if its a college) or umbrella schools need the semester averages...although I did once have a high school teacher decide not to count an essay test because she got so far behind on grading - she just dropped the whole thing. So I guess I amend my statement above - it did happen once, that after asking about a grade for a few months, the teacher just told us that she wasn't counting the assignment.


The essay was turned in in the first half of November. Still not graded.

Edited by ClemsonDana
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The essay was turned in in the first half of November. Still not graded.

Yikes. Is your kid in the same class as 3andme? Or are there multiple horrible English classes this semester? I thought the 3-4 week delay per paper was bad for the Comp and Research class, but 5-6 weeks is completely crazy!
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Yikes. Is your kid in the same class as 3andme? Or are there multiple horrible English classes this semester? I thought the 3-4 week delay per paper was bad for the Comp and Research class, but 5-6 weeks is completely crazy!

Not, not the same class but the same provider. I hate to say anything bad about the provider because we have loved other courses there. And their lit program is generally fantastic. It’s just this particular prof who is new to them this year.

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Yikes - do they not give grades at the semester break? Even if an instructor wanted to procrastinate, usually faculty need to submit grades (if its a college) or umbrella schools need the semester averages...although I did once have a high school teacher decide not to count an essay test because she got so far behind on grading - she just dropped the whole thing. So I guess I amend my statement above - it did happen once, that after asking about a grade for a few months, the teacher just told us that she wasn't counting the assignment.



Only that was the only substantial written work they did as opposed to last year when they were writing every week and feedback was excellent and on time. Edited by Roadrunner
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Yikes. Is your kid in the same class as 3andme? Or are there multiple horrible English classes this semester? I thought the 3-4 week delay per paper was bad for the Comp and Research class, but 5-6 weeks is completely crazy!


I thought the same thing - this must be the same class - but actually our dc are in diff. classes at CLRC. Ds has 3 papers ungraded (6, 3, and 2 wks respectively since submitted). Only 5 students in the class. 

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Ya know...I never got my third exam back...didn't get most of the graded homeworks back...and of course not the final either. I'm not worried about it in terms of my grade or anything, but that just seems rather nuts to me. People who ARE worried about their grade are possibly quite stressed about it.


Luckily grades are due by Jan. 3rd otherwise I wonder how long it would take to find out my grade!


I liked the prof, but she is the slowest grader I ever encountered.

Aren't there any college regulations on this? We have two weeks for undergraduate and three week for postgraduate. Edited by Laura Corin
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Aren't there any college regulations on this? We have two weeks for undergraduate and three week for postgraduate.



This. Go to the prof's office hours and ask to see your work, find out if there are regulations, and whether or not there are regulations, complain to the dean (and if there aren't regulations, make part of the complaint that there should be). IIRC, 2 weeks was the usual time limit profs had, which can definitely be annoyingly long, but sometimes stuff happens, so I don't think it necessarily should be shorter.


Oh, and leave a bad review on Rate My Prof or w/e that site is called, making sure to mention the lack of returning work. (bad meaning not 5 stars... if they were an awesome teacher other than the not returning work, I might still give them 3 out of 5 stars)

Edited by luuknam
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Yes. And in the evaluations too. At many places these go to the professor AND the department chair. 


If they were a great professor other than having no clue how on earth you were doing in the class, mention that too -- it's even more likely to be noticed if it's "Professor Slowass was an engaging lecturer and I enjoyed the class, but not having homework returned was not helpful with my learning and I would not register for a class with this instructor again."

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Yikes - do they not give grades at the semester break? Even if an instructor wanted to procrastinate, usually faculty need to submit grades (if its a college) or umbrella schools need the semester averages...although I did once have a high school teacher decide not to count an essay test because she got so far behind on grading - she just dropped the whole thing. So I guess I amend my statement above - it did happen once, that after asking about a grade for a few months, the teacher just told us that she wasn't counting the assignment.



There is no semester break in the fall semester here.


I really don't know that the instructor has that much of an excuse.  She has five classes.  The cap on size I believe is 32.  I know that our class had 14 and Calc 3 had 6 (because she told us it did).  So let's say she had the max in the other three classes.  So 116 students tops.  I'm sure it's a lot of work with exams, but really it shouldn't take 2 months to get something back. 


Eh well. 

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Well, what if I have to have this instructor again?  



I thought you were taking these classes for fun, mostly? Either way, if the prof takes revenge in a future class, then you make an even bigger stink. 


To be clear, I'm not suggesting that you go be mean and petty over the slow return of tests. Just factual etc. Like I said, if she was good in other ways, mention that. I mean, you can complain anonymously if you want... it's just that if nobody ever says anything "just in case they might get this prof again" or w/e, nothing is ever going to change. 

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Ya know...I never got my third exam back...didn't get most of the graded homeworks back...and of course not the final either.  I'm not worried about it in terms of my grade or anything, but that just seems rather nuts to me.  People who ARE worried about their grade are possibly quite stressed about it. 


Luckily grades are due by Jan. 3rd otherwise I wonder how long it would take to find out my grade!


I liked the prof, but she is the slowest grader I ever encountered.

Did you not know even know the grade on the third exam?  Was it simply that the exam was not returned or that you were even in the dark regarding the grade?

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Did you not know even know the grade on the third exam?  Was it simply that the exam was not returned or that you were even in the dark regarding the grade?


No I have no idea what I got.


So two exams and 2 graded homework assignments I have no clue about.


I think I did ok, but would be nice to know.  Final grades are due Jan 3rd so I don't have too much longer to wait. 

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