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Weird Hair Situation


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We are visiting dh's family, and dd took a shower and washed her hair. She had a terrible time with it being sticky feeling and difficult to comb through. She did use conditioner, too. 


We have come here year and after year, usually 3-4 times a year, and this has never happened before. None of the rest of us are experiencing it. She hasn't been here with us since last Christmas, and this is the longest she has ever gone between visits. 


Is it just a reaction to the water, or does it mean something else is going on with her hair? It has never happened anywhere else. 


She is almost 21, and I've heard your hair changes every 7 years. I don't even know if that is true, though. Could that be it, if so? 


I'm considering getting some gallons of water from the store for her to wash her hair with just to see if it would help. 





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We've noticed that different brands of shampoo act differently in different water.  The shampoo we used and loved in north east Ohio was awful when we moved to St Louis.  


So, some people might find soft water works better with their shampoo, some might find hard water works better.  Maybe specific mineral content and pH vary -- if dh were awake, I'd ask him (he loves talking about water quality control).


If dd uses a different shampoo than the rest of you, I'd suspect that.  For that matter, if she uses the same shampoo but in a different water system than you guys usually do (eg, off at college) it could react differently since she would have a residue from previous washings on her hair.

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When we had a water softener if it was set to be too soft our water was slippery and it made our hair feel awful.   

When I visit family with soft water I have to rinse longer, especially conditioner. 

When my family visits us, they have a tough time with our hard water. They feel like their hair is not smooth, like it tangles and isn't silky. 


Sounds like it could be any of these things!

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MIL says it is very hard water here, and that might be it. I'm thinking the idea of residue built up on her hair that isn't on ours might be an issue, too. We are all using my shampoo/conditioner here, but she and I just bought the same kind and she used it once at home. She was using a different kind at college in another state. 


We bought distilled water and a clarifying shampoo that we are going to try tonight. Hopefully it will fix the problem. We leave for home Tuesday morning, so she could just not wash it again until we're home. 


Thanks for all the thoughts because it definitely helped me think through some of it. We'll see if it works!





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We are visiting dh's family, and dd took a shower and washed her hair. She had a terrible time with it being sticky feeling and difficult to comb through. She did use conditioner, too.


We have come here year and after year, usually 3-4 times a year, and this has never happened before. None of the rest of us are experiencing it. She hasn't been here with us since last Christmas, and this is the longest she has ever gone between visits.


Is it just a reaction to the water, or does it mean something else is going on with her hair? It has never happened anywhere else.


She is almost 21, and I've heard your hair changes every 7 years. I don't even know if that is true, though. Could that be it, if so?


I'm considering getting some gallons of water from the store for her to wash her hair with just to see if it would help.

I've had this before when we've been away from home and the water worked with whatever product I was using at the time to make a mess. I don't have any tips except try a different shampoo. If she can handle a vinegar rinse that might help?

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