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A stupid reminder to myself

Night Elf

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That sounds like something one of my older boys might set up to mess with my brain. :)

I came back to say, maybe even if her kids are old. I'm 31 and when I see a shopping list at my mom's house I out odd random funny things on it. :lol: I can't wait to hear what it meant.

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I've been thinking hard and the only thing I can come up with is that I've been meaning to clean behind the nightstands in my bedroom. There are fluff bunnies back there. But if I do that, I'd clean the whole bedroom and would have made a 'bedroom' note instead of a 'furniture' note.


DH says he hopes I didn't order something and it's being delivered today. I told him I might have done that when I was on Ambien. :)

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Night Elf, how are the cat and dog getting along?


They're separated at all times. It's been almost 2 weeks and we've had 2 episodes of a major chase that left both animals agitated for a while. We're not wanting to repeat that. I talked to my vet today who gave me a more gentle means of getting them in the same room to see each other without the threat of the dog freaking out. We'll see what happens. Thanks for asking though. I figure if they aren't on even civil terms in a couple of months, I'm going to give the cat back to his former owner per her request. She said keep him as long as we feel it's working and return him anytime it's not. She's got a much bigger house than we do so he's got room to spread out and stay away from one of her two dogs that likes to chase him.

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Maybe it was a reminder meant for a different day? Sometimes I end up putting reminders on the wrong week or month.


It was an alarm, not a calendar reminder. I put in alarms at most a week in advance. I can set a reminder for Thursday 10:00am and it will ring every Thursday unless I delete it so I'm careful to put in an alarm where it will only ring once and then I delete it if it's not regular occurrence. So sometime between last Wednesday and today, I put that reminder in. And no, I still haven't figured out what it's for! I can't wait to tell dd19. She's going to laugh and laugh at me. :)

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What can you do with furniture?

Buy it
Move it
Clean it
Donate it
Vacuum it
Shop for it
Polish it
Check for change
Check for new cat damage?
Spray it with repellant?
Spray waterproofer on it
Dust it
Change bedding
Flip mattress
Clean drawers
Move and vacuum under it
Take out of storage
Move to make room for Christmas
Change rooms around
Fix a broken pull, drawer or door
Get something out from under it
Clear something off of it
Declutter it
Fluff cushions
Fluff feather beds
Vacuum for dust mites

Any of that help lol



ETA corrected spelling 

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What can you do with furniture?


Buy it

Move it

Clean it

Donate it

Vacumme it

Shop for it

Polish it

Check for change

Check for new cat damage?

Spray it wirh repellant?

Spray waterproofer on it

Dust it

Change bedding

Flip mattress

Clean drawers

Move and vacumme under it

Take out of storage

Move to make room for Christmas

Change rooms around

Fix a broken pull, drawer or door

Get something out from under it

Clear something off of it

Declutter it

Fluff cushions

Fluff feather beds

Vacumme for dust mites



Any of that help lol


Wow, you gave that a lot of thought! Seriously, I must have meant the furniture I need to vacuum under and behind. I've been thinking about it for a couple of weeks now. I bet I made that reminder at night when I was super sleepy so have no recollection of doing it. But I think I will actually clean some of it tomorrow. I have no plans for the morning so why not? :)

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Wow, you gave that a lot of thought! Seriously, I must have meant the furniture I need to vacuum under and behind. I've been thinking about it for a couple of weeks now. I bet I made that reminder at night when I was super sleepy so have no recollection of doing it. But I think I will actually clean some of it tomorrow. I have no plans for the morning so why not? :)

LOL that list only took as long to come up with, as it took to me to physically type it on my cell phone.  Maybe 3 minutes. I was on break from work and my brain runs about as fast as a rabbits heartbeat when I am working so I just thought about walking around my house and the things I need to to, or have done to furniture in each room. LOL I was interrupted and had to hit send or the list would have kept going. LOL  (also explains my spelling)

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