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The Oh, Why Did I Do That? Teachers Lounge 11-20-2017


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Good morning, all!


Today's theme stems from the fact that I had a hankering for nachos last night and hubby indulged me by getting tortilla chips and 

cheese from the store. Well, I should know better because for abotu 3 years now my body has told me it doesn't get along with corn anymore.

Usually I remember that. But last night I gave into that craving. And the stiffness this morning is making me think, "Why did I do that?"


Any of you have a "Why did I do that?" moment this weekend?  Here: see above. Not the first, nor the last, time either!


If you are going elsewhere for Thanksgiving, are you taking anything? Here: going to my sisters and we're taking the ham. And probably a pumpkin pie from Costco.


If you are hosting, what all are you cooking? What are you asking others to bring? Here: I have yet to host Thanksgiving. Could probably do it if our dining room wasn't all of 150 sq ft. One of these days I'll live somewhere I can host. And I'll ask someone else to cook the turkey, if they want turkey. I'd prefer ham or even a pizza over turkey!  :p


Talk to me! :bigear:

Edited by scrapbookbuzz
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Why did I do that: Saturday morning I took kickboxing from my son and he's way higher energy in morning classes than evening.  And then I cleaned the garage Saturday afternoon.  Not the smartest combination, let me tell you.


Thanksgiving: We still haven't decided what we're doing for Thanksgiving...

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Our extended family dinner will be on Saturday. I’m not sure what I am taking. This is the first holiday since DD’s celiac diagnosis. I’m toying with making a small dinner for the four of us on Thursday and taking leftovers on a plate for Dd and I on Saturday. But Dd wants to take gf potstickers (it’s an intercultural family celebration ) so I will probably do that as well or maybe instead.



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I'm still sick so I haven't been doing much of anything to regret.   I did spill water on my computer.  It's now open and sitting in rice and I'm really really hoping it works when I put it back together.  That computer has all my files for my science classes and my 4-H club.  No science this week because of the holiday but I have a 4-H meeting tomorrow night and need to plan some activity.


Thanksgiving is at my moms house.  Dh is cooking the veggies, potatoes and something I can't remember.  Mom is making the turkey, salad, biscuits.  I'll whip up the boxed mac & cheese for the kids.

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Good morning, all!


Today's theme stems from the fact that I had a hankering for nachos last night and hubby indulged me by getting tortilla chips and 

cheese from the store. Well, I should know better because for abotu 3 years now my body has told me it doesn't get along with corn anymore.

Usually I remember that. But last night I gave into that craving. And the stiffness this morning is making me think, "Why did I do that?"


Any of you have a "Why did I do that?" moment this weekend?  Here: see above. Not the first, nor the last, time either!


If you are going elsewhere for Thanksgiving, are you taking anything? Here: going to my sisters and we're taking the ham. And probably a pumpkin pie from Costco.


If you are hosting, what all are you cooking? What are you asking others to bring? Here: I have yet to host Thanksgiving. Could probably do it if our dining room wasn't all of 150 sq ft. One of these days I'll live somewhere I can host. And I'll ask someone else to cook the turkey, if they want turkey. I'd prefer ham or even a pizza over turkey!  :p


Talk to me! :bigear:

Why did I put the fresh pecans in a bag in the front of the freezer? That equals snack. I had a few. The teenage caterpillar at the rest of them! He's on the hook to shell more for me.


I am taking a GF pecan pie, GF stuffed mushrooms and possibly a GF cheese roll. I was going to bring a GF cherry pie, but that's looking more like blackberry cobbler at this point. Still good, but I'll put cherry pie on my list for Christmas.


I have never hosted Thanksgiving. With both sets of grandparents in town, I don't get to do that. Just bring things. Fine by me! I like turkey and ham, but one year I had prime rib for Thanksgiving. Delicious!

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Well my family had their Thanksgiving celebration on Saturday at my parents' house. My why did I do that moment happened when it was time to get everything served. Earlier this month my dad expressed a desire to just do burgers and dogs because he was exhausted from watching grandkids while other grandkids were being born. The idea of not having a proper Thanksgiving was unacceptable to me that I volunteered to do the majority of the cooking, which would have been fine. But then dad said he'd do turkey if I did everything else. Great! Well come time to serve it was near impossible to get Dad to commit to heating the turkey up, which he wouldn't let me do. So I'm in the kitchen trying to get everything out still wondering if the turkey would be ready when everything else was done. I also wondered why I agreed to this, knowing my dad can't ever just sit back and let us be in the kitchen. In the end, food was delicious and everyone was fine so I am ultimately happy I did it.


On Thanksgiving we're going to dh's aunt's and don't have to bring anything!

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Why did I do that?


Went to bed at midnight. We've had so many late nights and I'm just exhausted. I really need to be moving but I just want to sleep this morning. I'm at the point now where I need an afternoon nap or very early night to reset energy levels.


No thanksgiving here for which I'm thankful 😂 I don't think I could handle trying it organise a celebration right now.


I also wake up really stiff/sore in the morning sometimes although I don't know why really. Maybe some food intolerance.

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Why did I do that?


Went to bed at midnight. We've had so many late nights and I'm just exhausted. I really need to be moving but I just want to sleep this morning. I'm at the point now where I need an afternoon nap or very early night to reset energy levels.


No thanksgiving here for which I'm thankful 😂 I don't think I could handle trying it organise a celebration right now.


I also wake up really stiff/sore in the morning sometimes although I don't know why really. Maybe some food intolerance.


I used to, as well, until I cut out corn from my diet. As long as I don't eat corn or corn derivatives (dextrose, maltodextrin, modified food starch, added ascorbic acid, etc) then I don't wake up stiff and sore in the morning. You may want to eliminate it for a couple of weeks, then re-introduce it to see how it affects you.

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I have snacks all day and now I feel yucky. I regret that.


We are going to my parent's and I am taking

Mashed Potatoes

Sweet Potato Casserole

Pumpkin Pie with Gingersnap Cookie Crust

Oatmeal Cookie with dried cranberries and white chocolate chips

Homemade Bread


My mom is making the rest. We all hate turkey, so she is making ham and my sister is buying a rotisserie chicken.

Edited by Elizabeth86
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I used to, as well, until I cut out corn from my diet. As long as I don't eat corn or corn derivatives (dextrose, maltodextrin, modified food starch, added ascorbic acid, etc) then I don't wake up stiff and sore in the morning. You may want to eliminate it for a couple of weeks, then re-introduce it to see how it affects you.

Hmm interesting. I feel like I don't eat that much corn but I didn't realise it was in so many additives so might have to look into that.

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This past weekend I had something go wrong with my health, so I Googled what it might be. And then I read horror stories of what it could be.... So I went to the doctor in an emotional mess and demanded that they run blood work on me. Nobody took me seriously. Everyone said it was nothing. And... it was nothing. So yep, Why did I do that????


Anyway, I'm going to a friend's house for Thanksgiving and I'm bringing two apple pies, stuffing, and a green side dish I haven't decided on yet. I don't really want to go, but we're going anyway.

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