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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

Recommended Posts

  • 2 work appointments - long drive
  • Prep dinner somehow
  • Back exercises & walk dog
  • Reports
  • Work reading
  • Outline for work project
  • Sort out clothes to lighten the load on the closet rod whose bracket broke off...:(
  • Launder linen - if not today, some time this weekend


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Good morning!


It's a co-op day. One more to go this semester before our holiday break. 



fed cats


Dh had breakfast supplied at school, so I got to sleep in longer the whole week!


To Do:


get ready to go

pack car


grocery store (to get food for an event tonight)

make food

game and chili night for our homeschool group

watch the rest of ST2


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Good morning!  I slept until 8 am today - not sure the last time I slept that late.  DH is taking DS13 to Busch Gardens today so I get to be all by myself for a few hours.  I LOVE that!!



-DS16 off to school (slept through it again - seems to be the best idea since we can't argue if I'm not awake)

-workout #1 (upper body weights)

-call eye doctor for DS16 to see when he is due for an appointment



-eyelash and eyebrow appointment at 12

-take car to get washed


-workout #2 (lower body weights) - I skipped this the other day and my hips and thighs are my trouble spots


-dinner (tacos)

-wash DS16's baseball uniforms for weekend tournament (grrrrr)

-guilty pleasure:  watch LivePD

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Good morning!



•tidy up house

•2 loads laundry

•order Kind bars

•place Chewy order

•when ds19 gets off work, go get flu shots (I have been trying to make this happen for a week and it is getting done today, no matter how busy everyone is.)

•stop at vet's and pick up medicine

•go to bank and post office

•get a few groceries to tide us over through the weekend

•dinner: Japanese takeout

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Good morning. Unseasonably warm with thunderstorms here today. Knocking down all the beautiful leaves


Regular Friday here.

School for dd.

Tutorial for ds. Then to my mom's overnight.

Deskwork for me. Budget/bills


dinner - ham, green beans, roasted root veggies, salad, and pumpkin pie! 

I had tons of butternut squash from our CSA box, so I made pie.


Watching Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix with dd tonight.

Edited by ScoutTN
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Good morning! Last morning of early practice for the week. Dd2 has a field trip today and so is home for most of first block. ds3 and dd2 are currently making French Toast and bickering nicely. Dh will be home this afternoon, yay!


To do:

take dd2 to school

school with boys



jen things

ds3 to tennis

pick up dd2/swim/aikido

dh picks up ds3

ds2 bus home


Have a great day!




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Rounding out a pretty unproductive week. 


I was up most of the night watching old shows on youtube.  If this is what the vitamins are doing for me, I might need to re-think them.  :P


Got the kids off to the school bus on time, with their gym bags and pile of homework.  Glad for a few days before we have to do that again.


Cleaned the kitchen, bathrooms, and some clutter - but not as much as I should have.


Took a nap.


Ate some of my kids' Halloween candy for breakfast and lunch.


Got caught up on social media.


Started work.  Hoping to send lots out if I ever get into gear.


No homework allowed this evening.  One kid has horse riding.  We'll go out to dinner and maybe watch some shows before bed.

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Well, today has not gone according to plan. 


At work this morning, ds19 was climbing into a skid loader when something, a bird or a bat, flew out of the cab and hit him in the neck. It was still dark out so he wasn't able to see what it was. He called me and was worried that it might have been a bat that has rabies. I kind of pooh-poohed that idea until I did some googling and read about people in similar situations who got bitten without even knowing it. The recommendation is that if you are even touched by a bat, you should go to the doctor. So dh has him at the doctor's office right now to see if he needs shots.  :001_huh:    

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Dh just called. Our family doctor was not there today. The doctor that saw ds said no shots are necessary. He called down to the ER and the doctor there agreed with him. Dh asked the doctor to consult with an infectious disease specialist. Lo and behold, the specialist said shots are absolutely needed in this situation - so dh and ds are at the ER waiting for the first shot.

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Most of my list did not get done. I got my daily routine done and some cleaning, but that's it.


Ds19 got 5 shots today and has to go back for round 2 on Monday. Dh was irked at the attitude of the doctor, who was arrogant and didn't seem to even know much about rabies. Thank goodness dh insisted on getting the opinion of an infectious disease specialist, who told the first doctor that he was flat-out wrong.  :glare:


We're watching a Hallmark Christmas movie tonight. I need something mindless and fun after this stressful day! 





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