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My Niece is on Speechless Tonight 8:30pm


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I am so excited.  My niece is going to be on Speechless tonight as a main character.  She is playing Norah JJ's "love" interest on the show.  She graduated with an arts degree from Tisch College at NYU a year ago.  This summer she won a scholarship to the Williamstown Theater Festival non equity program and from that she got an agent with some great connections.  She also has a bit roll coming up on Orange is the New Black.  I sure hope this is going to be a good break for her.

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LOL, about 15 minutes ago dd was commenting that graduating from Tisch means you're going to be cast in a lot of stuff (I just saw Kim Wong as Ophelia in Hamlet -- also a NYU grad).


How exciting!  Sounds like she's got some neat things coming up!  


Thanks for sharing!

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I thought it was just a goofy show but we were really struck by the Las Vegas story. We had a son who died of cancer a long time ago (2000 - he was 5) and it all started when I noticed something was not right with the baby and brought him in to the dr. I can't even imagine what it would have been like if my husband had not been there that day. And my husband thinks he would have felt just like that Dad and handled it in the same way...Sorry to be a downer.


Back on topic - The show was better than I expected and we'll probably start watching it now!

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