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It's a Coffee Kind of Day Teacher's Lounge 11-1-2017


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H A P P Y  N O V E M B E R!!!


November already? Seriously, where does the time GO??


Today's theme stems from the fact that I was up way late and woke up too early.

Definitely a coffee kind of day! A facebook post reminded me about the Dutch Bros (coffee place)

sticker (a monthly fun item that goes FAST) so I made sure to get out there this morning.

AND...I'll be meeting a friend for coffee early this afternoon...by which time I'll probably need it again!



What are you all up to today? Here: see above. Plus, going to the grocery story with my daughter in a bit

to train her in being comfortable talking to people she doesn't know. She's going to have to do this in the real world, 

and she's very introverted. So this most definitely counts as school under the category of "life skills."  :D   People tell me

I'm very good at approaching and talking to people I don't know. I tell them I blame my parents.  ;) My dad was a retired military officer, my mom was a social worker, and both were involved in several volunteer organizations. I was around them a lot when they interacted with people so I learned from that. Nothing wrong with that legacy!


What did you do last night? Here: pizza and movie night with the kids. I bought the pizza from Pizza Hut (even had a coupon for gluten-free pizza!  :hurray: ) and the kids picked out the "movie." Turned out they agreed on watching an episode or two from the first season of Supergirl on Netflix. After that, I did a little straightening of the house. Then I went and met some of my crazy writing peeps for a NaNoWriMo headstart. We met early at Denny's to chat, order food, talk about some craft technique. Then at Midnight, we all started writing. SO much fun! But so LATE. Definitely a coffee day today!


Can you tell I'm feeling better this week? I'm a lot chattier!  :laugh: 


Talk to me! :bigear: 

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Today we did the dentist for all 5 kids.  I am so surprised the youngest did it.  


No cavities so that is awesome.  No kid has one one yet. 


Came home to have the baby throw a fit for 2 hours.  fun. 



Some more school


Dance tonight.   Maybe swim team? 





We skipped dance class last night and went TOT.  We could have done both but by the time we got back from dance it would have been dark and freezing cold.   This way it was just really cold.  




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Today my 2 year old has a fever and is very congested so it is a snuggle in bed kind of day. The other kids are trading candy and eating candy.


Last night we went trick-or-treating at my sil's house. Once the kids were in bed dh and I finished season 2 of stranger things and then watch Halloween.i didn't sleep well because my 2 year old and 10 month old both started getting sick in the middle of the night.

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Ugh I need to make dentist appointments for the kids.  We need to find a new dentist because of an insurance change and it's so hard to find one that will work for ds.  Insurance doesn't think he needs a special-needs dentist or pediatric dentist now that he's 12.   :glare:   We'll probably try the guy dh went to since he had lots of technology and distractions.


Yes, to needing caffeine but tea is my drink not coffee.  Didn't sleep well at all last night and had to get up early to drive dh to work so I would have the car (which it turns out I don't need).  One car is in the shop AGAIN (looks like the guy did something to the AC when he was fixing the steering).  Kids did school with the usual 15 minutes of complaining from ds about how long Algebra is taking.  He doesn't think it's hard, just tedious.  He's too used to things coming super-easy to him and not taking long.


Now they are playing Wii Fit.  We just dragged it into the living room to use as exercise since we've had to give up a few of our outside things (that weren't really working for exercise anyway).


I'm being lazy, sitting with my feet up.  I just finished my monthly wrap-up blogpost (I'm being sooo bad at keeping up with it these days) and I"m about to start reading the newest JD Robb book that I borrowed from our online library and have been waiting weeks for it to be available.


Last night we went Trick or Treating from my mother's house.  We were supposed to bring leftover pizza for the kids while my mother and I had chinese food from a place called Veggie Heaven that doesn't use anything that gives me a headache and is super yummy.   :hurray:  Dh wasn't hungry.  We ended up forgetting the pizza at home so swung through McD's for the kids.   

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Today: School, instructor training for Cameron, working this afternoon for both big kids, church activities for the older two boys tonight.


Last night: I read while waiting for the kids next door to come get candy.  They are the only trick-or-treaters we ever get because we live in a tiny gated community and there aren't very many kids in our neighborhood.  Jamie took Fritz to go trick-or-treating with friends.


Tell you're feeling better: Ah, yup! lol

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Good afternoon, Scrap! I'm glad you are feeling better!


I tutored my youngest student today. Ds has been doing school and has been working on the dreaded essay assignment due at co-op Friday. It's a rather easy assignment, so I'm over the drama about it. He has begun to absolutely hate writing. I'm hoping it is a puberty thing and will improve with maturity. I'm doing laundry and have been paying bills. Church is tonight, and we'll watch more Stranger Things 2 afterwards.


Dh took ds to swim practice last night, and I went to bible study. After I got home we watched 2 episodes of ST2. 



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Today's abnormal tasks include college application stuff for ds18, football practice for ds17 (they made playoffs, so we've got another week), and getting two teeth pulled for ds15.  I also need to figure out who to vote for for school board, make breakfast sandwiches for the older two boys to grab on CC days, and instant pot some boiled eggs.

Last night the boys all went to a friend's house and ate pizza and went TOTing, and dh and I stayed home with the porch light off and did our November budget.  We know how to party.

Glad you're feeling better!

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Glad to hear you're doing better, Scrap!


Fall blew in with a vengeance this morning.  Our highs for this week dropped 10 degrees and it feels it!  I'm glad Halloween was last night and not tonight, I can tell you that much.  Even so, we did our traditional T-o-Ting, pie, and watching the Great Pumpkin in a shorter time than usual.  Dh was working so I sent pictures of each part of the evening to him as we went along: decorating, pumpkin carving, dinner....he has always humored me when it came to certain traditions but some of it clicked this year that they're not so crazy after all. :lol:   Like, our kids ToT here last, and instead of candy I give them a new toothbrush.  (Stockings and Easter baskets get one too, so does the summer vacation suitcase).  It's my way of remembering to change them out, even if I forget every two months.  And we do pie during candy time because I found it cuts down the amount they eat and offers a little protein and fiber to carry them over night.


Today is a non-school day.  I think the youngest has a cold, and he reacts to food dye.  So the box of Nerds and the three Starbursts he ate this morning promptly made themselves an issue.  One of any would have been okay, but the total has caused a mutiny of his intestinal system.  I may get brave and go outside to take care of the decorations but I may not.  Eh, oh well.



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Scrap, my dd is very introverted and shy, too. She really struggles with talking to people she doesn't know. I was the same way as a kid, but not so much now. (Well, I'm still an introvert but not that shy.)


Last night, we ate junk food and watched a cheesy scary movie - Willow Creek. It was almost exactly like The Blair Witch Project but with bigfoots. It was very lame, but we had fun.  :)  

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Hello Scrap and all visiting the Lounge!


Regular day here. At piano with kids. Then Trader Joe's and church. Kids are excited about the book fair tonight at church.


Last night dh and kids went trick or treating, which in our neighborhood includes lots of visiting with friends. Kids answered the door and gave out candy for 45 min or so before they went out, til dh got home from work. I gave out candy and helped kids sort what they brought home.

Edited by ScoutTN
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Scrap, glad you are feeling better!


College acceptance letter to his reach school came today, so there is great happiness here.


Last night we watched movies, had Swedish meatballs with mashed potatoes and green beans, and then the wheat people had donuts, while I ate brie on GF crackers.


They tortured me. 100% put me on the rack! They made me watch Star Trek the Motion Picture!!!! I cannot unsee this. I need brain bleach. I think there was ten minutes of what looked like 1970's cartoon quality filming of the shuttle driving past the Enterprise. There were these "astronaut" dudes that look like mini-gi joe characters floating on screen, there was almost no dialog. I'm pretty certain that at one point they simply had a very cheap looking model stationary from a wire, and then hand rolled a poster of stars underneath it to "fly in space". Spock looked like he'd been smokin' weed on a hippy commune, and Kirk's leadership was merely, arguing against Decker. OH MY WORD! I think I actually heard my brain cells popping.


That's okay. I'll get them back. I think on Valentine's Day, I am going to call "family movie night" and make them all watch "Mona Lisa Smile'. Karma.

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Didn't nap as long as I'd liked, not sure I even really slept. But I rested for about 30 minutes and that's about all my body would agree to, I guess.

Found out my friend woke up with the flu/food poisoning this morning and forgot to message me. I'd probably forget to message me too in that instance!
Ah, well. These things happen. Now time for some online game-playing, accompanied by a snack of chocolate before going to pick up my son from dress rehearsal!

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