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Vegan/Vegetarian recipe sites needed.


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I'm looking for Vegan or even just vegetarian websites-


DD has been vegan for about 2 years.  About 2 months ago DH watched a TedTalk by a Vegan at just the right time (he'd just consumed about 6 huge cookies at work) and decided that he needed to get healthier.  IMO we ate fairly well already, at home, lots of veggies, not a lot of empty carbs, probably to much meat but very little junk.  Anyway he does a 90-95% vegan diet now and has lost 25 or so pounds.  The weight loss is enough to tempt me to switch but I've been dragging my heels, I LOVE meat.  He did mention a particular Documentary that I should avoid if I wanted to keep eating meat..... I watched it tonight, suffice to say I'm done with meat/fish.  I think I can still do eggs and a little milk(if I don't think about it too much).  My problem is while I have been cooking vegan for 2 years for DD I only about a dozen dinner recipes that I rotate for her.  I need a few more options, especially ones that use meat replacement or remake standard recipes into vegan meals.  I'm not a big bread eater so GF is fine (especially since DD is gluten intolerant).  We do like ethnic cuisine, a lot, and the simpler the better.   

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Minimalist Baker (not just baking lol) https://minimalistbaker.com/ 

Forks Over Knives https://www.forksoverknives.com/recipes/#gs.MVXAQ1c

Choose Veg http://www.chooseveg.com/recipes

Happy Herbivore has some free recipes, some are by subscription only https://happyherbivore.com/ 

Happy Healthy Life http://kblog.lunchboxbunch.com/ 

Oh She Glows http://ohsheglows.com/  <-- lots of gf here 

Edited by hornblower
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Was it Earthlings you watched by any chance?  

I'm always curious which doc pushes people over. 


We have some activists here who set up ipads and tv screens and offer people vegan cupcakes to watch 5 minutes... Street level activism - similar to the 10 billion lives tour which pays college students a buck if they watch a short movie about the animal products industry. 

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I watched "What the Health" and it wasn't the viewing of the Doc so much as a few of the facts (what is on the meat you're eating) that in retrospect I should have realized.  I was already headed that way to cutting out meat.  The smell and taste of meat had started to turn my stomach and I've found a few meat alternatives that work pretty well.  Boca Burgers/Crumbles, Gardein pork (the beef tips are gross), morningstar sausage is almost as good as the real thing and for the most part I only use bacon as a garnish so Baco's should do fine.  I've tried Tempeh and didn't like it, seitan was kind of gross, not as bad as the "beef" tips but still yuck.  TVP is of course the same as the boca crumbles but lacks a little something.  We (except DH) do love, love Indian cuisine and I already use a lot of lentils and other meatlike veggies (sweet potatoes, eggplant, mushrooms) in meals, it's just going to be getting used to there being no chicken.  My issue with a lot of recipes is that they are complicated and require a lot of work, I'm over the work part of cooking, I just want to do the eating.


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Not a blog, but my favorite vegan cookbook is Peaceful Palate by Jennifer Raymond.


Imo, the ingredients are easy to find and the recipes are delicious and doable.


Your library might have it.


When I cook, I cook mostly vegan meals and really feel much better when I cut out all animal products. I am currently overwhelmed and getting too much takeout which ends up meaning meat or dairy. It's a vicious cycle because it makes me feel worse and more overwhelmed.


Best wishes on your recipe search!

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Congratulations on going plant-based! There are so many recipes out there now, so many ideas! Sometimes if I can't think of what to make for dinner, I'll just type a few ingredients and "vegan recipes" into google and voila! Like "sweet potatoes black beans vegan recipes" for example.


For dinners, we usually have a kind of "base" of brown rice, white and/or sweet potatoes, whole grain bread or pizza crust, whole grain pasta, quinoa or other fancy grain. Then we have something filling in there like beans, tofu, or (rarely) fake meat like Gardein, often add mushrooms for mouth feel. Tons of veggies, fresh and frozen. Lots of fresh fruit.


The gardein beef tips are gross if you cook them for more than a few minutes. I've made stews and then microwaved and added the tips at the end like a garnish lol.


Imo, Best eggless mayo is Just Mayo, best sliced fake cheese: CHAO, best fake sausage and hot dogs: Field Roast brand. Beyond Meat burgers are very real tasting, but $$$ and also about as fatty as cow burgers. Best fake milks are sweetened vanilla or chocolate for drinking, soy has most protein, cashew is thickest, good over cereal, unsweetened cashew good in cooking.


Don't be afraid of soy for boys, the whole soy-estrogen-boys-growing-breasts is a lie spread by meat and dairy industry shills like Weston Price.

Edited by Sandwalker
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If you want simple, try:











I sometimes hesitate to suggest these websites/channels because people may find the food too basic. They all follow Dr. John McDougall, who is HCLF vegan but even more importantly, NO added oils.  And low on natural fats like nuts, seeds, avocados, if you are trying to lose weight. If weight isn't an issue, then no reason to limit healthy fats.This is not gourmet vegan. It is basic, healthy animal product-free cooking that has helped people regain health and lose weight.


Brand New Vegan and Jill McKeever (Simple Daily Recipes) use soy curls a lot as a meat substitute so that may be a good place to start if you want meat replacements. I haven't tried soy curls yet because I don't have any desire for meat-like substitutes but Dh probably would like them so I am thinking of ordering some.


Vegan Richa is great for indian cuisine but I'm not sure if the recipes are simple or not. 


I went vegan (specifically HCLF, no added oil) for health reasons but soon found myself an ethical vegan as well. It's hard not to be once you've seen the reality of the animal food industry. I don't know how anyone (not you) can say eating meat/dairy is no big deal. No guilt trip intended. I have not been perfect but where I am now is better than where I was a few years ago. 


Best wishes!



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Was it Earthlings you watched by any chance?  


I'm always curious which doc pushes people over. 


We have some activists here who set up ipads and tv screens and offer people vegan cupcakes to watch 5 minutes... Street level activism - similar to the 10 billion lives tour which pays college students a buck if they watch a short movie about the animal products industry. 


For my dh it was "What the Health?". I supported him right from the start because he really needed to change the way he was eating but, to be honest, I was hoping it would pass quickly. Now however, I'm really enjoying being a vegan and the thought of eating dairy or meat turns my stomach.

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I watched "What the Health" and it wasn't the viewing of the Doc so much as a few of the facts (what is on the meat you're eating) that in retrospect I should have realized.  I was already headed that way to cutting out meat.  The smell and taste of meat had started to turn my stomach and I've found a few meat alternatives that work pretty well.  Boca Burgers/Crumbles, Gardein pork (the beef tips are gross), morningstar sausage is almost as good as the real thing and for the most part I only use bacon as a garnish so Baco's should do fine.  I've tried Tempeh and didn't like it, seitan was kind of gross, not as bad as the "beef" tips but still yuck.  TVP is of course the same as the boca crumbles but lacks a little something.  We (except DH) do love, love Indian cuisine and I already use a lot of lentils and other meatlike veggies (sweet potatoes, eggplant, mushrooms) in meals, it's just going to be getting used to there being no chicken.  My issue with a lot of recipes is that they are complicated and require a lot of work, I'm over the work part of cooking, I just want to do the eating.


I'm with you 100% about the complicated recipes. There was one in particular that as soon as I was done cooking the meal I threw the recipe straight into the trash. I didn't even care if it was going to be the best meal on the planet because I was never, ever going to make it again.


Here are a few I don't mind making and taste good as well.








My non-vegan son's favorite: https://amyinthekitchen.com/creamy-sun-dried-tomato-basil-pasta-dairy-free/



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Same people who made What the Health, released Cowspiracy a few years ago.  Def recommended for an ecological perspective. 

I think Forks Over Knives is still a better film for the health aspects. 

In fact WTH is quite soundly panned by several vegan nutrition & animal rights peeps. LIke this review here  https://www.vegan.com/posts/vegan-dietitian-review-what-the-health/

That said, the trifecta of health, environment, animal suffering are really compelling. It's three good reasons to reduce or eliminate animal products. 

Btw, earthlings, or the clip of the 10 billion lives tour, or the MFA undercover investigation videos are the ones to watch for eliminating cruelty issues. Ten billion lives once ran a social media campaign where all they posted was photos of the people watching the movie; amazingly powerful. 

Edited by hornblower
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for chick'n, have you tried Gardein? The scallopini can be used in any recipe calling for breasts. The strips we cut up to top a Cesar salad or inside wraps.  You have to be careful to not overcook them. 


Here's an easy fast recipe which makes a really lovely creamy pasta. I was SO shocked when dd first made it because I totally did not believe it would work. 


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Here's an easy fast recipe which makes a really lovely creamy pasta. I was SO shocked when dd first made it because I totally did not believe it would work.



Ooo, I made this once. It was delicious. I totally forgot about it until you posted. I think I put it out of my mind because the price of cauliflower was so ridiculous for awhile.

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They're not websites, but the cookbooks "The Mediterranean Vegan Kitchen," "The Italian Vegan Kitchen," and "The Chinese Vegan Kitchen" all by Donna Klein are really nice vegan cookbooks. She doesn't use a ton of fancy ingredients or fake meats. "Fresh from the Vegetarian Crockpot" by Robin Robertson is also pretty good.


As for websites try:




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Wow, lots of options, thanks!


Rosie- I didn't marinate the Tempeh.... maybe that was the problem?  Everyone else liked it okay it was just me and the texture was just all wrong.  I'll have to give it another try in the future.


Nutritional yeast makes me sick to my stomach so vegan alfredo is pretty much out, it's okay I'm not a huge fan of cream type sauces anyway.


I'm not going to be able to do all vegan for a couple reasons, one being eggs, I couldn't imagine baking with out them (especially since I do bake with out them for DD- egg replacers kind of suck).  Also I still have to drink cow milk for heartburn, it's the only thing that works, yes I've tried everything else.  But I definitely can cut out all meat and cheese and we only do organic pasture raised milk/eggs so that helps a little.  I'm not really ethically motivated, I mean it bothers me, but for me it's more about it just being gross/unhygienic and unhealthy. 

Edited by foxbridgeacademy
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Rosie- I didn't marinate the Tempeh.... maybe that was the problem?  Everyone else liked it okay it was just me and the texture was just all wrong.  I'll have to give it another try in the future.


Well, it tastes like a dirty dish sponge to me if I don't marinade it :lol: Ketjap manis (sweet Indonesian soy sauce) makes a good marinade for stir fries. I've got a recipe somewhere with an orange juice marinade too. I'll see if I can find it.



The flax replacement for eggs works really well in anything that will be good a bit more wholemealy.

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Imo, Best eggless mayo is Just Mayo, best sliced fake cheese: CHAO, best fake sausage and hot dogs: Field Roast brand. Beyond Meat burgers are very real tasting, but $$$ and also about as fatty as cow burgers. Best fake milks are sweetened vanilla or chocolate for drinking, soy has most protein, cashew is thickest, good over cereal, unsweetened cashew good in cooking.



All these things I agree with.

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Was it Earthlings you watched by any chance?  


I'm always curious which doc pushes people over. 


We have some activists here who set up ipads and tv screens and offer people vegan cupcakes to watch 5 minutes... Street level activism - similar to the 10 billion lives tour which pays college students a buck if they watch a short movie about the animal products industry. 


Earthlings is what sealed the deal for me. I became vegan about 30 minutes into watching it. 

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I read Eating Animals.  I am not vegan; we still eat wild game and some fish.  It was utterly convincing about factory farming, though.


Interestingly, what was convincing about it was not that factory farming was bad - I'd say most people know factory farming is bad, and it doesn't take much to demonstrate it if they don't already know - but rather that there is a moral responsibility inherent in what you eat, or buy, or participate in.

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