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Halve Your Stuff - Win Big Bucks!

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All right, I'm doing it:


I'm launching my first blog contest with a cash prize.


Check out the rules here.


Basically, you have to pick a trouble spot in your house and weed out your junk. Take before and after pics and submit them to me. I'm making it a contest that my readers get to vote on.


Come and see! (You had to do some pre-holiday cleaning anyhow, right? Why not get paid!)

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aw man, I have no before pics for ya :lol:


heh. See, we're moving in less than three weeks - by plane. I have to cut the entire house down to six 50lb suitcases. Period. It's been ridiculous. :tongue_smilie:


Wow!!! Can I ask where you're moving? If you get your house cut down to 6 50lb suitcases I think you should win by default!

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Oh, Jennifer, I could have been a winner if you'd had your contest about ten years ago. During a difficult time in our lives, I had to return to work while husband oversaw (using that term loosely) household and kids. Things got so piled up, especially all their Fisher Price and Playmobil sets with the gazillion tiny pieces, that I would feel too overwhelmed to tidy up. To make long story short, a few years later I took our HUGE city trash container into den/playroom, turned it over on its side, and used a push broom to get all the toys into trash. A true flylady moment I have been told. Oh, and I had the same laundry basket of socks to be folded for a few years.

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Jennifer, I think this is a great idea and thanks for doing it. I just spent some time at your blog reading over the halve it idea.


I am not sure I will have the courage to post the before pics but I am heading downstairs to take some now.


I just finished the laundry room Monday and boy that would have been a good one for the before pics because it looks totally awesome now.


Off to see what I feel brave enough to post......:tongue_smilie:

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Surely there's something in your houses that needs some cleaning out!


Or is everyone else but me perfect?


I am by no means perfect. But I declutter as a life habit. I've developed the habit over the years. (Read: I was not always this way.) I usually have a box or bag to take to Goodwill every other month. Items get added in as I discover them around the house and realize, "I don't need this anymore." In addition I've developed the habit of not buying unnecessary, cluttering items.


It's a shame too, because the only thing I could think of to do for your contest is my closet. I need to weed out old, ill-fitting, I-refuse-to-wear-this-again clothes. But, I think my closet only has 50 items in it to start with. So it wouldn't be a big declutter.

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Nooooooo....I just did this before we moved!! Literally halved our belongings. Went from a 1500 sq ft. 3 bedroom house/2 car garage/shed/4 cars down to 594 sq ft. 2 bedroom/no garage/ no shed/1 car in August!! I seriously have nothing more to get rid of!! But oh it feels sooooo good!


I love what you are doing and have enjoyed reading your blog! Keep it up! I love that you are encouraging others to do it. :D

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Okay, look here people! (She gets all stern)


Obviously no one has ANY big projects left to do. Won't you feel silly when you don't enter the contest with your small projects....



And then someone who merely cleans out her silverware drawer WINS!!!????!!!!


Yes, you will.


So get going. Go on. Snap a picture or two. You don't even have to start cleaning today!

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I wish I would have taken pics of the playroom I just cleared out a week ago. Nope, nope, nope, it was not a pretty site. I went in and - bam - my dc's had been throwing clothes, games, and about anything you can imagine in the door and closing it. It looked like a bomb had gone off.


Well, I was pretty ticked - to say the least - and cleared that sucker out completely. I mean everything!! Now it is my new storage room and my dc's can't even get their clothes all in their closets. No wonder they kept running out of clothes.


Now, it is a beauty to behold.

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aw man, I have no before pics for ya :lol:


heh. See, we're moving in less than three weeks - by plane. I have to cut the entire house down to six 50lb suitcases. Period. It's been ridiculous. :tongue_smilie:


Wow!!! Can I ask where you're moving? If you get your house cut down to 6 50lb suitcases I think you should win by default!


Pretty much clear across the country - from Prince Edward Island to Alberta. :)


My husband has been working & staying out there since January, only getting to come home once every 3-4 months for about a week & a half....there's a lot of people where we live in the same situation - the husband out west and the wife/kids back home (because of the low wages here and the much better ones out there)... we're tired of it. The kids miss their father terribly (as do I) and he misses us....so, off we go! I'd thought about driving it with a uhaul, but dh kinda put his foot down on that and told me in no uncertain terms that I was *not* driving 2 kids and pile of cats across the country by myself. Man of little faith in his wife! :tongue_smilie:


Sooo...we get rid of pretty much everything we own and fly. Kids & me & the cats & whatever will fit in the six suitcases - well, it's actually five suitcases & a big old hockey bag. Up up and away in less than three weeks - just in time for northern Alberta's lovely winter. Must remember to pack the mittens. ;)

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DS and I are cleaning out his room next week. It's going to be more-than-halved. :eek:


I told him a) if he didn't do it it was going to get done without him (and my way is throwing out MUCH more!) and b) when we're done I'll paint his room whatever color he wants. Please cross your fingers for a nice and restful color... I've dragged my feet long enough to avoid red. ;)

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Okay, look here people! (She gets all stern)


Obviously no one has ANY big projects left to do. Won't you feel silly when you don't enter the contest with your small projects....



And then someone who merely cleans out her silverware drawer WINS!!!????!!!!


Yes, you will.


So get going. Go on. Snap a picture or two. You don't even have to start cleaning today!


Oh, Jennifer.

It is going to take me at least a day or two to decide *which room to tackle! :001_huh:

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When I'm done with you all, none of us are going to be embarrassed by our "before" pics.


I want my own tv show, where I go into people's houses, show their "before" pics and then get to be a ruthless meanie while making them get rid of all their old stuff.




And then the "prize" would be that they get to move into a smaller house with lower utility bills.


Hmmmm. That might not fly.


Maybe it I gave them a really great vacation, too?

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