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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning.  Getting nervous about Hurricane Irma here in FL.  We've lived here 5 years and this is our first experience with potential hurricane. Our house has hurricane shutters but we don't know how to install them, if all the parts are there, etc. since we've never had to use them.   We hear that water is gone from most stores already.  DH and I are heading out at 7 am to Publix.



-oldest takes self to school


-school with youngest

-workout (back, biceps, and shoulders)


-straighten up for cleaning people tomorrow


-oldest takes self to baseball

-dinner (shish kabob and rice)


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Pink and Green Mom, praying for you and all in the areas that will be affected! 



breakfast and lunch for dh

fed cats

one load of laundry in dryer another started in washer


To Do:

finish laundry


school with ds

tutoring (2 different sessions of students)

take ds to swim

update checking and pay bills


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Good Morning,


DH is back to working morning shift. So he is taken care of till later today.


DD is getting her stuff animals ready for school.


Need to do 2 loads of laundry.


General cleaning.


Have DD clean her room.


Go for walk with DD.

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I get the bad mom award today.  Was too lax yesterday and paid for it this morning.  Plus, I am so over the sass.  Bout to confiscate all of my kid's possessions and leave her in her underwear.  "JK" as she would say.  :P


If I ever get over the urge to slap somebody, I have lots of work to do.


Order flowers and go to my friend's calling hours.


Switch over to my new computer.


I wanted to try to get to TKD this evening but it probably isn't possible.  Hopefully on Thursday.

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Good morning!


Pink and Green, :grouphug: . I hope Irma stays out to sea!


•take ds17 to doctor for recheck of hand

•stop at grocery store


•bills & other office work

•dust and vacuum

•do a few loads of sheets and towels

•dinner: fish tacos w/slaw

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Endure the day with Ds, who is being a brat. :cursing:



School with Ds ✅


Meal planning ✅

Grocery ✅

Swim store ✅

Pick up Dd from tutorial

Ds to swimming

Call insurance company ✅




Dinner - taco salad

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Good morning! Hoping that Irma stays out of FL, Pink and Green!  A regular Tuesday here. Dd2 is off to school in a pretty good mood. School with boys today. Ds2's classes are cancelled at the cc for some reason, so he is home to work with me. Letters to write and mail to college kids, plus my bonus college kid.


To do:

school with boys

write letters

library/post office

check bills/bank

check calendar/meet schedule

daily chores

house list

pick up dd2/practice #1

practice #2

dh to judo


Have a great day!



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I keep wanting to vent or ask advice about my kid and discipline ... again ... but ultimately I just think I was having a bad morning myself.  The world will probably not end today and we will be OK.  I wish I was already perfect before I embarked on this job.  :P

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I keep wanting to vent or ask advice about my kid and discipline ... again ... but ultimately I just think I was having a bad morning myself.  The world will probably not end today and we will be OK.  I wish I was already perfect before I embarked on this job.  :p



Right there with ya, SKL. This parenting gig is hard!   :grouphug:

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Took a pre-breakfast walk


Pet care done though I have to confess that I forgot all about feeding the cat until mid morning.  He has forgiven me. 


School done despite some wailing and gnashing of teeth.   (No teens or middle-aged women were harmed in this process.)


Dd has vacuumed her room.


Folded and put away one load of clothes


Why am I so exhausted?  I know that I have fibromyalgia, but this is ridiculous.  I wonder if it is due to the bad air quality?  It's been "snowing" ash here from far off forest fires.


Next:  clean the kitchen, throw in some laundry, take a shower, shop for dinner (which I still haven't planned). 

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So tonight we got organized for tomorrow, and here's hoping we have a smooth morning.  I decided to take the cell phones and only give them back if the girls are at breakfast, fully dressed, by 7:15am tomorrow.  We'll see if that helps.  :P


Kid asked me to wake her up at 6:30am tomorrow, so I should probably get some shut-eye.

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