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If you had an 11 pound baby...

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I didn't have an 11 lb. baby but I had a 10 lb. one that was 2 weeks late. I wasn't diabetic either. My middle two were 8 lbs. 6 oz. and 7 pounds 10 oz. My last baby was nearly 10 lbs. and two weeks early (she was covered in vernix). I think babies do get bigger but it depends on their build as well. My 1st and 4th kids are very tall. My middle two are average size. So for me it went up and down. My two big ones were a boy and girl.

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My son was just under 11 and my next one had an ultrasound that said she was almost 11 at 36 weeks. They induced and the baby barely weighed 5. She was so wittle. I had no medical reason he was so large. He is still large. He was only 2 days past due so noone knows. I am not even 5 foot and his dad is only 5 9" Noone on either side is big the Dr. joked it was a gene from way back when in one of our families. Oh he was also 24 inch long. I found out through some family way back in the day there was a grandmother somewhere that was over 6 feet tall. :lol:

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My second, my first boy, was 11 lbs (the midwife's scale only went to 11 lbs., so maybe he was bigger!). My third, another boy, was 13 lbs., 2 oz. My last two, also boys, were 10 lbs., and 10 lbs. 4 oz. I ate much the same with all of them, wasn't diabetic, and they're all normal size now (well, number 5 is only 2 mos. old, but he seems normal enough). They were all vaginal, drug-free births with no complications.

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Baby #1: 8 pounds, 8 ounces, boy

Baby #2: 8 pounds, 14 ounces, boy

Baby #3: 10 pounds, 2 ounces, boy

I was then told by a doctor that I should stop having babies because my next one would be larger than that and I might have complications.


Baby #4: 8 pounds, 10 ounces, girl


All births were completely natural and drug free.

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What happened with the next one? Did they continue to get bigger, or did it go up and down? Did it vary with the gender? And no, I was not diabetic with this one and ate very well the entire time.


First was 8 pounds.


Second was 8 pounds 12 ounces.


Third was 10 pounds, 8 ounces, but long and wiry. Midwife ordered ultrasound to rule out twins. Per u/s finding, I supposedly had one 7 lb baby.


All pregnancies were healthy except for hyperemesis in first trimester. Not diabetic. All were natural unmedicated births. Last one at home.

Edited by tibbyl
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My first was 8lbs 10oz, the second was 10lbs 1.5oz. I wasn't going to find out what a third would be! My grandmother had 10 kids and they were bigger as they went. The last was 13 lbs. I decided to stop at two and call it good. No diabetes involved and I started at 115lbs pre-pregnancy with each kid. Both were delivered vaginally with no meds.

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Babies 1-3 were 9.2, 7.11( No idea where he came from lol), 9.8 and then my 4th weighed 10# 12 . I expected the next one to be well over 11 pounds and she was only was 9.8. The rest were:

6th 9.8

7th 10.15

8th 10.4

9th 10.2 ( C-section)

10th 11.14


I didn't have GD with any of them and went anywhere from 9 days to 17 days late. All were normal, uneventful births except my section.

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What happened with the next one? Did they continue to get bigger, or did it go up and down? Did it vary with the gender? And no, I was not diabetic with this one and ate very well the entire time.



Out of my three, my last two were both 10 pounds 1 ounce. ds 2 months was very late. I did not have diabetes and both were boys.


I questioned many women during my last pregnancy, sort of a unprofessional survey, and women had babies of varying sizes. Gender did not seem to matter. The weight went up and down with each baby no matter of order.


Most did agree that their first baby weighed the least.



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Well I'm greatly encouraged that at least the next one could go down! Even just not going up would be good. But JLD, can you tell me, what was it like doing a 13 pounder? I just can't imagine. Ok, I can, and it AIN'T pretty. I only SAID I was gonna die and that it hurt with this one. 13 is really my max. And honestly, if I knew that was coming, I think I'd flip out and consider a c-section. But like they say, the ultrasounds can be so off... So was it bad, or was it one of those things you got over? As long as it stays in the 9-11 range, I think I could do another. 13 though, that would be pushing it... There might be room (for it to come out), but I might not like it...


And yes, so far dd, who was 9lb4oz, has stayed on the tall end of the charts. This one was 11 lb. 1 oz and 22", not overly long right?, so I assume he'll just be on the nice end of tall too. I think I could do 11 lb again, maybe even bigger, but it really was hard. Or at least it was one of those things that makes you pause and gulp. I just wanted to see what the probability was of it happening again.

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Elizabeth, I did not have an 11 pound baby (I couldn't have done it, you are my hero. :001_smile:), but my babies actually got smaller each time.


#1 - born on due date 8 lb. 14 oz.

#2 - 15 days early 7 lb. 14 oz.

#3 - 13 days early 7 lb. 13 oz.


So they do get smaller, and do come earlier. :001_smile:


It is good to see you back, btw.

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first baby wasw 10 lb 1 oz, 22.5 inches long. Second baby, induced ON due date, was 10 lb 13 oz, 22.5 inches long. Third was induced ON due date, 8 pounds and I forget the inches! I think because my husband is 6'2 and I'm 5'9 we just made 'em big .


Fourth was about 30 pounds, 2 feet tall. We travelled to China for her and she was 14 months old when I got her. :D



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My first was 9 lbs at 37 weeks. The doctors estimated that he would have been 14 lbs if I was allowed to go to 40 weeks!! :w00t: They checked and rechecked me for diabetes while prego and after he was born. He was also checked and rechecked for diabetes after he was born. He was HUGE for the first 2 years of his life, now he is entirely normal. (Seriously wore, size 1 year at 3 months, size 4T at 1 year.)


The next was 6lbs 11 oz at 37 weeks, (she is still really small, 5th percentile) the next 8lbs 11 oz at 42 weeks and the last was 9lbs at 40 weeks.

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Here's mine:


Child #1 - 9 lbs. 15 oz. at birth. She is now 5'9" at age 24.

Child #2 - 11 lbs. 2-1/2 oz. at birth. He is 6'4" at age 21.

Child #3 - 10 lbs. 10 oz. at birth. She is 5'10" at age 20.

Child #4 - 9 lbs. 15 oz. at birth. She is 5'8" at age 13.


All were natural deliveries, no gestational diabetes. My husband (6'2") and I (5'7") were both 10-lb. babies, so we knew we were in for some big ones!

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Hi, Elizabeth!


You know, my thirteen pounder was pretty easy to deliver, although it did feel like I was passing a watermelon! But a little background . . .


I was due April 25, 2002. Well, April 25 came and went, as did the 26th, 27th, and on and on . . .


The midwife was pretty open-minded, but even she was getting a little nervous, and when I was about two weeks over, she said the doctor had to get involved. I started going in for stress tests, but everything was fine. Finally, the doctor said he wanted me to have an ultrasound, and the result was that the baby was 9 (!) lbs. and there wasn't much amniotic fluid left. The doctor recommended I stay in the hospital (where the ultrasound had been done) and be induced.


To my (naive) amazement, the midwife agreed. I was stunned! We had already had two home births, and I just assumed we would have a third. To scare me even more, the doctor came in with two nurses, and the nurses started to tell me I would have to have a monitor and some other things.


I didn't know what to say, and just started to cry. Well, the doctor started to feel really bad then, and told the nurses I didn't have to have those things. I started to calm down, and he and the nurses left so my husband and I and the midwife could talk.


The midwife just didn't seem comfortable doing this 19 day overdue baby at home. So, we agreed that I would be induced at the hospital. The doctor broke my water, the fluid was clear, and an hour and a half later, the contractions started.


After about 20 minutes, my midwife said I was in transition. I couldn't believe it! My second birth had been 6 hours, my first 9 hours, and I couldn't believe I could be in transition after only 20 minutes. Then after about 10 more minutes, I started pushing, and that took some time. I only had a desire to push every 7 or 8 minutes or so, and just kept walking as fast as I could around the room.


After about 6 contractions (40 minutes), all of a sudden I squatted down, the doctor and midwife on the floor, and my watermelon came out. A big, strapping, 13 lb. 2 oz. 23 inch long body builder baby boy! And I had been sure I was having a girl! I was so stunned! I turned to my husband and said, "I guess C..... is here!"


The hospital had never had such a big baby (it was a pretty new hospital, though, only 3 1/2 years old). Some doctors and nurses from other units came to see him. The maternity ward didn't have diapers big enough for him, so they called pediatrics for some.


The hardest thing about the birth was the recovery. It took 5 1/2 weeks for me to walk upright again. My abdominal muscles had really been stretched out! And, there was the hemorrhaging after the birth.


I also remember the midwife saying I measured 50 centimeters before I birthed that one. She had never had anyone measure that big before.


You know, I never considered a section. I just wanted the baby to come when it needed to come. For the last two, though, my midwife didn't want to wait very long after the due date, and we complied. Three years ago, our third son was induced 4 days over his due date. For our little one born in August, I went into labor one hour before I was supposed to be induced, the day after his due date.


To be honest, numbers 3 and 5 were the easiest to birth, because they were in a good position, and the labors were not too long (about an hour and a half total). What really scares me is back labor. In my experience, truly h**l on earth!


I hope I answered your questions, Elizabeth. It was fun to relive the experience!:)

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I haven't had an 11 pound baby--but my first was nearly 10 pounds and I didn't have gestational diabetes. She was my biggest baby. My next, who was born 1 week later gesationally, was only about 8.5 pounds. My ds might have been as large as my first, but I had a scheduled C-section at 39 weeks, which is early for me.

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