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The Lifus Interruptus Teachers Lounge 8-7-2017


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Good morning and welcome to the Lounge! Once my coffee has had sufficient time to truly waken my brain

I'll bake some gluten-free goodies, starting with double chocolate muffins!


Today's theme stems from the fact that, once again, my planned schedule has been interrupted. And this started last night!

A friend and I "got out of Dodge" for a bit yesterday (Strawberry and Moonhawk, we went to Prescott). :auto: We left after Sunday School

and had a really nice time in the cooler climes. But when we hit the highway coming back, as soon as we merged on, we were greated

with an ADOT (AZ Dept of Transportation) sign stating, "Vehicle crash ahead. LONG DELAYS." They couldn't have told us this BEFORE we

got on the highway??   :glare: Due to all of this (there are more details, if you want to know) we did not get back to my house until 10:30 last night. That

means neither she nor I had been home in about 14 hours! That also means I wasn't able to finish a friend's gift or turn in my farmers market inventory.

So that gets pushed to this morning when the kids and I were supposed to start school. Welcome to my life!


Anyone else going through "lifus interruptus" (like my fake Latin? ;-)  ) right now? Here: the above and a few other things.


Anyone else plan to start school today? Here: obviously, but I may just have us address first day of school stuff this afternoon. It was going to be a light

day, anyway.


I can't think of another question so I'll tell you the rest of the details of last night's story. After seeing that sign, I decided to stop at a rest area that was 

9 miles ahead. Seems like several other travelers did, too!  We were fortunate to find a parking spot! While hanging out there, I sent a text to dh and also tried to look up accident info. He found it first, told me about the two accidents, and that traffic was reported to be moving at speeds of 23-40 mph.Well, my friend and I decided we would rather hang out and read then move at a snail's pace in traffic ( I was the driver ). So we hung out at the rest area for about 90 minutes. When I checked for an update, traffic speed had gone down to 11-23mph. When I told my husband he said, "Might as well just head out at 11mph." Yeah, no thanks. So I stopped and prayed for a moment and God told me to go back 9 miles north (Strawberry and Moonhawk, to the Cordes Lakes/Arcosanti Junction, where the McDs is) so we did. We hung out there, inside where there was light, as it was dark outside by this time, for just over an hour. THEN we headed out. We did hit one patch of highway where there was probably a two to three mile backup of slow moving traffic but at least it was constantly moving. It could have been a parking lot but it wasn't! Thank God for that! And there you have the rest of the story!  :D


Talk to me! :bigear:

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My life is interrupted! We are a seventy five minute wait into a 9:15 appointment actually a little more than 75.


I don't think it bodes well for the surgeon to be that far behind already.


And of course I did not go on the Ohio vacation. Waiting to see what happens here so I know if I can reschedule it.


No breakfast. One cup of coffee.


I am running on two nights in a row of four hr. sleep. He is in a bit of pain to say the least and his coworkers DO NOT STOP CALLiNG!

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Oh, goodness!  Your trip sounds a lot like ours yesterday, Scrap!  15 hours in the car, which was insane.  When we went to stop at the rest area for a much needed potty break, only the boys got to go.  Having twice as many facilities in their room meant they were in and out, whereas the women's restroom line stretched around the building. It meant another stop for me 30 miles down the road.  Our phones tell us where the rough patches of traffic are so we can plan ahead, but even so!  People who didn't know how to merge and others driving with their hazard lights on (because it was dark, and they were going under the speed limit) meant a lot of cautious, slow drivers.


Today is laundry day.  I have wet towels that were rolled and stuffed in a bag to marinate along with all the dirty clothes.  I made it to the grocery store this morning before dh had to go to work, thankfully.  His car was hit more than 2 weeks ago but the repair place is being slow as molasses and not bothering to update us when a part is wrong or they forget to order it. :glare: I'll be putting the house to rights all day since we're still sharing a vehicle.


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FaithManor:  :mellow:  So sorry you have to wait so long for an appointment! I never have understood how doctors get away with that or how it even happens!


HomeAgain, thankfully most of our time was not spent in the car, but still. Plus, I didn't think to check the app on my phone, since I already knew the way home. Lesson learned.

check the app anyway for traffic issues! I would have much rather hung out in Prescott and had a real dinner and chatted with people than at the rest stop and a McD's! Ah,well.

C'est la vie! I'm still glad we went! I discovered an adorable herb shop up there! Plus a fun hidden cobblestone walkway between a few of the stores! We didn't really have a plan - just 

to get out of the heat and go enjoy ourselves, which we did.


Okay, coffee is beginning to kick in. Need to motivate myself to get dressed and get started on my day!

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It's a holiday Monday today, and we don't have a set agenda to interrupt. We're going to a nearby town and stop at a park with rapids on the river. If the water level has dropped enough we'll be able to swim. If not, we may bike around the area.


We still have 4 weeks of summer vacation before school starts!

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Week 2 of school here. Lots of interruptions.

I planned a quiet afternoon at home, delving into science. But dh was out and around yesterday afternoon, so I didn't get my church work (pt job) done. So I have to go do that, with kids, this afternoon.


Not nearly as bad as long waits for medical things or interstate delays!

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My life is interrupted! We are a seventy five minute wait into a 9:15 appointment actually a little more than 75.


I don't think it bodes well for the surgeon to be that far behind already.


And of course I did not go on the Ohio vacation. Waiting to see what happens here so I know if I can reschedule it.


No breakfast. One cup of coffee.


I am running on two nights in a row of four hr. sleep. He is in a bit of pain to say the least and his coworkers DO NOT STOP CALLiNG!

If your appointment is for your husband's thumb, it doesn't surprise me. Monday mornings are the worst for those kinds of appointments because the doctor is get all the injuries that happened over the weekend. I know this because we have had several injuries that happened over the weekend :D.


But I don't blame you for beating your head against the wall. It's so frustrating. And doubly so if it's for something that's not your husband's thumb.

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Lifus Interruptus: They were supposed to resurface our neighborhood roads today, but it's been storming since the middle of the night.  We get almost no rain for two months and of course the day they have that planned there's heavy rain.  That really doesn't affect me except I am the drop-off point for a clothing drop for church for the local refugee community and this is the last couple days for drop-offs.  I made sure everyone knew not to come with clothes until after 5 and then it turns out they can come any time they want since the road work is postponed.  Of course San Antonians don't seem to like to drive in the rain so it's doubtful people would come by right now anyway.  I spent about an hour and a half this morning sorting the clothes that have been dropped off the last few days.  People were supposed to sort them themselves (girls/boys/women/men), but very, very few actually did.  I've had to devote a lot of time to sorting.  I'll be very glad when people come pick them up for the "shopping" (it's free for anyone who wants to "shop") event.  They'll be getting the clothes Wednesday and Thursday.  I'll be glad to have that room back.  These clothes are literally taking up an entire room.


Oh, and did I mention my husband is traveling for work this week AND next week and maybe a couple weeks after that and then another week a couple weeks after that?  And maybe for 4 months straight?  Fun times lol


Start School Today: Nope.  We've still got 22 days until the first day of school.



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It's a holiday Monday today, and we don't have a set agenda to interrupt. We're going to a nearby town and stop at a park with rapids on the river. If the water level has dropped enough we'll be able to swim. If not, we may bike around the area.


We still have 4 weeks of summer vacation before school starts!


Which holiday?

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I've only accomplished turning in inventory today, paying two bills, a bit of grocery shopping, a VERY BRIEF first-day-of-school meeting,

and eating some chips and hummus. I STILL need to finish my friend's healing gift, another friend's non-alcohol-based hand sanitizer, and 

a few other things. Maybe study in there somewhere. Plus, an appointment at 5:30. I may just go to bed early tonight (maybe) and regroup in 

the morning!

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Well, the appointment cancelled and dh didn't get home until after 7:30pm. But that's OKAY because I was able to finish my friend's

healing gift: a small 6-inch(ish) box, lined with a strip of leather, containing severn 5/8 dram bottles of various healing essential oils. 

Tomorrow I hope to make and finish the card and deliver the whole package. She's one week post-op from a tonsillectomy and still

not 100%. I want her to be able to have these and use them ASAP.


Tomorrow I am also taking the kids to one of the local aquariums for a science class followed by meandering through the aquarium.

I may sit out at the food court and let them find me afterwards! It's in a mall and my kids are old enough to do just that.


NOW, I'm sipping on a tisane (herbal tea infusion) before I go to bed.

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Lifus interruptus: YESSSSSSSS. First time I've sat at my computer all day. DH joked I looked shakey, had I had my daily dose of radiation? But my interruptitis is cute and cuddly so it is hard to get too mad about it. 


Speaking of fake Latin, one of the things I was supposed to do today (well, anytime this week, but wanted to do today for a nice big fat checkbox completed) was a pronunciation guide for a pseudo-Latin song. Since they weren't real words, we used English phonetic spelling, but it's supposed to sound like Latin. Which is apparently confusing. So we need to make a pronunciation guide. Which has had my ears open recently. I no longer have any idea how to pronounce half of my daily words, lol. Today's winner is 'mischievous' (miss-CHEE-vee-us, or miss-chuv-us), I finally decided just to say 'sneaky' instead. 


I know whereof you speak! Fun to get away for the day. My nephew (who does not live in AZ, pure California boy) is going to college in Prescott (LOL, this is hilarious to me) so I will be traveling there to visit. Eventually. After I send him his happy graduation card. From May. Eventually. ........


Glad you got out of Dodge, then eventually got out of the getting back to it. :D

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Scrap. So sorry that your day was so rudely interrupted. Hope your week has only wonderful interruptions.


Faith, I'm sorry your dh is going through this. Bringing up flash backs of my own uncontrolled surgery pain, lack of sleep (and hallucinations on pain meds.) And I'm sorry you're dealing with this. Your previous accident should have filled your quota, met your lifetime deductible for dealing with hospitals.


My life was interrupted by my new job that started yesterday. It's not some big career move, just something that gets me out of the house, works around the things I am not ready to give up yet, and keeps me from plummeting into a deeper depression that all of the relationships in my life have or are changing ... and not for the better. It is a tea shop where I make way too many purchases. So, I get a little income and get a discount on my expensive habit. Yesterday was the first day of training ... tasting lots of tea to learn proper preparation, differences in types of teas as well as quality. I drank so much tea yesterday, I thought I would float away. But I had THE best cup of pu' erh tea . It was like dessert in a cup. I'm afraid to look at the price. But my feet were killing me when I got home ... and they let me wear my running shoes instead of making me change into more "store appropriate" shoes.




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