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Mystery/Adventure books (pref series!) for a sensitive child

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I have a kiddo who really enjoys mysteries and adventure books but is relatively sensitive. He's read all the Encyclopedia Brown books and all the A to Z mysteries (multiple collections). Recently he's been wanting more new ones, and checked out 39 clues, but I read some of them and I feel that they're not really appropriate for him right now and told him to wait a year or two to read them. I have a whole list of "classic" books that I offer him to read; he loves stuff like Matilda, James and the Giant Peach, The Little Princess, and the Great Illustrated versions of a bunch of classics (Peter Pan, Moby Dick, 3 Musketeers, Journey to the Center of the Earth, etc.). He's just not quite ready for the content in series like Harry Potter and 39 clues but he wants something like a fun series, so I'd love some more ideas!


Thanks in advance! :)

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My children like the Land of Stories series.  We are on book 2. 


ETA:  May want to skip book 3 "A Grimm Warning".  I lightly previewed that one and I'm thinking it may be a bit much for my kids. I need to go back and see if I can just skip I think it was the prologue I was reading part.  Or at least the not so sensitive parts and see if it'll be ok to read then.  The one after that seems fine though. 

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You do know Ron Roy has a calendar themed mystery series and the Capitol Mysteries, right?


At that same chapter book level, there are also the Cam Jansen Mysteries and the Ballpark Mysteries and the Third Grade Detectives and aren't there some Boxcar Children mysteries?


For read alouds, he might enjoy the Winston Breen books or the Lemoncello's Library books. 


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My children like the Land of Stories series.  We are on book 2.


My husband just bought the first book for a read aloud! :)


My son likes the Deltora Quest series.  He's on book 2. 


This was one that we just found in the read-aloud handbook today and were going to check out for him. Thanks! :)


You do know Ron Roy has a calendar themed mystery series and the Capitol Mysteries, right?


At that same chapter book level, there are also the Cam Jansen Mysteries and the Ballpark Mysteries and the Third Grade Detectives and aren't there some Boxcar Children mysteries?


No, I didn't! He reads those Ron Roy mysteries in half an hour or so, but he still enjoys them. thanks for the other tips! We got him the first boxcar kids one 6 months ago, and he enjoyed it but it was just slightly too advanced for him at the time. I think those will be perfect for him now and wish I'd thought of them sooner! :)


How old is he? My kids loved the Boxcar Children and there are tons of those (the first 19 are the best--they are by the original author.) What about Third Grade Detectives or Toothpaste Millionaire? Has he read the Redwall books or The Moffats? This page has reviews of a number of chapter book series.


Thanks! We'll check those out. Our library doesn't have any 3rd grade detectives books, which might be why I've not heard of them, but I'll look up the others you mentioned this week.

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My DS loves humor and his favorite series right now is My Big Fat Zomie Goldfish, which is a series of mad capped adventures. He also loves Timmy Failure, where the boy acts as a P.I. with his imaginary polar bear. If he likes science there is a series with Frank Einstein that are also fun,

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What is he sensitive to? Because if Matilda and James and the Giant Peach are okay for him, clearly we're not thinking about the same things. I don't want to go off-track and recommend something he can't have without bawling :)


He got through those because we made sure he knew the adults were jokes before he even started them, so he viewed them more as comedians than villains. But the Little Princess about broke his heart and he gets too worked up over very stressful things (we tried those extreme adventure ones at one point... don't recall what they're called). This kid can't watch a Tinkerbell movie without tearing up (I'll probably delete that later, lest it come to haunt him during his teenage years, so please don't quote it...) It's hard to say what exactly bothers him - he can't really verbalize it. The idea of an adult disdaining their spouse, for instance (as came up in 39 clues and a few others) is very upsetting to him, and the inner turmoil of divorce/losing a parent in Spiderwick was also too much for him.

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Are the Hardy Boys too much?

I was also going to mention the Hardy Boys as well. My daughter likes the 'choose your own adventure' books too. I'm not sure if any are mystery-themed but they're popular at our house & I'm just throwing the idea out there.

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