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Help with grimy sink in rental


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My elderly in-laws have a couple of rentals.  We (as in their children) are starting to step in more and help when someone moves out, etc.  In one particular rental, the hand sink in the bathroom is grimy.  The basin is probably at least 20 years old, and these renters have been here several years.  The basin looked fine when they moved in.  It is kind of like as you get closer to the drain, the basin changes color.  It is a very light gray, and the closer you get to the drain, the tanner it becomes.  It is not disgusting, but definitely noticeable.  I have tried: magic eraser, lysol cleaner with bleach, toilet bowl cleaner (the thick kind, thinking it would "cling" and clean), and comet.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  They don't want to get a new basin if they don't have to, but it is kind of ugly and if I were renting it, I would feel like it was unclean.


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I recently discovered black nylon scrubbies (sold by the green ones). They are heavy duty, with a "may scratch" warning. I have gotten all sorts of things clean that I had given up on. The glass in the oven door, a toaster, a disgusting vent hood that I have tried all sorts of chemicals on. Black scrubbies for the win.

Edited by Zinnia
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I don't think that it can be fixed.  My husband and I have a single piece double sink in our bathroom. the sink set is 7 years old.  His side has tan stains just like you describe that get darker as you head to the drain.  My side has none.  We have the same water source, they are the same age.  I have tried everything to get it clean. Nothing works.

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Try a cleaner that is supposed to get rust out. We have a cultured marble sink/counter combo that is stained, and it helped a little. Ours needs to be replaced, but then we'd want to replace the vanity it's in, and the cracked tile on the floor, and... it becomes a domino effect. It does look grimy, but it's the best I can get it. Any way, if it's that stuff, it seems that eventually the finish just gives up. ;)


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You can try this as a last resort. Got it for rental tub, shower and tiled kitchen counters. worked for me. The last time I bought some was around 15 years ago at Home Depot. If I remember correctly, it wasn't in cleaning supplies, but somewhere around paint. Maybe $7.00 quart. http://www.doityourself.com/stry/4-uses-for-oxalic-acid  read directions: this is acid on strength level of maybe draino.

Edited by gstharr
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I don't think that it can be fixed.  My husband and I have a single piece double sink in our bathroom. the sink set is 7 years old.  His side has tan stains just like you describe that get darker as you head to the drain.  My side has none.  We have the same water source, they are the same age.  I have tried everything to get it clean. Nothing works.


Do you know what caused this?

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I'm kind of wondering if CLR (calcium-lime-rust) may help.  It sounds like water may've pooled around there and deposited some minerals.  I'm hesitant to recommend something super mechanical (like scrubbing with stuff that may scratch) because any damage to the finish will only be more permeable.  


When you put your finger along the stain line, does it feel raised?

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I'm kind of wondering if CLR (calcium-lime-rust) may help.  It sounds like water may've pooled around there and deposited some minerals.  I'm hesitant to recommend something super mechanical (like scrubbing with stuff that may scratch) because any damage to the finish will only be more permeable.  


When you put your finger along the stain line, does it feel raised?


It did when I first started working on it, but now you can't feel anything, like it has been sanded down. KWIM?

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Plug the sink. Fill it halfway with water and add in at least 2 cups of bleach. Let it sit for several minutes and then drain. This takes care of the stains in my porcelain kitchen sink that other cleaners like Comet and Bar Keepers do not.

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