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The New Beginnings Teachers Lounge 6-2-2017


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Good morning, everyone! Welcome to the Lounge!


Today's theme comes to you partly for the fact that I am about to embark on yet another educational track for myself.

However, it is also a new beginning for many in that school is out and summer has begun. Here, per the weather, summer has 

definitely begun but that doesn't mean this household is done with school!


Are you and/or your kids experiencing a new beginning of some sort? Here: next week ds will begin recreational swim team for the summer.

The week after that, he will begin Discover Guard (a pre-cursor to lifeguard training here). Next week dd will begin helping out with the tae kwon do

summer camp again. She did it last year, too. It's exhausting for her but great experience. :001_smile:


Is anyone moving right now or moved recently? Here: I would LOVE to! However, we definitely need to get the house in order and get some repairs done first!  :cool:


If you recently moved, what's one thing you wish you'd done differently or one thing you were SO glad you did to help the transition? Here: eagerly anticipating hearing the answers to this! (Maybe luuknam can pitch in on this! :D ) 


Talk to me! :bigear: 



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In the process of moving.  As in, trying to de-clutter and store excess things at the current house and trying to patiently wait for a house to come up in the neighborhoods we like.


I'm not being very patient though.  Some days I wonder if we'll ever find the house we want.  We don't have to move but I really, really WANT to move.   I'm checking Zillow and Redfin several times a day.  I'm finding that more discouraging than helpful, but I can't seem to stop myself.


I'm looking forward to other's answers about their recent moves.  I need some advice.



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Good morning, Scrap!


Ds will leave for camp Monday, and it's his first experience going to one. Dd has her first real job this summer, and she begins nursing classes in the fall. She's been at college for two years, but I feel the nursing classes will be very different from what she has experienced thus far. 


We've lived where we are for 13 years, so no moves recently.


The thing I remember most about the move here is that I had high expectations of what life would be like, which is silly on my part because we only spent one weekend here before being offered the job and deciding to accept it. It really took me a few years to settle in here and find good friends. 


I guess my advice would be to have realistic expectations and go with the flow. 

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Debbi, yes, constant perusing of those real estate sites can definitely get depressing! Give yourself permission to take a break from it!


Amy, I get that, too. And considering how very different a not-too-future move may be for us, that reminds me that I need to give a heads up to my kids.

Life will be vastly different for us but, if all works as I hope it will, it will definitely be worth it!

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Nothing really new here, though Dd will get to be a teacher at VBS and go on mission trip this summer, both of which are new for her. Some new academic things for her in the fall too. 


No moving for me! I love my city and my area. Would love a bit bigger house and/or updates, but happy to have a home we can afford in a good place. I moved lots growing up and in my young adult life and am so thankful to NOT be starting over! 



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Good morning, everyone! Welcome to the Lounge!


Today's theme comes to you partly for the fact that I am about to embark on yet another educational track for myself.

However, it is also a new beginning for many in that school is out and summer has begun. Here, per the weather, summer has 

definitely begun but that doesn't mean this household is done with school!


Are you and/or your kids experiencing a new beginning of some sort? Here: next week ds will begin recreational swim team for the summer.

The week after that, he will begin Discover Guard (a pre-cursor to lifeguard training here). Next week dd will begin helping out with the tae kwon do

summer camp again. She did it last year, too. It's exhausting for her but great experience. :001_smile:


Is anyone moving right now or moved recently? Here: I would LOVE to! However, we definitely need to get the house in order and get some repairs done first!  :cool:


If you recently moved, what's one thing you wish you'd done differently or one thing you were SO glad you did to help the transition? Here: eagerly anticipating hearing the answers to this! (Maybe luuknam can pitch in on this! :D ) 


Talk to me! :bigear:


We are more or less starting our lives over. everything is a new beginning. though we are starting to get settled in. i can see the light of actually having a comfortable life at the end of a very long tunnel. 


today we are starting summer classes in our town for the first time. aries is at swim class, sagg is heading off on a field trip to golfland, gem and taurus are finishing their last baseball game tonight-hallelujah. more stuff starts next week. 


we are almost 2 years in our town and 18 months in our house. D is installing a bathroom sink right now. we have new windows and a sliding glass door lined up, and solar panels in the next few weeks. i'm finishing the kitchen this week-sealing floors, back splash, final touches. this is surely a labor of love. then furniture-dinette, bed for us, possibly a new sofa. 


i can't say what we would do differently, as we are still in the throes of it. i am glad that we bought cheap and paid cash. 10/10 would do again. 

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New Beginning: Kind of.  Our taekwondo instructor is being moved to another location so we'll probably start going there for classes.  Maybe.  We live right in the middle of both schools so it's no biggie.  My kids work at the one we've been going to and the new instructor actually might be fabulous for Adrian.  Odds are we'll end up going between the two schools regularly.  Our instructor is still over both schools.


Moving: Nope.  We moved here just over 4 years ago and no plans to leave.  Ever.


Things that Helped: Using PODS to move was great since we had a month to load up the POD before it went on its way.  Someone met us on this end with a bag of non-perishable just open and eat food and paper plates and disposable cups and napkins and forks.  It was such an amazing idea and we appreciated it so much.

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Yes to new beginnings!  Summer vacation (we were ready for that months ago)!  Oldest is graduating and starting college! 


We were seriously considering moving but now with DS living at home and his college being so close to us, we just don't think it's the right time, even though we really want to.  So we are staying put for a while.  :closedeyes:

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Well, here's an interesting anecdote for today: I went to make gluten-free banana break muffins today. While in the process of mixing, I was also chatting with someone, so when I grabbed the bottle of what I thought was cinnamon and gave it two shakes, I discovered I had just added rosemary to the already moist mix! Thankfully, I had not yet added the bananas, so I decided to see how the recipe would fare with the rosemary instead. I must say not too bad! Great with butter spread on the muffin! Although I don't recommend more than two in one sitting as they are rather savory. And something is telling me that next time I should add some lemon zest. Sounds crazy, I know, but I'll probably try it just to see what happens!

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I'd make sure to schedule internet to be hooked up sooner (will get it Saturday... the 10th). Also, hire a better moving company - they brought a truck that was way too small, and at least one of the 2 guys was new at it, and basically they only moved half our stuff and then the next day we rented another truck the same size and moved the other half ourselves (not fun). Also, next time I'd like to make sure to have more time before the move so I could donate/throw away more stuff, instead of just moving it and then going through it *after* the move. Anyway, I'm just dropping by to let you know about the internet thing, so y'all don't worry. 


Oh, and I got the standardized tests back for the kids. Both kids went up 10 percentile points, from 81st to 91st (Broccoli, 1st to 2nd grade) and from 84th to 94th (Celery, 3rd to 4th grade). :)

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Do cleaned out bedrooms count as new beginnings? Just spent 4 days with 2 kids cleaning out their respective bedrooms. Older two have to do it themselves.


Now that it's done they are very happy. Goodwill should be with everything coming their way tomorrow.

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