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UPDATED with VIDEO: 18yo homeschooled boy paralyzed after breaking back tells his story


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UPDATE (5/23): The family uploaded a video of Noah telling his story to one of the nurses if anyone would like to watch. The first 8:20 or so is him getting outside in his chair for the first time; he starts telling the story at about 8:20. (





What a strong, determined young kid. Noah fell from a cliff while at work and broke his back. He fell on Monday afternoon and wasn't found until Wednesday. He thought about his grandparents and parents and nine siblings and held on with all he had. He has had two surgeries and will likely not walk again.

This family lives about two hours from here and I just sat and chatted with the mom for awhile a couple of weeks ago. There's a group of us that gets together for events with our kids.

See story here, and of course any donations would be much appreciated. The family has a long road ahead of them. If you want to give and mention that you came via WTM/Juliana so they know, you can, but not necessary of course. Prayers and good thoughts welcome too!


Edited by milovany
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Additional info to add to the original post: He fell 25-30 feet, rolled to about 200 feet, and (because no one saw him or knew he'd fallen), he pulled himself half a mile across rocks -- all with a broken back -- until he found someone, a day and a half later. He sat up today and there's a photo of that on the youcaring page.

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How awful nobody found him for 2 days.


I know.  He doesn't live at home so his family didn't know he was "missing" and he didn't work the next day so work didn't either.  It was near freezing to freezing - and it rained like cats and dogs the last morning -- before he was found.  He has some frostbite on his chin.  They posted a picture of him sitting up and smiling today. 

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I don't know what his specific job was, but he worked at an winery (the area is famous for its wineries and orchards). 


The family uploaded a video of Noah telling his story to one of the nurses if anyone would like to watch. The first 8:20 or so is him getting outside for the first time; he starts telling the story at about 8:20.




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