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Kids make me laugh or why would you eat IN the fridge?

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That has happened many times in this house.


But it's usually me. :coolgleamA:


Yes, because if you lean way in there nobody can see what you are munching UNLESS they have the audacity to walk all the way around the open door. And who would do that? :lol:  Many a morsel has disappeared this way in my house as well.

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I want to hear more stories! For a long time I was a secret kitchen eater, then found out dh was as well.


Fast forward, teen and pre-teen sons used to hide in the garage eating sugary sugary junky cereal since I refused to buy it. I can only imagine it, I was told by their dear sisters who caught them. This is funny, okay?

Fast forward teen daughter sneaking a bite of pie out of the dish in the fridge. Uh huh. The 11 year old you have eating olives WITH A FORK while standing in the fridge is just precious! LOL


Foods I'd hide: chocolates of any kind, Pepperidge Farm Milano cookies, cashews, black olives, dill pickles, and honey.


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I want to hear more stories! For a long time I was a secret kitchen eater, then found out dh was as well.


Fast forward, teen and pre-teen sons used to hide in the garage eating sugary sugary junky cereal since I refused to buy it. I can only imagine it, I was told by their dear sisters who caught them. This is funny, okay?

Fast forward teen daughter sneaking a bite of pie out of the dish in the fridge. Uh huh. The 11 year old you have eating olives WITH A FORK while standing in the fridge is just precious! LOL


Foods I'd hide: chocolates of any kind, Pepperidge Farm Milano cookies, cashews, black olives, dill pickles, and honey.


My 2 yr old is now strong enough to open the fridge. We discovered this about a week ago when she opened the fridge and opened ds' lunchable to eat the cookies out of it :lol:


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