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Question about Singapore Intensive Practice


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My kids used it in lieu of the regular workbook but staggered 1 semester behind. So if the student was doing the 4A textbook, he/she would be using the 3B IP (and also the 3B CWP). It was a way of building review into Singapore in a way that still challenged them.

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With my oldest child I just used the IP instead of the WB.


With my middle child I used the WB for SM 1.  I may used IP 1 over the summer.  Pick and choose problems.  :)  Honestly, I just didn't have time to pick and choose problems from IP this past few months; otherwise, I would have while she was doing the WB. 

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this is a great idea!  so the IP lines up with each lesson?  is it listed in the HIG which pages to do in IP?  


IP lines up with each *chapter*, but not with each *lesson*.  When I did just the textbook and IP, I did a chapter in the text and then the corresponding chapter in IP.  (ETA: If the student can't go through a whole chapter of the tb without additional practice, then ime probably it would be better to use IP *alongside* the wb than as a *replacement* for the workbook.)  Now I use the tb and wb together (dd needed more computation practice even though she got the concepts fairly easily), and do IP a semester behind, to both review and go deeper.

Edited by forty-two
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We use it in addition to. We don't do the textbook problems. We use the workbook as classwork; completing it together to learn and practice the content. Then IP is independent work done one week behind the workbook to confirm/solidify mastery. Works very well for us.

Edited by RenaInTexas
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We use it as review/practice between levels. Also, we find we occasionally have very light days with SM where the entire lesson/practice takes less than 15 minutes, and on those days I'll pick one or two of the more challenging problems out of the IP book to look at. Or I might come to a Friday and not want to move on to the new chapter/concept right before the weekend, so we'll work in the IP book instead. Since we're generally working a level behind in the IP book, we can really flip to any page and practice anything we want. It's just a nice book to have around.

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