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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I was going to get up early to make dinner for a friend whose dh is ill, so that I could bring it with me when I take dd to her math tutor, but I decided I'll just do the extra driving.  



To do:


Take dd to math

Read City of God


drop dd off at study group

mobile vet is coming today between 1:30-2:30

make meatloaf, potatoes and veggies

p/u dd

take food to friend

Dinner for us????  Oops!  Forgot also have to cook chicken for shelter!  LOL.  Too much cooking today!

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Good morning, all!


-coffee and get oldest off to school

-straighten up for cleaning people

-have youngest do some IXL practice before standardized testing next month

-co-op (we have decided to cut school today :lol: )

-pick up oldest from school

-take oldest to conditioning gym

-library (not like the past 5 days when I have said "tomorrow")

-cook the London broil (been saying this since Sunday)


Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Hello everyone!  We have snow and high winds in the forecast today. I'm rearranging my schedule to get my errands and shopping done before the nasty weather hits.


•make shopping list

•horse chores

•pick up refills and food for Boo & Thor at vet






•dd Music Club

•office stuff

•dd violin lesson

•dinner: pick up something at grocery store

Edited by Selkie
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  • Laundry in the wee hours
  • Pack kids' gym bags and track bags
  • Donations to sponsored families
  • Some other personal stuff in the wee hours
  • Kids off to school bus
  • Clean out critter cage
  • Take out garbage
  • A little other housework
  • Get caught up on emails, social media stuff

To do:

  • Lots of "work" work
  • A little reading and exercise
  • Finish the laundry
  • Some cleaning for weekend sleepover / maids
  • Scout photo stuff
  • Scout newsletter
  • Work on calendar
  • Cancel Thursday book club meeting?  Track practice takes precedence.
  • Kids' work.  Last chance to do Thurs/Fri homework.
  • Try again to contact friend in hospital / rehab.
  • Kid to gym.  Walk / work while kid practices.
  • Read-aloud?
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
  • Whatever I'm forgetting.
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Hey Jean, do you want a re-do on Tuesday?  ;)  I could use a bonus day this week!




walk the dog


to do:


errands - milk, tiara, mom's

more school


piano lessons

church for choir, dinner and class

get camping gear out of the attic

Edited by ScoutTN
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school- extremely frustrating right now. DD12 is at that age, and Latin is hard, so the looks on her face and the attitude I am getting make me consider running away right now. 


clean up as much as possible as I go, laundry ongoing. Folding now. (well now right now) next to dds doing their schoolwork. 


drive kids to dance. 


get registered for consignment sale and pull out the first box to start ironing. Maybe get started?? 


work on budget and bills when dh comes home for late lunch break with him. 


take everyone to church. Drop them off for dinner. 


Go grocery shopping, pick them up on way home. 


I'm tired already. It's not even lunch. :) 

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Bfast - done

Pack lunches -done

coop - done


Still to do:

- make brownies for Easter traditions group tonight

- reading lesson with Ker

- day one of Resurrection Eggs

- poetry tea time

- make dinner

- clean for Easter traditions group (dump bath trash, sweep, vacuum (?), clean front door glass, tidy

- group!


Then collapse into bed!!

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One kid has a birthday so we are celebrating that




Naps  oh I had a really good nap


early eating


dh is taking 2 girls to dad and dancer dance class


i am taking other kids and baby to swim team and lessons


home to bed




I should have called the doc to redo an apt that i missed.  

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Ds from college to work


Managed to get home without crashing by pinching myself hard to stay awake.  Napped immediately on getting home since being up with Rocky for over an hour in the middle of the night was taking a big toll..  Got interrupted by telemarketers twice.  :cursing:  Still, I managed to get just enough of a nap in to keep sort of functional.


Taught what the WTM ladies taught me in algebra.  I can do it!  I'm so proud of myself.  :lol:


Taught Japanese


Unloaded the dishwasher. 


called re. prescription



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Bfast - done

Pack lunches -done

coop - done


Still to do:

- make brownies for Easter traditions group tonight - DONE

- reading lesson with Ker - DONE

- day one of Resurrection Eggs - DONE

- poetry tea time

- make dinner - DONE

- clean for Easter traditions group (dump bath trash, sweep, vacuum (?), clean front door glass, tidy -DONE

- group!


Then collapse into bed!!

Tea time will have to wait until tomorrow... For now I'm relaxing until friends come!

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All done - at least all that is going to get done today.

Next up, PJs, kids to bed, heating pad for my shoulders , time to read and relax.  


Crazy weather here! 

Temp dropped about 20 degrees in an hour or so. Super windy and mostly clear sky.

We are under tornado watch, but I think the rain storm passed us earlier today. 

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Good thing I checked back in, because it reminded me to send out the scout newsletter.  Not much to report, but what there is needs to be read!


Good news for me - I finally got through to my friend who was diagnosed with cancer last fall.  Sounds like she is "OK," she and her husband (also sick) are living in an apartment with daily visits from health care folks.  So now I have their new address, and I also got her son's phone number.  I know to extend their tax return and will work on a game plan from there.  I need to figure out a way to visit them and also a way to have a real conversation.  We used to go back and forth on email all the time, but that stopped over a year ago.  :(


In other news - I was able to walk for about a half hour tonight - second time in 3 days.  Plus I have done my yoga routine for 4? consecutive days.  May not sound like much, but it's actually been a long time since I've done anything that regular.  I also played a little piano.  Too bad I can't say I also got a lot of work done.  :P


I didn't get to my calendar, but I did catch up on a number of personal tasks, including some donations that were time-sensitive.

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