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Can I tell you that I'm losing it over here?

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ETA Update: I just wanted to let you all know that I went to the doctor today. He listen very well and started me on a new anti-depressant. I'm hoping that it helps! Thanks, too, for the good ideas! Buddabelly - I'm working at the exercising every day. I think, too, that it is huge in making me feel better.


I'm just down. I want to read, eat and nothing else. I want to ignore the world and not think about anything stressful (which seems to be everything). Everything seems so big - exercise, eating right, school, housework, laundry, paying bills, taking care of the kids, and on and on.


I'm on an anti-depressant, but I still am struggling. I really, really hate feeling like this and I can't seem to kick it. Do you have any advice to help a person that is very out of "it" (for lack of a better word) get "it" back? I really need to be exercising, I've lost 20 lbs this summer, and I'm starting to gain. I still have another 50 lbs. to lose! I don't want to backtrack.


I feel like Paul when he said something to the effect of "Why do I do the things I don't want to and don't do the things I want to do?". Oh, my prayer life is another thing that feels like I'm failing at. I keep praying for strength and for change, yet things seem to remain the same. I'm not doubting God is here, but I'm not seeing Him here, does that make sense?


Anyway, the little one is up from her nap, so I must go. I really need to accomplish something for the day. Often the first thing I think of when I'm feeling like this is putting the kids in school. Do you think that would help me?? Any other thoughts, advice or gentle kicks in the behind would be welcome!

Edited by KIN
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:grouphug: I hear you. It's so hard to make yourself do the things that can help you get out of that well until you're out of that well. Do your meds need to be tweaked a bit? Upped? Changed? Supplemented? If you drink caffeine, did you skip it today? I find myself in the craziest places, mentally, when I skip my daily coffee. Sounds so simplistic, but there it is.


I hope you can find some energy and light soon!

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Oh do I ever hear you loud and clear. I am in a similar place. More ups than downs. But the downs are back right now and it stinks. I don't want to home school. I want them in school. Well, not really, but I don't feel like I have it to give. No kicks in the behind here. These things are not just things we can snap out of. You have my complete empathy here. I get it. :grouphug:

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Maybe try this...pick one thing you hope to get done today. Just today. It might be a load of laundry, math with the kids, pay the electric bill. Something that needs to be done that you have been putting off and then muster up all the energy you can to get that one thing done. THEN...feel good about getting it done! :001_smile: You accomplished something you set out to do! Hopefully a few days of this, and you'll be able to add in another and set the wheel in motion again.


I know this is easier said than done. Believe me. BTDT got the shirt. I also agree with another poster who mentioned getting your meds check out. Might need something different...dosage, different kind, ect.


I hope you will find energy and peace soon.

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would be centering around the ages of my children. I've decided that having a child between the ages of 1 and 3 is enough to break even the strongest woman. I have exactly opposite needs of a child in that age range and it just about kills me. They need constant supervision, and I long for a few moments alone. They eat mush, and I want gourmet. They have no ability to reason, and I prefer a well-rationed conversation. They poop and pee everywhere, and I prefer sanitation. They like to run in front of cars, and I prefer not endangering my life. And so on....


So, right now I'm riding the wave of having my youngest just 3 mos and my next youngest 3.5 with some ability to reason. My oldest is 12 and my other two are old enough. Life's grand. Next year, I'll repost your post.


Don't know if this applies to you, but I do know a year or two makes a big difference. Hold on.


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I know it is hard I have SAD I am starting my spiral into the pit also. The things I do are basic I get up and get dressed every day.If the kids were in school what would you do? Be depressed or in bed? That wouldn't be good either.Try to have basics to look at make a list so you know what to do next when brain fog comes in. Just hang on it will get better.:grouphug:

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I have one suggestion (do I get points for simplicity?): get exercising. Be accountable to an early-morning exercise buddy (or 8:00 p.m. if that's the only time you can get away) and do it. Every day, or every other day, but no less frequently. Once you get over the shock of beginning, it will do so much for your mood, your outlook on life, and your energy level.


I won't get into the whole depression topic. I just wanted to suggest something that would help right now. Just be glad this is the 21st century. I have been taking anti-depression medication since being hospitalized in 1980, and the only meds available back then made you so groggy and lethargic. I was no longer suicidal, but only because I didn't have enough energy to formulate a plan. Not to joke about suicide, of course. I just wanted to say that we should count our blessings that we live in a century in which depression is treatable. Our great-grandparents didn't have such options.


Oops, guess I'm getting "into" it. But one more important thing. Many people have to experience three or four different prescriptions before finding a medicine that helps them. Depression comes in all forms and is caused by imbalances in more than one brain chemical. Serotonin is not the cause for everyone. (It is often a factor, though, which is why serotonin uptake inhibitors are so popular. These were not available when I was younger.)


And some advice for you NOW: when you are worried about something, try to stick with just that one thing. Be worried about your son learning math. Don't let the laundry and "what are we going to have for dinner" come into your brain and trespass. We get overwhelmed and reactive (that's a Buddhist thing, sorry). Try to just do one thing. Even saying it out loud helps: "I'm sorry you don't have a clean shirt, honey. I'm doing dishes right now. We'll talk about laundry later." Don't let it all cave in on you!


Peace & hugs,



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One thing at a time...makes anything look easier! I find on my overwhelming days that if I just think of one job to get done...and then give myself a time limit, it helps me get at it. For example, okay, I'm going to race the timer and see if I can empty the dishwasher by then. Or I'm going to pretend someone is coming over at 10:00 and I need to have the table cleared off & looking nice by then. Or put on some fun music and fold laundry until the song is over. And that's all you have to do.


I don't mean to focus so much on just the housekeeping; but that is the part that really overwhelms me sometimes. And to be honest, when my house is straigtened up (dishes done, laundry somewhat caught up, entry way clean), then I feel so much better and able to give my energy to my little ones.


I have down days often. I don't know what the answer is. I am not on any meds, but I probably should be. I'm also not exercising, don't always eat healthy, and rarely go to bed at a decent time...I think all three of those things certainly contribute to feeling down. Another thing that would make a difference for me is if I had a friend...someone who could relate to the stage in life I'm at and with whom I could say, hey, this is hard today.


Anyhow...hang in there. You can do it! Just pick one thing to try to improve on and see if it helps!

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Thanks for the support everyone! I decided last night that I would accomplish two things today: quiet time and exercise. I've had a hard time getting up and doing those things before the kids get up. So, it finally dawned on me: do I *have* to do them before the kids are up?


I decided that quiet time and exercise were my priorities, school will come as I feel better. Anyway, it is now 7:30 and I've had my quiet time and exercised. Granted, it was only a 1 mile Walk Away the Pounds DVD, but it was a start. And, now it's time to get on with the day - I've accomplished what I wanted and I still have time for school. :)


I've also made an appointment with my doctor for next Tuesday at 2:00. I've been on this med for 3 months, the doctor tried to add another med last month, but I had some really bad side effects. So, I'm going to go back and try it again.


Again, thanks for your support and kind words. Please keep praying for me, and for others that deal with depression.

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Thanks for the support everyone! I decided last night that I would accomplish two things today: quiet time and exercise. I've had a hard time getting up and doing those things before the kids get up. So, it finally dawned on me: do I *have* to do them before the kids are up?


I decided that quiet time and exercise were my priorities, school will come as I feel better. Anyway, it is now 7:30 and I've had my quiet time and exercised. Granted, it was only a 1 mile Walk Away the Pounds DVD, but it was a start. And, now it's time to get on with the day - I've accomplished what I wanted and I still have time for school. :)


I've also made an appointment with my doctor for next Tuesday at 2:00. I've been on this med for 3 months, the doctor tried to add another med last month, but I had some really bad side effects. So, I'm going to go back and try it again.


Again, thanks for your support and kind words. Please keep praying for me, and for others that deal with depression.


Praying for you, KIN. :grouphug:

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