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My daughter and I just came from an Obama rally!!!

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We got to see Obama!! In person!! It was wonderful!!


I didn't sleep at all last night (I was scared of taking my usual sleeping pill because it was late and I had to get up really early), my dd didn't go to sleep until 3, I got her up at 7, we left at 7:15, got on line at 7:35. I have a sprained ankle, foot and knee. They were supposed to let us in at 10; let us in at 11:15. At 12:10, a couple of politicians, including Doug Wilder, now Mayor of Richmond, VA, came out.


At 12:40 Tim Kaine, Gov of VA came out. Then Mark Warner, running for Senate. Then Obama!! He was amazing!! I think he spoke for a good hour!! He was better in person that I could have imagined--his message was better than any I've heard, he was funny, personable, thrilling, wonderful!!


I don't care how cold it was, how tired we were, how sore I am, I don't care about any of it--my child witnessed history today, and I'm so grateful we got to go!!!


Yeah, OBAMA!!!

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Oh, wow, you are so lucky!


Back during the primaries, the Obama camp was the only one that called me as an Independent and invited me to see him in person. They called and invited me THREE times.....and all three dates I had other obligations. Arrggghh! I really wish I could have gone to see him. But, I felt honored to have been asked.


Dh went to see McCain and even shook his hand and took his picture.


Your dd will remember this all her life. Way to go Mom!

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We heard Michelle Obama today at a political rally in Gainesville!


It was a lot of fun. The kids were upset that they couldn't see her. We were too far back. I could just get glimpses of her between heads now and then. I would have loved to hear her husband speak. But it was neat that Michelle was there.

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What exactly was his message?


It wasn't one message, it was so many--he talked about his health care plan-about how it has been distorted by McCain--it is not going to change the plans people already have, just make them more affordable; if you don't have a plan, it will make them available, the same ones that are available to congressmen, and you know they are good. And how will he pay for them? Well, as he said, if we can afford to pay more than $10 million a month in Iraq, then we can afford health care in America.


It was about education--making pre-school education available--TO THOSE WHO NEED IT!! Not forced on everyone, as so many here have tried to imply. And to pay teachers more, so that it is the type of job that gets the pay it deserves, and so that we get the top grade of people we need in it and they want to stay in it!


He talked about the economy, of course, and his plan--on how horrible it has become. On the bill that had to be passed so that the whole economy did not totally collapse, as it was on the brink of doing; with it, a ton more jobs would have been lost, the stock market would have been in total collapse, we would have hit a major depression.


He talked about creating jobs by taking old tobacco factories and making them into factories for bio-fuels and alternative energy, by working on other alternative energy sources, by working on cars that would use alternative fuel sources, by creating these jobs here, and not abroad, thus creating jobs and working towards the future good of the planet! He spoke of capital gains tax credits to companies that create new jobs in America, that do not outsource them to other countries.


A lot of his speech was about unification--about bringing the country back together--which, to some, may not make sense, but to those of us that see the incredible disparity among the classes, and I can't say anything has brought that more to light than this election, it was a beautiful message to hear.


Obama's message was beautiful, wonderful, and inspiring. He was wonderful--everyone was happy, excited, thrilled. It was amazing, to be surrounded by people who felt the same way, people of a like mind. I haven't felt that way in a long time. Sadly, I haven't felt that way since I moved to VA.


It was a thrill, to see the man who, I pray, will be our next president. And to do that with my daughter by my side. Watching history unfold. :D

Edited by Mom to Aly
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Well, how about this? He was in my neighborhood last night. He spoke at a park that's at the end of our street. My son walked down there (my son's a Chuck Baldwin/sort of McCain supporter) just to see the action.


My daughter had a sewing class in a different town last night, so we weren't around for the excitement. But we got caught up in traffic in our town's historic district, and it took us forever to get home. There were lots of speech-goers out walking around with their Obama signs, and they were clearly very excited.

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I'm so jealous! I would love to see the candidates in person, especially Obama, but deep in the heart of Texas that's not going to happen. :glare:


Sure it did!


I live in a little town between two big cities. My son and I saw him twice by making the drive to both cities. It was awesome, amazing, inspirational, and just plain fun! I wouldn't have deprived my son from all that history for all the money in the world.

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