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Well Trained Bodies - 2/11/17


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I've gotten my workouts in everyday this week + karate class yesterday. I've been trying to spend some time practicing karate and stretching in the evenings. I still need to do that today. My diet hasn't been awful but I did have some Valentine's treats yesterday. I'm still not drinking enough water. I'm only at 40oz so far for today. I'm going to try to get another 16oz in before I go bed.

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Busy days in the books.


Assisted teaching middle schoolers yoga Tues, I led warm-ups and was a demo girl and spotter.

Taught k'ers Wed.


Had an absolute blast with the k'ers, they love to be crazy. We moved around a lot, did some breathing exercises and did some serious talking as well and they begged for more and were nearly on top of me by the end. I let some of them practice teaching but forgot my yoga cards for them to use, so one made us do push-ups and one jumping jacks :)


My classes are cancelled until next week(teacher out of town), although if I am feeling spunky I might hit classes at another place, we'll see. Today we have got to get caught up on school and I hope for an evening forest romp and general playing around and some handstand/arm balance stuff.


I need to start working now on practicing for my community class I am teaching next Wed (eek!). 

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I took a Pure Barre class yesterday morning, then snuck over to the yoga studio yesterday afternoon for a Bikram yoga class.


Took another Pure Barre class this morning. This instructor is so difficult that most of us are scared to take her class, and her nickname is "Margaret Thatcher:" "Lips of Marilyn Monroe and the eyes of Caligula."

Edited by trulycrabby
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Vindication--- my test results finally came back in--- and my thyroid is off, by a good amount. Normal TSH is 1, top of the range 3 and mine was 8. T3 and T4 both low, despite the fact that I've felt decent i knew that it had to be off with my activity & food and continuing to gain weight. As of now, I'd like to lose 9 pounds and see where I'm at, I've got a decent amount of muscle so it is hard to say where I want to be but that ought to be a decent start (and where I was not that long ago and didn't have little bulges under my shirts!-- after I had pneumonia in the fall it totally wonked out my thyroid-- first I was high and losing weight and then I started gaining- then I'd plateau for awhile and then gain some more, finally I got an appt in Jan but it was this big mess with my labs and it took forever- I am about 12-15 lbs heavier than where I was when I got sick).


Played around with kids outside but didn't have time for as much as I hoped in between all the school & cooking a big fancy supper (but it certainly wasn't a super sedentary day). Today is adventure day :) Hoping for a big romp, hiking, sprints, arm balancing etc. Tonight we have a Scout event and then the girls and I are free for the weekend- I'm very looking forward to plenty of outside time, work, play, and yoga!

Edited by soror
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Adventuring/ Forest Training Done-


We tried to initiate dh into the club but he wasn't as adventurous :)


little bike ride this am- hills kill me!


couple hr hike/romp through the hills; found some vines to swing and climb, conquered our forest version of the warped wall (steep dirt embankment- running jumping and then climbing over the top :) ) and finished it off with a race sprint up the last big hill; I got a lot of scratches from the thorns and nearly tripped a few times over rocks but I persevered. Sure felt good to get to the top!

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We just got home from my 2nd Zumba class. Tonight it did not seem to be "high impact" as I reported after the class Tuesday night. In that class, my first, there was some jumping, which I had decided I wouldn't do again, but tonight there wasn't any jumping.  There were more people tonight. I told my wife, I think it is because on Fridays, the HOA is paying, but also because many people don't need to work on Saturday. I think there were between 20 and 25 people tonight. If the class keeps growing,we are going to out grow our open-air meeting area.  They had Wine and a Snack after. I drank a little WIne, but skipped the Snack.  We will not be ready for Radio City Music Hall in the near future. Tonight, there were 3 men, but the majority of the group are women.  We are not ready for YouTube...  I asked the Instructor how long he has been doing this and I think he said he began when he was 12. He's 31 now. He can move really fast....

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An hour of light yoga this morning, practicing the class I will teach Wednesday.


Worked on cleaning house most of the day, I had wanted to work outside but it rained all day, oh well I needed to get inside stuff done too. The weather is *supposed* to be nice tomorrow, so hopefully it will be dry enough to work outside.


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