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Have you ever gotten "official score report" for your student's SAT or AP tests from CB?


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If you are a public school student, your official scores will be delivered to the school, right? Why CB doesn't send them to homeschooler's school, as in student's home address? 


Recently my ds was nominated for a candidate of the selective scholarship and as his school counselor, I am supposed to send a copy of his official AP test scores to that organization by the end of Feb. Only thing is, I've never gotten his official scores from CB! I am planning on calling CB about this, but I have doubts that they will send me one. I have a reason for my doubts.


Last December, we found out that one of colleges he was applying didn't get his SAT subject scores. The school said I can mail them a copy of my ds's official score. So I called CB and explain the situation. The lady at CB said that they usually don't send the official scores to homeschoolers, but she will send one for my ds right away. No mail. So we talked to one manager and he promised that he will expedite the procedure and send me one. After more than a month, I still don't have it. (Luckily the school locate my ds's score so we didn't have to deal with that any more.)


Any experience? Is there any way that we can appeal to CB  for the sake of homeschooers? Don't we have a right to receive official score just like any other schools? It is just one after another. :closedeyes:

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If you are a public school student, your official scores will be delivered to the school, right? Why CB doesn't send them to homeschooler's school, as in student's home address?

My friends' public school kids were told to print from their online CB account if they want to. I know the guidance counselors get to see the scores but I don't think she/he gets a printed copy from CB. My local high school has approx 1700 kids.


I did get my kids SAT scores report mailed to me because mine are under 13. I was told by CB customer service to print from my kids online account once my kids are over 13 and can create an account. No idea about AP since my kids haven't taken any.


You did get your child's PSAT score by mail right.

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Interesting question--no, I did not get a hard copy of my son's CB subject test report, and for some reason I never thought that was strange until now.  We did get his ACT report.


We did get hard copies of PSAT scores for tests taken when the kids were enrolled in B&M schools.

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Thank you for all your inputs.


This is the organization ask me to do as my ds's counselor.


As part of the SSR, you are asked to submit a copy of the Applicant's High School Transcript, any AP Test Scores, and a School Profile if one is available.


Does that mean, as a school counselor, I should have his AP test scores? I cannot have CB send the scores to this organization even if I am willing to pay for it because I am the one who need to send them altogether. Does high school usually pay for this?


Any thoughts or experiences will be appreciated. 


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Public schools don't get copies of kids' AP scores as an individual report. They are in our database, so I can look up at student's AP scores. I have access to a list of my students and their AP scores on my AP test from College Board. But, no, College Board doesn't send us individual score reports. Our counselor could look up AP scores in our database and write them down.

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Thanks Caroline. It is much clear now. I was thinking CB is discriminating dear homeschoolers.  :glare:


Still, what does it mean by "send a copy of AP test scores"? If I includes ds' AP scores in his transcript, would that be sufficient? :confused1:

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Thanks Caroline. It is much clear now. I was thinking CB is discriminating dear homeschoolers. :glare:


Still, what does it mean by "send a copy of AP test scores"? If I includes ds' AP scores in his transcript, would that be sufficient? :confused1:

You'll need to ask the scholarship group.


I have AP scores on our homeschool transcript, but some groups don't trust the scores on homeschool transcripts.


I think if you log into the College Board account, there should be a way to order a score report for AP scores as well as SAT scores.

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Most schools just want the AP scores reported with applications. If admitted they want official scores sent to the school. Not sure if this is the case for all schools, but it is for the ones my son applied to.


I simply listed the AP scores on my transcript as well as in our school profile for application and this was good enough. 

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We had to have an official hard copy for a scholarship.  You can get this for SAT and ACT, but I don't know about AP.  I was in application fog so I don't remember much, but here is a chunk of the email I sent to a friend whose dd was applying for the same scholarship:


To have ACT scores sent directly to you, go to the website and enter 7000 for the college code.  Don’t open the envelope or it magically loses its officialness.

To get SAT scores sent directly to you, call 866-756-7346 and spend lots of time on hold with a call center that knows the words “paper mail†but doesn’t seem to understand the concept. Again don’t open the envelope when it arrives ;-)  

The key is not to open the envelope when they arrive, though someone told me after that the SAT is in two envelopes so I could have opened the outer one.  

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You can order a score report sent to a school for AP scores from your student's CB account.  Typically students do this after their final AP scores are in for senior year and have the report sent to the school they will be attending so the school can determine any advanced standing or issue any credit.  I would imagine you need the CB code for the school or scholarship and could then request a report be sent.


CB seems to have given up on paper scores for anything but the PSAT.  You can sometimes get more information if you request a detailed score report but a general report seems to be online these days.  For one of my kids I used screen shots of their online report and sent those in an email to establish their qualifications for a program.  Those were accepted.

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Just order the report to be sent directly to whomever is requesting the report.


This.  Has anyone ever *not* had to do this?


No school my kids applied to would accept a score on a transcript, and that includes from ps (one of my kids went to ps for high school).  If you asked to have the scores sent to particular schools when you took the test, then you don't have to send them again.  They will send a couple of scores for free at that time (to colleges you ask for), but my kids weren't sure about where they'd want them sent yet, so we didn't choose that option.  This goes for AP, SAT, SAT2 and ACT.  And CLEP, for that matter (except that with the CLEPs, we did know where to send them, so they got sent the first time for free.  But when transferring, you have to get a new report sent).


One of my dds is transferring schools, and yes, I just paid another $15 to the College Board to have her AP scores sent to the new school.  She also has to get new official transcripts sent directly from all the colleges she's attended (a CC, one course at another school, and her current school).  So far they haven't asked for official SAT or ACT scores, I'm kind of hoping with 80-some credits transferring they don't care anymore?  But it's still early; that might be coming later...


For AP, SAT, SAT2, and CLEP, you go to the College Board site and you can get them sent from there. They get sent right to the colleges (you can search for the code from a list).  You do need an account, but you need to set one up to register for the tests, so you should already have one.  For ACT, same thing, but from the ACT.org website.


It is useless and pointless to have the official scores sent to you.  You can view and print them any old time from the website, but the colleges want the official scores to come directly from the College Board or ACT in some official capacity.

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This.  Has anyone ever *not* had to do this?



It is useless and pointless to have the official scores sent to you.  You can view and print them any old time from the website, but the colleges want the official scores to come directly from the College Board or ACT in some official capacity.



Yeah, this thread has me confused. I thought I might be missing something.



Our case was an individual private scholarship and not on the CB list.  The organization didn't want scores coming separate from the "application package."  They wanted everything in one big envelope, so we had to get official transcripts in sealed envelopes and same with test scores.  I thought the OP had the same problem.

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Our case was an individual private scholarship and not on the CB list. The organization didn't want scores coming separate from the "application package." They wanted everything in one big envelope, so we had to get official transcripts in sealed envelopes and same with test scores. I thought the OP had the same problem.

Ah, that makes sense. I figured I must be missing some piece to the puzzle!

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Our case was an individual private scholarship and not on the CB list.  The organization didn't want scores coming separate from the "application package."  They wanted everything in one big envelope, so we had to get official transcripts in sealed envelopes and same with test scores.  I thought the OP had the same problem.


Ah.  My kids never wanted to do the work (extra essays, etc) for private scholarships, so don't have any experience with those.


I'd think you'd still need to be ordering extra copies of the official scores, unless you only had to do this once.  Don't Official Scores come in sealed envelopes (like Official Transcripts) where you can't open them, or look at them, or use them to send to more than one place?  Otherwise how would they be different than printing the scores off your online College Board account?

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I don't think homeschoolers (or schools) can send "official scores". For them to be official they must come from the reporting agency. Just call them up and have them sent.


There are exceptions like private scholarships that might want scores sent from you, but those are individual situations.

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I think you really need to contact the scholarship organization, be clear that you are acting in the capacity of homeschool guidance counselor and ask what they will accept.  You may need to be specific about what you can and cannot provide.  Are they most interested in getting everything in one package or in having scores that were never handled by a family member?  It is likely that they aren't familiar with homeschoolers or with the concept that the official transcript for a homeschooler may come from a parent.


Some high schools include test scores on their transcripts, particularly AP scores that are a result of courses take at the school.  So being included on the transcript could count as "official."  


It is possible to have College Board snail mail an official report.  You have to call to arrange this.  We have had to do this with SAT scores that were going to a small scholarship without a CEEB code.  I think it is probably possible to do this for AP as well.


Given the wording of the text in your later post, it is possible the scholarship group might accept a print out.  We had one scholarship organization that took the SAT scores we provided and called to confirm them with College Board.  I called CB ahead of time to get the appropriate contact number and pathway through the phone system.  The scholarship rep was able to state ds's scores and the CB rep confirmed that they were in fact the correct score.

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Our case was an individual private scholarship and not on the CB list.  The organization didn't want scores coming separate from the "application package."  They wanted everything in one big envelope, so we had to get official transcripts in sealed envelopes and same with test scores.  I thought the OP had the same problem.

Firstly, thank you for all your replies. It makes me feel so confident that I have such a great support group.


What Joules saying is close to my case. The scholarship program wants me to upload my DS's AP scores when I submit SSR along with his transcript. His transcript has all test scores, but the form that I am supposed to submit electronically has separate section for uploading AP scores.


According to our school district high school counselor (Bless her heart, she has been really helpful and friendly to us), I have to order AP scores from CB personally. And of course, CB web site doesn't allow me to send DS's AP scores home address.  :crying:


So this is what I am going to do. 

Like Sebastian recommend, call the scholarship organization tomorrow morning, explain our situation and find a solution.

Call CB and find out if I can have AP scores send to home address.


I will get to the bottom of this tomorrow and let you know!

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Quick update. Heard from the scholarship organization. It was in different time zone and first person didn't know the answer. It took me two days to get the answer. They will accept my DS's CB account AP score copy.


As for CB, if I want to have an official AP test report, I have to fax or mail the request along with the payment because they don't have an option to order it to home address.  So I did, just in case.


Well, at least I am learning something everyday!

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