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One year ago today, my dh had a liver transplant


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Thank you all so much for your replies -- I really appreciate the welcome back and I'm enjoying reading everyone's updates (well, not the sad ones, but you know what I mean, right?)


I'll reply to as many individual posts as I can tomorrow -- right now it's almost 1:00am and I'm still in the process of unpacking (again!) and doing lots of laundry, so I should stay off the iPad and do what I'm supposed to be doing so I can eventually try to get some sleep tonight.


Please keep the updates coming -- I have missed all of you and it's so good to "see" you all again! :)

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Thanks for updating! I hope you get to visit with us a bit more this year. 


Graduated oldest dd and she is off to college! She over-schedules herself but is trying lots of new things and loving it. She's 7 hours away, each way, so I have done quite a bit of driving this last semester. She just couldn't pick the school with daily train service . . . 


Youngest dd is a junior, DE at the local university. Several teens in our core group graduated with her big sister, so we've been having to work hard at rebuilding a social network, and are finally having success.


Minor but really fun news - we are waiting on a pair of sugar gliders to join our home! We're hoping the cat takes it well, lol. 

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So glad you updated!  I can't count the number of times I've wondered how things were going, so glad to hear it's been pretty good, albeit hectic!


New news from here?  Hubby and I have decided we're planning to relocate to the Caribbean in a couple of years.  We're not sure if it will be full time or part time.  We've spent the last 20 years raising ponies (my love) and now want to take whatever is left (hopefully at least 20 for him) and enjoy the Big Water and Sailing (him) world.


At this point we've sold down to just three ponies (2 broodmares and our stallion).  Considering at our peak we had 28...and last year at this time we still had 10, it's quite a change that we're still getting used to.  Hardly any chores!


I'm still retired from homeschooling, sort of still working subbing in my local public high school (17 years now!), but this year it's just filling in for a 9th grade science teacher friend who is dealing with chemo - I've dropped the rest.  My mom got a really unexpected terminal cancer diagnosis  :( which changes so much in the near future - like traveling together to youngest son's college this Feb, and the fact that my vehicle now has the 8 1/2 hr route from my place to hers on autopilot (more or less).


Middle son graduates from college this year - plans are still up in the air for him - he wanted med school, but... plans are still up in the air.


Youngest graduates next year and should be spending fall semester in Jordan.


Oldest is still married and currently working.


So is hubby.  ;)

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Oh, I forgot to update on the rest of the family. I guess I figured a new pregnancy was all that mattered, lol! (oh, and I convinced DH to have another by having him watch Yours, Mine, and Ours, the old Lucille Ball movie..not sure how that worked, but it did!)


Really, biggest change is that oldest DS, the aspie who drives me CRAZY and doesn't want to get anything done is doing all DE classes this year (jr year) at the local CC and got straight A's first semester! Crazier? He loves Art History!!!!! This is my tech guy, the guy who is all about logic and realism. So weird, but he says he likes the history part of it, so he took Art Appreciation last semester and is taking Art History this semester - AND an humanities course! No tech courses at all. I love that he is broadening his mind and really digging into a liberal arts education. Oh- and after REFUSING to do any real writing at all at home, he got an A in his ENC1101 course, and got all A's on his college papers, both in that class and in his American Government class. Turns out he can write!  we still have the minor issue of Latin..he was supposed to be taking an online high school course for Latin 2 and dropped it when he realized it was so much busy work vs his college classes. And promised to teach himself...which isn't happening. But we'll figure something out. Hard to be too angry when he's doing so well in the other classes. Still totally stressed about him taking math, doing the SAT, etc, but we'll see. 


Littles are fine. DD6 will be 7 in a few weeks and is learning to read, etc. DS4 is cranky a lot and cries at the drop of the hat, but is the sweetest kid on earth. Just sensitive. And we got a new puppy :)

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Catwoman - Thank you for the update. I'm so glad things are working out. I've thought of you often over the past year and wondered how things were.


Nothing new or major in my life.  Well, not really. Ds is finished homeschooling and officially graduated. It seemed anti-climactic though because he had been doing dual enrollment for a year and a half so it already felt over. He's going to the local CC full time.


I hope you'll be able to come back regularly, for two reasons. 1. You are missed. 2. If you post regularly it means things are still going well for your dh.

Edited by Lady Florida.
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So lovely to hear from you, Catwoman. I've been thinking of you and your family often and am happy to hear that all is well.


Our homeschooler is graduating from high school a year early, is applying to colleges to study International Relations plus Arabic and Chinese (has been studying both already), and is very hopeful of a gap year courtesy of Rotary :)

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