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Would this annoy you?

Wheres Toto

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We belong to a local lake that does various activities over the course of the year run by the Lake Activities Committe, has regular board meetings and open forums, and is always trying to encourage involvement.  


Next week, they have an open forum/board meeting (Friday), and a lake activities committee meeting (Wednesday), and then today they posted that they are doing a Ladies Open Dish on Saturday.


I posted a comment (on Facebook, private group for the lake) that "That's a busy week with the LAC, open forum and this."


Dh thinks I shouldn't have posted because it would piss someone off.  What says the Hive?

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What would be annoying about it?  I don't  understand the concern, unless your husband thinks commenting is in and of itself annoying.   (Like, any comment would be annoying, whether it be something like "cool, lots of activity this week" or "bah, too much going on this week.")

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Why should it piss somebody off? It is a statement of fact. 3 activities in a week is busy.


Thank you. That's what I said.  I wasn't being snarky or telling them they were morons.  I was just stating it in case someone didn't realize that all these things were in the same week (they have different people organizing them).  


Belonging to a lake:


There are a lot of private lakes around here where you can join to go swimming in the summer and they often do activities in the winter.  They sponsor swim teams and other sports too.  You join by paying dues, some you also need to live in a certain vicinity.  We joined a lake in the next town but that we are within their membership radius.


I guess it's like joining a pool or a country club (but not as $$ or exclusive as a country club).


ETA: Evidently dh thinks it sounds like I was complaining.  I'm really not, it was just an observation.

Edited by Where's Toto?
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This is a side note but I think it's cool y'all have private lakes and actually DO something with them. There are private lakes all around the Houston area and so many prohibit swimming, boating or fishing. They're just for looks (and water drainage). Perhaps it's because of the chance of gators around so much of the area but it's always stricken me as stupid. It's another reason I hate HOAs, because it's always their doing.


So props to you for using the lake! And no, it wouldn't annoy me and like Sadie I'm easily annoyed. :) It WOULD annoy me to have that many things in a row so if I were a fellow member I would probably high five you for your comment.

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Thank you. That's what I said.  I wasn't being snarky or telling them they were morons.  I was just stating it in case someone didn't realize that all these things were in the same week (they have different people organizing them).  





Maybe that is what your husband finds annoying  - he might think people could interpret it as "hey dummies, you scheduled too many things for this week."


Pure speculation on my part, of course.  And I didn't think of it till you said this.    

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My prediction: the introverts will go, "Yeah! 3 activities in one week! That's nuts!" while the extroverts will go, "well thank GOD someone is finally putting some activities on there! There's never anything to do!


*said by an introverted mother of an extroverted son

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I'll be the dissenting vote.


The implication of your comment is that they should not have scheduled three things in one week.


And yes, I'd find it annoying.


Bc start if rant.....


Either go or don't, but don't gripe about other people giving the community too many options.


It drove me nuts in other groups too. Nothing could be done bc Heaven forbid grown adults have to make a choice about what they want to do in any given week. Oh no, we can't do X during Y week bc Z is already happening that week. Why not? Because families might have to make a choice about only attending one of them. So what? UGH! This is not middle school mean girl clubs. Go or don't. Do none, do all three, do one. I don't care. I'll be happy to see you or understanding if you can't fit it in. Just quit trying to remove the choices for other people.

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Some people will find the comment annoying. Some won't. It's okay either way. Not a big deal. You're good.


From personal experience (and being completely honest) the only ones who will be annoyed with the comment are those who are already annoyed with either you personally or with similar comments made by others.

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