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question about root canal


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I had a root canal on December 7th.  I had a bunch of other work too (wisdom tooth pulled, etc.).  So I was in quite a bit of pain from the rest of it and couldn't tell what was hurting exactly.  So now the area where I had the root canal is sore.  What is particularly annoying is this tooth was not hurting me at all prior to having the root canal.  In that spot I have 2 teeth though vying for the same spot.  Yes I have major crowding and majorly stupid teeth.  So the tooth behind that tooth I had a filling.  So that area is just sore.  It's in a spot where I don't chew on it much so it's not a huge problem, but I just don't know if it should be sore still. 


I have another appointment in January so yeah of course I will ask by then the latest. 


Anyone know what is normal? 

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You could call the dentist and ask?


For what they charge yeah I should call them everyday and chat.  LOL


I may give them a call next week if it is still sore.  I wanted to give things a bit of a chance because I was in dire pain all around and I couldn't tell if there was an issue or not.  And I expected some pain.  I'm just baffled that I should in the end be in pain when I walked in there without any pain.  Makes me mad.  I don't mean SOME pain. I get that I will have some pain especially immediately after, but at this point I just don't understand the point of the ordeal if it leaves me feeling worse in the end.

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The trouble with calling is if they just say 'yeah, come in' and then you have to sell your second born ( the first auctioned off already) to afford an appt where he looks at your mouth and says 'give it a few more days'.


Our dentist looks and says "give it a few more days" for free. I'd think any respectable dentist will take a 1 minute glance for free after they did some sort of procedure.

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I haven't had a root canal, but when I had my wisdom teeth out in October, it took a lot longer for me to heal due to my age. (What the oral surgeon said...I"m 48.)  It was a good two weeks before it felt O.K.  I had a special irrigation syringe, special mouthwash, abx, plus pain killers the entire time. 

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The trouble with calling is if they just say 'yeah, come in' and then you have to sell your second born ( the first auctioned off already) to afford an appt where he looks at your mouth and says 'give it a few more days'.


But Sparkly, with Xmas coming up, better phone sooner rather than leaving it till later.

I'm with Sadie. Call now before holiday hours start up. It would be even worse misery to be trapped with pain the days surrounding Christmas! I still can't believe they didn't give you anything for pain. I want to have words with them on your behalf!

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I had root canal and that whole section of my mouth was actively bugging me for weeks but it's calmed down a lot.


I haven't called the dentist because she'll poke around and it will be aggravated again...at least that's my theory!


Uh yeah that's where I draw the line.  I told them do not poke around in my mouth unless I'm numbed or something.  They did listen to me on that one. 

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Minor soreness for a few weeks is normal. If it's not just sore but actively painful I would call the dentist.


My dentist also calls to check in the day after any major work. For my one root canal she sent me to an endodotist and both of them called me that evening to ask how I was doing.

Ok it's not super painful.  It's sore.  I didn't know if that is normal.  So this makes me feel better!


I'm still bummed to walk out of there in worse shape.  And I paid them a lot of money for this worse shape.

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The trouble with calling is if they just say 'yeah, come in' and then you have to sell your second born ( the first auctioned off already) to afford an appt where he looks at your mouth and says 'give it a few more days'.


But Sparkly, with Xmas coming up, better phone sooner rather than leaving it till later.

For any kind of filling, crown, root canal, etc. I've had, all the follow up is included in the cost of the original procedure.
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Wisdom teeth removal is painful.


I've had a number of root canals...other than the pain of where they poked around the gum, that tooth ought to be less painful by now. I usually get my root canals done when they HURT really bad, so maybe that's the difference.


I like the idea of swishing with salt water. Hold an ice pack to the area a couple of times a day, see if that helps any.


I puffy heart love my dentist because he makes my teeth stop hurting. Yes, I'm single handedly putting one of his kids through school. :lol:

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It's possible the crown or filling is too high, causing you to bump and this causes inflammation and annoying pain. I'd go back in.


Mouth pain sucks.


I don't have a crown.  There is some sort of stabilizing something or other in there though. 


I go back there first week of January so if it is still sore by then I will definitely tell them. 

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IME, a root canal shouldn't hurt at all after the procedure. Maybe some soreness from the injections of anesthetic, but the tooth itself should be totally pain free, which is the entire point. The purpose of a root canal is to remove *all* nerves/etc, and essentially kill any sensation from that tooth. I'd check with your endodontist who did it and get seen, in person, and evaluated ASAP. 


One time, I had some pain a day or two after a root canal, and the endodontist saw me after hours (week end, I think) and fixed it. I don't recall what he had to do, but it was all good after that fix up.  


(I've had at least 3 root canals. One was done in response to long term -- about 9 months -- severe pain from a poorly done crown. The pain was always 100% gone after the root canal.)


Pain is bad. 


I would NOT give it more time. More time means more inflamed nerves, which can easily become irreversible (as was the case with my poorly done crown that caused nerve damage and resulted in my first, blessed, root canal.)


It may well be "referred pain" from other nearby teeth and/or moving teeth due to the other dental work/extractions. But, whatever it is, your teeth shouldn't hurt. Go get it fixed. 


(((hugs))) Dental pain is THE WORST. 

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IME, a root canal shouldn't hurt at all after the procedure. Maybe some soreness from the injections of anesthetic, but the tooth itself should be totally pain free, which is the entire point. The purpose of a root canal is to remove *all* nerves/etc, and essentially kill any sensation from that tooth. I'd check with your endodontist who did it and get seen, in person, and evaluated ASAP. 


One time, I had some pain a day or two after a root canal, and the endodontist saw me after hours (week end, I think) and fixed it. I don't recall what he had to do, but it was all good after that fix up.  


(I've had at least 3 root canals. One was done in response to long term -- about 9 months -- severe pain from a poorly done crown. The pain was always 100% gone after the root canal.)


Pain is bad. 


I would NOT give it more time. More time means more inflamed nerves, which can easily become irreversible (as was the case with my poorly done crown that caused nerve damage and resulted in my first, blessed, root canal.)


It may well be "referred pain" from other nearby teeth and/or moving teeth due to the other dental work/extractions. But, whatever it is, your teeth shouldn't hurt. Go get it fixed. 


(((hugs))) Dental pain is THE WORST. 


I don't even know.  I'm getting a lot of conflicting info.  LOL


It's not a ton of pain, but if I touch the tooth it is sore.  Which is kinda stupid because it did not hurt when I walked in there.


I still have more dental working coming up.  I'm annoyed because I certainly didn't want to walk out of there worse than when I walked in.  So now I'm in pain AND broke.  Grrrr



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I don't think dry socket comes into play with a root canal. 

Sorry, I didn't explain that well.  Mouth pain is really weird.  The nerves from one area can feel like they are hurting in another space, including even your eyes and ears.  Since you had multiple procedures done, referred pain from an irritated socket could feel as if it is coming from the tooth that you had the root canal in.  


Honestly, a successful root canal should leave you with a tooth that feels nothing, so the fact that you are experiencing pain, would be enough for me to pop in for a check-up.  

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Sorry, I didn't explain that well.  Mouth pain is really weird.  The nerves from one area can feel like they are hurting in another space, including even your eyes and ears.  Since you had multiple procedures done, referred pain from an irritated socket could feel as if it is coming from the tooth that you had the root canal in.  


Honestly, a successful root canal should leave you with a tooth that feels nothing, so the fact that you are experiencing pain, would be enough for me to pop in for a check-up.  


Yeah I don't think I'm confused about the location of the pain.  The tooth I had pulled is nowhere near the tooth I had the root canal procedure on.  Plus I did give it almost 2 weeks before deciding I was sure where the pain was coming from exactly.


It doesn't hurt unless I touch it.  So anytime I eat I shy away from eating on that side because it's sensitive.  I just don't know why it would be sensitive. 


I dunno.  I'm afraid to go there because I'm afraid they are going to do something to make it worse.  I do have an appointment for the next procedures early January.  So definitely I would say something then.


I kinda wish I would have thought that through more and had them just pull the tooth and put an implant there or something.  Not sure why they insisted on a root canal. 

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Is this the dentist who did a lot of work and did not prescribe any pain medication? If so, then I think he is a hack or a jerk.


Pain after a root canal means something might be wrong and you should call. You should not have to be in pain.


I don't feel like they are a hack.  I've dealt with hacks.  LOL


Ugh...well like I said I do not want them futzing around with it.  Right now it's sore, but tolerable.  If they start digging around it might be worse! 

So, I don't know what to do.  I'd like to just never go to a damn dentist again. 

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