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shedding...which is worse, long hair or short hair?


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We have both, so you'd think I could compare, but in actuality there is just hair everywhere and I'm too pregnant to suss out which is worse. Bad in different ways? The long haired border collie sheds in big clumps and tumbleweeds, which are very obvious on the floor, and make me look like a bad housekeeper. Ok, I am a bad housekeeper. But anyway, very obvious, and they clog up my vacuum, where the short haired brown dog hair and the orange cat hair blend in to the wood laminate floors. 


But..the short hair gets caught in clothing and is gets woven in and won't come off easily. Which has me thinking, maybe that is worse? Especially for my DH, who has orange cat fur and brown dog fur on all his black socks and shirts. 


Any thoughts?

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I thought this was going to be about whether to cut a daughter's hair or not.

Mostly because I have two girls - one with long hair, one with short.


And what I do know is that I an regularly must slice all that long hair off the beater brush in the vacuum. 


I have thought about requesting she shave her head, but that seems cruel and unusual. 


At least I make her collect it regularly from the shower drain. 


But, we have no dogs, so I can't speak to that. It sounds like I should be thankful for dh's allergies. 


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As Spryte said, equally and differently bad. If I had to choose one I'd go for long hair.  But I'm not choosing one because I've become a convert to the non-shedding type of canine.  :001_wub:


(I know, I know -- they ALL shed to some extent or other. But the current sweetie only ever seems to shed when I take a comb to him. I'd rather comb him out a couple times a week and spend an hour with the clippers once a month than deal constantly with shed hair!!)


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As Spryte said, equally and differently bad. If I had to choose one I'd go for long hair. But I'm not choosing one because I've become a convert to the non-shedding type of canine. :001_wub:


(I know, I know -- they ALL shed to some extent or other. But the current sweetie only ever seems to shed when I take a comb to him. I'd rather comb him out a couple times a week and spend an hour with the clippers once a month than deal constantly with shed hair!!)

Pawz, what kind of dog is your current sweetie?


We have one that doesn't shed - he just grows and grows until he turns into a walking muppet-like dustmop. But he's a mystery mutt SPCA dog. No idea what he is.


I have always found long haired dogs easier to clean up after ... those big clumps are easy to spot and swipe clean. The short haired dogs have tended to just shake and shed everywhere.


[sigh] ... we lost our short haired boy yesterday. I'd give anything to have him shake and shed everywhere today.

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Pawz, what kind of dog is your current sweetie?


We have one that doesn't shed - he just grows and grows until he turns into a walking muppet-like dustmop. But he's a mystery mutt SPCA dog. No idea what he is.


I have always found long haired dogs easier to clean up after ... those big clumps are easy to spot and swipe clean. The short haired dogs have tended to just shake and shed everywhere.


[sigh] ... we lost our short haired boy yesterday. I'd give anything to have him shake and shed everywhere today.


He's a Shih Tzu. And yes, we'd have a walking dust mop if I didn't clip him regularly. :lol:

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Too bad you live in a hot climate because northern breeds are quite non shedding except when they blow coat. In between my malamute girly holds her coat. It comes off when I brush it but it doesn't fall off her kwim? 

My friends with labs kvetch endlessly that they can't get it off their clothes cause it weaves itself in. My setter sheds but I just have those sticky rollers in the car & by our coats etc & it's a quick swish to get his fur off... 

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Pawz, what kind of dog is your current sweetie?


We have one that doesn't shed - he just grows and grows until he turns into a walking muppet-like dustmop. But he's a mystery mutt SPCA dog. No idea what he is.


I have always found long haired dogs easier to clean up after ... those big clumps are easy to spot and swipe clean. The short haired dogs have tended to just shake and shed everywhere.


[sigh] ... we lost our short haired boy yesterday. I'd give anything to have him shake and shed everywhere today.


I'm sorry about your dog.  :grouphug:

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Too bad you live in a hot climate because northern breeds are quite non shedding except when they blow coat. In between my malamute girly holds her coat. It comes off when I brush it but it doesn't fall off her kwim? 


My friends with labs kvetch endlessly that they can't get it off their clothes cause it weaves itself in. My setter sheds but I just have those sticky rollers in the car & by our coats etc & it's a quick swish to get his fur off... 


Yes! That is exactly what happens. I swear the reason pocket diapers leaked for me is that dog fur was getting in the pouch and then poking through the fabric. And let's not talk about the wool diaper covers...totally ruined. Dog fur woven into them. 

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Whoa. You could go into the wig business with that. Guessing a lot of people might want to be Donald Trump for Halloween next year. You'd be set. 



One of the four reasons  shedding is a concern in this house..... this was a few minutes with the furminator. 15493346_10154290453118666_6194362465145




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Weird. We have two Labs, and I've never seen their hair woven into anything except for their dog beds. So I was going to say short hair, hands down, because when I had a Pomeranian, the long hair stuck to everything. Do you have a roomba? I bought one after we acquired Lab #2 and it has been a huge help.


Btw, I truly did not know that short-haired cats could shed that much. Is it because of the climate down there?

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Weird. We have two Labs, and I've never seen their hair woven into anything except for their dog beds. So I was going to say short hair, hands down, because when I had a Pomeranian, the long hair stuck to everything. Do you have a roomba? I bought one after we acquired Lab #2 and it has been a huge help.


Btw, I truly did not know that short-haired cats could shed that much. Is it because of the climate down there?


Speaking of labradors...look at this! https://www.petfinder.com/petdetail/36977543

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This guy was in the sidebar when I went to look at the one above, and he looks and sounds like a doll. Says he will be lower shedding? https://www.petfinder.com/petdetail/36883613/


I love the description of his personality/temperament. But nothing in that mix would indicate a lower shedding dog to me. Which would make me wary of the entire write up, although it could be whoever wrote it just doesn't understand how shedding works in dogs.

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This guy was in the sidebar when I went to look at the one above, and he looks and sounds like a doll. Says he will be lower shedding? https://www.petfinder.com/petdetail/36883613/


I actually emailed the rescue about that guy already!  The "old soul" thing caught my eye, as that's what I'm looking for. No reply yet. 


I am a bit concerned about that rescue though....no response, and I found one review online that says the person that runs it is a grifter. And the animals are all outside in covered pens, not indoors....which I'm a bit concerned about socialization wise. I'd have to see him. 

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I love the description of his personality/temperament. But nothing in that mix would indicate a lower shedding dog to me. Which would make me wary of the entire write up, although it could be whoever wrote it just doesn't understand how shedding works in dogs.


I agree about the old soul thing. And the more I read about this rescue the more wary I am. 

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So, I actually had the thought to ASK my husband about the shedding issue. He said he prefers the long hair, because it comes off more easily with a lint brush. 


But he actually seems less concerned in general than I thought...he also said he'd be okay with a pitt bull (I am too, love the breed, but am worried about home owners insurance issues if and when we move) or a boxer or a dauchsund. 

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And...another "rescue" with golden retriever/husky puppies is now ignoring, me, once I asked where they got the puppies, and said I was trying to weed out brokers for puppy mills. 


Also, it seems the Goberian is now a thing. Who knew. 


just fyi we're having a huge problem here with byb's infiltrating petfinder.   The millers and byb's figured out people want to 'adopt' so they're just putting up a front of being a rescue. Ugh. 

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This might make sense with the rescue linked above. It seemed unusual to me that they have so many puppies available all at the same time, from many different litters. That hasn't usually been the case with rescues I know of. They get puppies sometimes, but usually are mostly adult dogs (and I still put in my vote for a well-vetted older dog for Katie :))


I wondered about this, too. It seemed strange that that rescue would have such a variety of puppies. The shelters and rescues around here never have many puppies, but we're in the midwest. I know the south has a much bigger problem with pet overpopulation, so maybe that's not unusual for rescues down there? 

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I wondered about this, too. It seemed strange that that rescue would have such a variety of puppies. The shelters and rescues around here never have many puppies, but we're in the midwest. I know the south has a much bigger problem with pet overpopulation, so maybe that's not unusual for rescues down there? 


Most rescues do have quite a few puppies....but it does seem a bit odd. Supposedly they will spay a female for free if the owner turns over the whole litter...but it seems a bit odd. 

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