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Would you vote in favor of or against allowing political discussion in the future?

Are you in favor of or opposed to discussing politics on the board?  

  1. 1. Are you in favor of or opposed to discussing politics on the board?

    • Yes, I'm in favor of it.
    • No, I'm opposed to it.
    • Other (always an other!)

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While we're busy discussing endorsements...


I'm curious (though perhaps a little premature) to know how we're all feeling, at this point, about having had the opportunity to voice our political views on this board for the past few months.


Have the positives of learning others' views, and being able to present your own, outweighed the divisiveness which has occurred in many threads? Cast your vote.

Edited by Doran
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While we're busy discussing endorsements...


I'm curious (though perhaps a little premature) to know how we're all feeling, at this point, about having had the opportunity to voice our political views on this board for the past few months.


Have the positives of learning others' views, and being able to present your own, outweighed the divisiveness which has occurred in many threads? Cast your vote.


Ugh. It goes SO against my grain to ban stuff. Any stuff.


But at the same time, I just...like everyone to like everyone else. Is that so wrong? :001_huh:


So I'd vote to allow political discussion again...but I'd just really...hope and pray that everyone learned lots from this year's go-round and got so much friendlier, more tolerant, and more rational in time for the next election.


Luv 'n' kisses,

Pollyanna :D

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If I want to discuss politics, there are lots of places I can do that. I consider these boards to be my down-time spot, a place to relax and "hang out" with other homeschoolers.


While I obviously can (and do) skip over most political threads, those I have read have only made me want to leave the boards for good. The divisiveness, the anger, the smearing on both sides......


I guess I'd prefer to discuss crock pot recipes, dealing with kid's behavior, life's silliness, and homeschool issues.

Michelle T

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While we're busy discussing endorsements...


I'm curious (though perhaps a little premature) to know how we're all feeling, at this point, about having had the opportunity to voice our political views on this board for the past few months.


Have the positives of learning others' views, and being able to present your own, outweighed the divisiveness which has occurred in many threads? Cast your vote.


Until the election, I wish we could call a truce here. So I voted "other." I wish the board were more like the old board, just for the last two weeks of the campaign season. Open it up again on November 5.


I'd even happily take my "That one" button down. And my George Bush quote.

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Ugh. It goes SO against my grain to ban stuff. Any stuff.


But at the same time, I just...like everyone to like everyone else. Is that so wrong? :001_huh:


So I'd vote to allow political discussion again...but I'd just really...hope and pray that everyone learned lots from this year's go-round and got so much friendlier, more tolerant, and more rational in time for the next election.


Luv 'n' kisses,

Pollyanna :D



I'm totally tracking your vibe!! :001_smile::001_smile:

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If I want to discuss politics, there are lots of places I can do that. I consider these boards to be my down-time spot, a place to relax and "hang out" with other homeschoolers.


While I obviously can (and do) skip over most political threads, those I have read have only made me want to leave the boards for good. The divisiveness, the anger, the smearing on both sides......


I guess I'd prefer to discuss crock pot recipes, dealing with kid's behavior, life's silliness, and homeschool issues.

Michelle T

:iagree: well said... this is the first time I've put people on my ignore list..I look over the first page and look for a thread and it seems that so many are political and all of them seem to have some nasty comment or two in them....oh well, just a few weeks to go.... then I have some great crock pot recipes to share!;)

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I'd even happily take my "That one" button down. And my George Bush quote.


Don't you dare, Sister Flaming Sword. You're my hero. But, um, could you show some love to the aging among us and tell us what the HECK does that tiny writing under the "That One" say?! It's KILLIN' me to know. :001_huh:

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If I want to discuss politics, there are lots of places I can do that. I consider these boards to be my down-time spot, a place to relax and "hang out" with other homeschoolers.


While I obviously can (and do) skip over most political threads, those I have read have only made me want to leave the boards for good. The divisiveness, the anger, the smearing on both sides......


I guess I'd prefer to discuss crock pot recipes, dealing with kid's behavior, life's silliness, and homeschool issues.

Michelle T


I feel the same way.

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I voted to keep it going b/c I don't like to ban things.


I posted only on the curriculum board for a full year, came over here to ask a question about puberty and got sucked into the political discussions which were fascinating.


Everyday I say, that's it, I'm done with political threads but my impulse control when I see certain words is weak.


I don't know what it was like here before the election. Sounds like it was more fun. I need to :chillpill:

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If I want to discuss politics, there are lots of places I can do that. I consider these boards to be my down-time spot, a place to relax and "hang out" with other homeschoolers.


While I obviously can (and do) skip over most political threads, those I have read have only made me want to leave the boards for good. The divisiveness, the anger, the smearing on both sides......


I guess I'd prefer to discuss crock pot recipes, dealing with kid's behavior, life's silliness, and homeschool issues.

Michelle T


That makes a LOT of sense, Michelle, to most of us. :001_smile:


I wonder if there's any way to have a political social group next go-round and keep threads in there? (Can you imagine how MISERABLE such a group would be? Unless they were like-minded groups. But then that's kinda sad. Ugh. What a mess!)

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I think we should keep it open. I don't like banning things either. As one of the few screaming liberals on this board, many of the threads have made me want to walk off into the sunset as well, but I've finally just started...well, skipping them! It's very hard to do, and I've been caught unawares a few times, but I finally learned how much happier I am when I quickly close the thread and look away :lol:


I did learn quite a bit from some of the political threads--not enough to sway my impending vote, but enough to nudge my opinion on a few things. I'd rather we just exercise our ability to open only the crockpot/weight loss/advice threads and leave the debating to the debaters.

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I voted "other" because I'm torn.


Certainly, there are some posters here whom I now view in a negative light because of their participation in the political threads. And I don't like feeling or thinking that way about people.


On the other hand, I don't run into too many conservatives in my normal life. (Shocking, I know, given where I live.;)) Most of my relatives are conservatives, but our desire to preserve a good family relationship makes politics hard to discuss. And boards that are just about politics are so nasty I can't stand to participate in the discussion. (If you know of good boards, please let me know.)


So that leaves here. Large concentration of conservatives. Enough moderates and liberals that I don't feel alone. Enough friendly feelings to give the conversation a chance at non-causticity (is that a word?), but enough distance that you don't make me cry when we disagree.


I value this glimpse into how others think. Sometimes it shocks me. Sometimes it angers me. Sometimes it frightens me. Sometimes I don't understand.


But every once in a while, I get a new understanding for the other side. And that's worth a lot.

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I voted no. The reason being, I think there is a portion of people on the board that are not US residents or citizen. For these people the constant talk of US politics could be a tad....annoying. I am under the understanding that international diversity on the boards is not a bad thing. Right?

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My first instinct is to say, "No! Don't ban these discussions!"

But I am really surprised at some of the nastiness that we've seen this year. In a group of educated adults, the crap that has been shared as fact has floored me.

So I voted other.



It gives real insight into posters personalities.

Does it ever!

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. . . and when they do, I'd like to be able to talk to my posse about things and stuff and whatnot. I care more about what goes on here long-term than how nutso it gets around election time. Long-term, I hope we can continue to talk politics here. If, in the mean time, things get weird, I can ride it out. Like extended PMS or really short puberty or what have you.

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My grandmother had a rule that she would not "argue" politics or religion with her friends, because it was just too close, too easy to become volatile, and she lost dear friends before she made that rule. In retrospect, politics and religious "arguing" did not get her anywhere and were not worth lost friendships. And I've learned here in the past weeks that there is a fine line between discussion and debate and arguing.


This "place" is the only place I am able to connect with other homeschoolers, and I do not want to lose the connections I've made here, I don't want to lose respect for any of you. And I don't, naturally, want any of you to lose repsect for me. Since political discussions are dominating the boards (or so it seems to me), it's hard to avoid them. I can't wait for the elections to be over, frankly.

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