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Swimmers with acne....if you had success improving what is your kid's routine?


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My son swims 6x per week so I am concerned about over-drying.


The dermatologist put him on clyndamycin in the morning and retinol cream in the evening, with a reminder to use only Cetaphil for washing.


His acne has only gotten worse over the past 6 months that he has been using this routine.  


We went away for Thanksgiving and he washed with Clean and Clear and his acne almost completely cleared up in 5 days!  Down to tiny little red bumps!


So, no sooner than we land back home, and he is back on the retin A and clyndamycin (and swimming) then his acne FLARED up again really, really badly. In fact I would say he has the worst breakout I've ever seen.  He has about 30 zits right now.  


So I bought him : Humane Benzoil Peroxide 10%.


I am thinking he will wash with Cetaphil, Apply Humane, rinse in the morning - should he apply Neutrogena Moisturizer then?


After swimming, should he wash with cetaphil and apply Neutrogena moisturizer?  


OR do you have any other ideas?


Obviously I want to try this on our own for 6 weeks.  If the acne is still really bad I'll go back to the derm.  We will end up with a new one because we moved which may not be a bad thing.





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I cannot truly comment from experience but I would keep with the "Clear" wash that worked for him and Retinol but use Jojoba oil for moisturizing. Jojoba oil is very light. Could it be that the chlorine in the pool is the culprit or at least partially to blame? Does it clear up when he stops swimming for a few days?


Another course of action may be eliminating one thing at a time. Trouble is it takes a while to really see improvements. Swimming is healthy otherwise, it would be sad if the chlorine was a big factor.


ETA: Someone here recommended chelated zinc capsules as well. Perhaps this poster will chime in.

Edited by Liz CA
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my daughters have struggled with this. One tried everything available from stores. Diet changes. Also that one type of acne stuff that you get an account going with the company. Some stuff would work a little, not at all or for a brief time. 

One of them has tried vinegar, Bragg's with the "mother" in it, rinses or dabs with cotton ball on her face, a.m. and p.m. and it has made a huge difference in the acne. Just two or three zits, once a month for a few days maybe.

The other two: one hates the smell of vinegar and refuses to use it. The other just struggles through, but especially at that time of the month. She had tried using vinegar once a day but wouldn't keep up with it. It's worth a shot. The one who uses it daily had been neglecting to wash her face at all! The one who hates the smell of it had been very careful about trying different products.

Cetaphil worked for a while. She uses Neutrogena moisturizer.

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I would have him use the clean and clear that he was successful with before and see if it helps.  He may not need the retinol anymore if the gel is one with sal acid. 


When/where does he shower?


I would have him use the clean and clear before bed to get the pool water off his face.  If he showers at the pool and doesn't want to take it with him, then have him wash his face at home before bed.


What does he use to shower at the pool?  If he is using the pool shower gel then stop.  It often has lotions in it.  Get him some acne control body wash even if he puts it into another container so others don't  know what it is.  


I would continue with the clindamycin orally, or have the MD prescribe a topical one.



My son is having great luck with Tazorac and Aczone right now.   He has had acne for 7 years, and it is the first combination that has him completely clear.  The great thing about Tazorac is that you can put it on after lotion, so you can still moisturize with it. 

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I suspect you're looking at a mix of acne & dry skin. I have had periods of time in my life when I had acne AND dry skin and ime, dry skin exacerbated the acne greatly. Dry skin seems to trigger oil production as a response ... so I'd say your idea of adding a gentle moisturizer is good. 

I also think chlorine can cause a dry 'crust' on the skin. I'd look at a bha exfoliant + the benzoyl peroxide as the acne routine. And I'd say every time he is finished in the pool he should rinse thoroughly & apply a light moisturizer while the skin is still damp. Do not let the skin dry & sit dry on its own. 

I'd suggest either the Resist clear skin hydrator from Paulas' Choice http://www.paulaschoice.com/shop/collections/Resist-Anti-Aging/normal-to-oily/_/Resist-Anti-Aging-Clear-Skin-Hydrator/

If that's a bit too heavy, the Resist toner works the same - to seal in moisture, but is very light. It's a liquid. I apply it with fingertips so as not to waste it on cotton ball. Again, apply to damp skin. I put this on the second I get out the shower because if I don't, my skin will get all dry & tight and then will break out.  http://www.paulaschoice.com/shop/skin-care-categories/toners/_/Resist-Advanced-Replenishing-Toner-Skin-Remodeling-Complex


More generally Paula has other tips here for acne & dry skin http://www.paulaschoice.com/expert-advice/acne/_/what-to-do-when-you-have-acne-and-dry-skin

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I'd go with what was working on vacation first. Just one new product at a time for a few weeks. 


Cetaphil made my daughter break out. She's had really good results with Vanicream Gentle Facial Cleanser for Sensitive Skin in conjunction with a light application of Epiduo. 


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BP 10% is very strong. Swimming shouldn't make acne worse - in some cases it makes it better. Can you try a lower % BP? Acne.org sells one that is 2%. Neutrogena also has one like that - more expensive than acne.org but easy to pick up a small tube to try it out. The idea is to keep a thin layer of the BP on the skin at all times but it must be the weaker 2% concentration or it will be too irritating. Good luck!


eta: I would stop moisturizing. The skin may peel a bit a first but after that it should be fine.

Edited by Vida Winter
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Wow that is so weird about Cetaphil!  3 people out of only about ten said it makes them break out.  OK< we will skip the cetaphil for a while.


ALSO thank you for hte CLean towel idea!! I am a very good house keeper and always have stacks of clean towels but my son tends to dump his towel on the floor and doesn't replace it, and y daughter just avoids his bathroom so their towel only gets changed every few days.  I will make sure it gets changed every day or twice a day.

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I cannot truly comment from experience but I would keep with the "Clear" wash that worked for him and Retinol but use Jojoba oil for moisturizing. Jojoba oil is very light. Could it be that the chlorine in the pool is the culprit or at least partially to blame? Does it clear up when he stops swimming for a few days?


Another course of action may be eliminating one thing at a time. Trouble is it takes a while to really see improvements. Swimming is healthy otherwise, it would be sad if the chlorine was a big factor.


ETA: Someone here recommended chelated zinc capsules as well. Perhaps this poster will chime in.


I am one that likes zinc for acne. My kids don't have a big problem with acme but when they don't take their zinc I do notice that mild break-outs occur. Once they get back on it, things improve again. 


I use to have thick callouses on my elbows and ankles. They go away when I take my zinc regularly. 


I use Vitacost Zinc (and other products) as I have used their products for 12 years. 

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We're not swimmers, but for my son the trick to breaking the break-out cycle was adding an oil-free moisturizer.  The sal? acid cleared him up, but it dried him out so badly that I think his skin reacted by producing more oil and starting the process all over.  I'm guessing chlorine and acne wash together would be extra drying.  My daughter had to tell me about oil-free moisturizer.  It wasn't on my radar at all, but it has really made my son's skin so much nicer and smoother.

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  • 2 weeks later...

HUMANE. Benzoil peroxide 10% is working!!!!


He used clean and clear to wash once per day and applies humane morning and night, and there has been a dramatic improvement!!! I have hopes for almost normal skin

In a few weeks :)


He only uses the moisturizer as desired :)


I also ordered zinc and put him on a multi vitamin this week


Thank you!!!!!

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