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Online Dual Credit, but reasonable priced?

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DD planned to take Calculus I at the community college next semester.  However, they are only offering the class at a time that we cannot do.  DD has her violin lessons at the same time.  So I'm wondering if she can do it online somewhere and still get college credit? Where do your kids take classes online? What is a school that offers classes at a decent rate?? Our local community college is super cheap!



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Yes she could probably do it on-line somewhere, but in terms of reasonable?  You might not get anything at a better rate than a local CC.


That said, none of the CCs around here do Calculus on-line.  The highest course I've seen on-line is pre-calc. 


I lucked out a bit.  I found a school in my state that offers DE at $55 per credit. for instate residents.  It's too far for DS to travel to, but they allow on-line enrollment.  But there are very few courses of interest and we basically get last dibs on anything.  So it's nice, but a bit of luck involved really.



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Check this one--Luna Community College in New Mexico https://www.luna.edu/tuition_matrix/  The rates look cheap as long as you stay under 6 credits. It was mentioned in another group I'm in, but I don't have any direct experience with them.


ETA: looks like they are $38 a credit hour even for out of state under 6 hours, but only offer a very limited range of online classes, and calculus isn't one of them. Sorry. https://www.luna.edu/schedule/?session=SP&year=2017&prefix=WEBCT

Edited by KarenNC
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I second JanetC's idea of taking it as a high school class and then doing the AP. We went the AP route entirely as more colleges will give credit for that than for classes taken at a Community College. Obviously if you know where your child will attend college and they do take the CC credits this isn't relevant but I know so many homeschoolers who did dual enrollment and then the classes didn't transfer. 


My one son did Art of Problem Solving online's class. That was 4 years ago I think and they just had it as a "text" class - not videos. It was good - but he found it very hard to follow like that ie the teacher just typed up the instruction.  

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Check this one--Luna Community College in New Mexico https://www.luna.edu/tuition_matrix/  The rates look cheap as long as you stay under 6 credits. It was mentioned in another group I'm in, but I don't have any direct experience with them.


ETA: looks like they are $38 a credit hour even for out of state under 6 hours, but only offer a very limited range of online classes, and calculus isn't one of them. Sorry. https://www.luna.edu/schedule/?session=SP&year=2017&prefix=WEBCT


I have not read all of the replies, but I was also going to mention a Community College in New Mexico. Someone had mentioned it, in a thread on WTM, a year or 2 ago and I made a mental note about it, but I can't remember the name as I write this. It is not Luna CC.  There is another one, where (I think) there is an Air Force Base. It is somewhere West of Lubbock, but in NM.  Whether or not they have a particular course at "the right" price, I don't know...

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I have not read all of the replies, but I was also going to mention a Community College in New Mexico. Someone had mentioned it, in a thread on WTM, a year or 2 ago and I made a mental note about it, but I can't remember the name as I write this. It is not Luna CC. There is another one, where (I think) there is an Air Force Base. It is somewhere West of Lubbock, but in NM. Whether or not they have a particular course at "the right" price, I don't know...

Clovis community college. Eastern New Mexico University also is worth checking-both serve a military population and are very flexible on out of state tuition and have a lot of distance learning options.

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If you use a free MOOC then the CLEP or AP exam may be the way to get college credit (if desired).





change your Violin lesson time for one semester  :closedeyes:

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