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building forts


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My kids put "sticks and bricks" on their Christmas list! We were talking about how they don't really play with toys much anymore, but they love playing outside with the neighbors. The other day they found some sticks and were making a big nest. They brought out some old sheets to make it "cozy." It was really cute.... it was fun to see them use their imaginations. 


We have friends who live with a woodsy area in their backyard (so fun)! We don't have a single tree (so I'm sure the neighbors brought the sticks). 


Anyway, I am trying to think of some things that we could have in the backyard that they could play or build with. I'm not sure how practical actual bricks are. We do have some sets of Crazy Forts  https://www.amazon.com/Crazy-Forts-Purple-69-pieces/dp/B001DNHYC0/ref=sr_1_2?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1479964182&sr=1-2&keywords=crazy+forts

They've never brought them outside but I think it could be fun. 


What else? Any ideas?


By the way, my kids are 10 years old.


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I would give them bamboo sticks and some lengths of rope or leather to tie them together. If you are a little kid being an adventurer, you probably want something a little closer to nature (and better for the environment!) than PVC and connectors. I'd probably add some cloth and a pocket-knife. :)

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My kids put "sticks and bricks" on their Christmas list! We were talking about how they don't really play with toys much anymore, but they love playing outside with the neighbors. The other day they found some sticks and were making a big nest. They brought out some old sheets to make it "cozy." It was really cute.... it was fun to see them use their imaginations. 


We have friends who live with a woodsy area in their backyard (so fun)! We don't have a single tree (so I'm sure the neighbors brought the sticks). 


Anyway, I am trying to think of some things that we could have in the backyard that they could play or build with. I'm not sure how practical actual bricks are. We do have some sets of Crazy Forts  https://www.amazon.com/Crazy-Forts-Purple-69-pieces/dp/B001DNHYC0/ref=sr_1_2?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1479964182&sr=1-2&keywords=crazy+forts

They've never brought them outside but I think it could be fun. 


What else? Any ideas?


By the way, my kids are 10 years old.

Maybe a real tent...but small, like a pup tent?

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I think provide a real variety of materials, no instructions, and just let them go for it. I agree look for bamboo, real branches from trees, planks, along side some pvc piping, some tarpaulins and so forth. If you could get just a few bricks or similar (not enough to build a dangerous wall) they could make a walkway or stepping stones. And rope or twine. If you are happy, give them some tools too, like saws, hand-drills, so on. 


Don't give them some sort of boring set which has instructions. Give them messiness and freedom! 


Can you imagine waking up to all that? It would be fantastic!

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