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How can a 9yo and an 11yo earn money?

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The are 10 and 9. They put up Pet Sitting signs all over our neighborhood when we lived in CA and they got a couple of calls. Now they take care of our neighbor's two dogs and one cat and they pay them $10 a day. They just got back from being gone 22 days and they are leaving Monday for 15. They travel alot as they are retired. Needless to say, the kids are making alot of money, but most of it goes into savings.

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dd has been pet sitting since she was 8. She now walks a neighbor's dog daily mid day, in addition to taking care of pets when owners are on vacation.


ds had a paper route for a community paper. It was a once a week job. That was a lot of work for the pay, but it was his money and that was important. ds has multiple allergies to grass and tree pollens, and everything furry, so yard work and pet sitting are out.

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For a family with a lot of children. Goes over and plays with them while mom finishes the bills or something, and keeps them entertained and distracted. Some light housework may be included, but no heavy stuff.


Maybe some very low level office work--like shredding documents for a law office or making copies.


Raking leaves.


Hand weeding--from what I understand, around here, at least, most gardeners won't weed except with a wacker or a hoe.

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The are 10 and 9. They put up Pet Sitting signs all over our neighborhood when we lived in CA and they got a couple of calls. Now they take care of our neighbor's two dogs and one cat and they pay them $10 a day. They just got back from being gone 22 days and they are leaving Monday for 15. They travel alot as they are retired. Needless to say, the kids are making alot of money, but most of it goes into savings.


This is something I could see my dc doing! Did they know the neighbors before caring for their pets, or did the people just respond to the flyer? Did you get involved in any way to make sure things were done right or to check out the people?

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What does your spouse/other do? Are there jobs in that area?


My dh is a teacher. DD bought (with allowance money) a sturdy container for collecting recyclable cans and bottles for his classroom. He brings it home full 1-2 times a week, at about $7 a trip to the recycling center (not out of the way for us) this is adding up FAST! She now collects cans and bottles on our daily walks, too.


Real Estate agent friend or spouse: can they do some yard work or cleaning of empty homes??


Run errands for elderly neighbors.


DH pays her 20 cents/ minute for back rubs.

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If we lived in the suburbs/city I would have my kids pick up dog poop from yards. Nobody likes to do this, but it really is an easy job with the right equipment on a daily basis. They could be the Poop Patrol or something similar, post flyers and have a set fee per yard. Here at home, we pay my ds8 50 cents per pile, but I think we're getting off cheap!

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If we lived in the suburbs/city I would have my kids pick up dog poop from yards. Nobody likes to do this, but it really is an easy job with the right equipment on a daily basis. They could be the Poop Patrol or something similar, post flyers and have a set fee per yard. Here at home, we pay my ds8 50 cents per pile, but I think we're getting off cheap!



This is a great possibility! What would you consider to be the right equipment? Something beyond plastic bags?

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What does your spouse/other do? Are there jobs in that area?


My dh is a teacher. DD bought (with allowance money) a sturdy container for collecting recyclable cans and bottles for his classroom. He brings it home full 1-2 times a week, at about $7 a trip to the recycling center (not out of the way for us) this is adding up FAST! She now collects cans and bottles on our daily walks, too.


Real Estate agent friend or spouse: can they do some yard work or cleaning of empty homes??


Run errands for elderly neighbors.


DH pays her 20 cents/ minute for back rubs.


Hmm... we don't drink soda, but some people we know do. I wonder if they'd let our dc collect their cans. Do your dc get paid for glass bottles, too, or just plastic?

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dd has been pet sitting since she was 8. She now walks a neighbor's dog daily mid day, in addition to taking care of pets when owners are on vacation.


ds had a paper route for a community paper. It was a once a week job. That was a lot of work for the pay, but it was his money and that was important. ds has multiple allergies to grass and tree pollens, and everything furry, so yard work and pet sitting are out.


How much does your dd charge for dog-walking?

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My dd is paid $5/day for one 30 minute walk a day. She must pick up after the dog. She has to change water when she brings the dog home. We do a second visit once a week to bring her little brother to visit the dog (he loves dogs and we can't own one). At that time dd brushes the dog and washes his paws for about 20 minutes. She gets $25/week when the owner are at work everyday. I think this is a lot. However, the going rate around here for a "professional" dog walker is $20-$30/visit for the same amount of service.

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Hmm... we don't drink soda, but some people we know do. I wonder if they'd let our dc collect their cans. Do your dc get paid for glass bottles, too, or just plastic?


Our state pays 5 cents per recyclable can or bottle (aluminum, plastic, and glass). She has started "collection points" at my mom's house - where we often have empty cans, etc. after a dinner; dh's classroom, and considering more classrooms. If she motivates herself I could see her making $30 a week... that would mean a bit more driving for me. I have told her that since the driving is not out of our way I am not charging for it, and if I have to do the work I get to keep the money.

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dd has been pet sitting since she was 8. She now walks a neighbor's dog daily mid day, in addition to taking care of pets when owners are on vacation.




My ds age 12 does pet-sitting too. He works for one woman right now, and he walks her dogs mid-day 3-4 days per week. He gets paid $4 per day, which I think is really good for his age and the short amount of time it takes him each day. I was thinking about putting up some fliers to see if anyone else in our apartment complex could use this service-- I might just do it myself, because I could use the money too! ;)



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This is a great possibility! What would you consider to be the right equipment? Something beyond plastic bags?

This is hard to describe. 21S6H9JNZ4L._SL500_AA250_.jpg

this is what we use for no-hands clean up of poop. If doing it as a business, I'd use thick plastic bags and dispose of them (tied shut, of course) in the client's outside trash. Also, for the smeary stuff, hose the remains off.

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I would invest in one of those pet pooper scoopers - two pieces: one is like a little shovel to collect the stuff and the other part scoops it onto the shovel part. That's probably clear as mud, but I hope it makes some sense! You could also probably start out with just plastic bags - but this other gadget makes the whole process easier, faster and less smelly!


As far as parental involvement in pet sitting, I would definitely have *some* level of involvement. If it's a house you've never been in before, I would definitely go in with your dc at least the first time - you never know what you might find! :tongue_smilie: How much additional involvement would depend on how my dc handled it - we would definitely discuss the expectations and what needed to be done. I think the first few times I would be fairly involved with the expectation that I would back off when my dc were comfortable with the work - although as I said, I would always go into a new house with them!


Happy job searching to your dc!!



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We just stumbled on something really cool. I live in a suburb, but we are in a highly agricultural area, with lots of big farms. We got to go pick grapes for $10/hr, cash. Now, it's been a long time since I did manual labor for $10/hr ; ), but for the children, it's a fabulous wage. And we can all do it together. It was way cool, and we might get asked back some more times this fall. I hope we do!

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Have more birthdays. My kids get lots of money on their birthdays anymore. ( I am just kidding I hope you know.)


I have offered to pay my girls for tasks I don't expect them to do but would save me time if they did. After my paper route, my car is full of garbage and I would never expect it to be their job to clean it out. I do it immediately upon my arrival home, but sometimes I need to get inside quick and I can forget about it in a minute. I have paid them to do it for me. Speaking of paper routes, that is a good idea, but it is daily and they would need your help. I have turned a few kids on to it. It is quick easy money.

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