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My husband won't share his Star Wars toys


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Ha ha ha!


The kids saw the toys months ago. They love them. Husband has now packed them away and won't share. Lol! I suggested he consider sharing with the kids and he gave me a look...the one that told me he would rather run up and down the streets totally naked than share his toys!!!

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Yeah, my husband took his out to show the kids last year.  So long as they didn't touch, he gave  them "tours" of the ships and characters and explained minutiae to them about engine configurations and best uses for certain ships, etc. But, no touching, lol.  



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:lol: You know, when my kids were younger, I would have thought he was childish. These days, though, I'm right there with him! If I leave my water glass in a room, I'll come back to find it half empty. Today I was eating lunch and made a mess (there was a runny egg involved), and DD handed me a napkin and took my plate so I could clean up, and she took a bite out of my sandwich! 


So yeah, sharing = totally overrated  :glare:

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Is he going to the Star Wars convention in Orlando in April 2017?    DD would like to go, but we just made a very expensive (for us on my retirement income) trip to Orlando at the end of April 2016.  I think the convention begins around the `17th of April.  Send your DH with his toys and he will come back from Orlando with more Star Wars toys.  DD had no problem bringing the Star Wars things she bought and the Harry Potter stuff she bought onto the aircraft when we returned to Colombia.  Send your DH to the convention!

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I have LoTR and Doctor Who Legos (and some of the CB minifigs) that are MINE. DH has the Troll Mountain Fortress and many many orcs and trolls that are HIS.


Given that DD probably has her weight in Legos, I don't feel she's deprived by being unable to appropriate my daleks and ringwraiths.

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We have a friend who is in his 30s who started collecting Bionicles back when they first came out. We were over once a couple of years ago when legs was getting ready to put them back on the market and I had the lego magazine in my hand. It was so funny to see his reaction when I told him about it. He literally stopped in his tracks turned around and took the magazine from my hands! He's got every single one set up on a shelf and his kids aren't allow to touch them but they are welcome to buy their own. Lol

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My toddler pulled an R2D2 off our R2D2 Christmas strand. I hope I can reattach it. I don't think they sell them anymore. We got it years ago from ThinkGeek.

I hope this makes you smile: http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/jhmh/?itm=265584644814_custom_label_0_home_%26_office_custom_label_1_lighting_%26_clocks_item_id&rkgid=3156482495&cpg=ogho1&source=google_home_office&adpos=1o2&creative=62137312605&device=m&matchtype=&network=g&gclid=CNTEguHOldACFRBbhgodcv8HIw


We let the kids play with all of our old stuff. DH's Star Wars, and my Breyer horses.


The one thing they can't touch: the keyboard that made the R2D2 sounds. We have that mounted to a wall, and the kids can play with all the other synths, but not R2D2. :D

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