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Cursive for a 15 yr old

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Help!! 15 yr olds handwriting was so perfect when it was print that we slacked on cursive. We did handwriting without tears when he was in third grade. Now I found out at the DMV yesterday that he cannot even sign his own name. I would like something traditional, or classic. He doesn't need it dumbed down. I seem to recall long ago, some sort of copy work, using historical things and such. Please make suggestions.

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I'm having the same issue with my almost 13-year old son. When he was in public school until 4th grade, he learned an improper handwriting grip that does not allow for much flexibility with penmanship. (I used to call it his Cro-Magnon man grip!) I was disgusted with myself that I didn't notice his grip issue earlier, and now he doesn't want to make an effort to change it. His printing is very neat, but not his penmanship. I've looked at a variety of cursive styles and have decided on BJU's approach. It is not flowery at all, very simplistic, but neat. I really like how they write the lower case b's. Here is a link to the BJU product page: https://www.bjupress.com/product/268581?samplePage. I'm not certain I like the upper case I's or J's, but overall this approach will improve his cursive. I sold him on the idea because I said the point of cursive is to write quickly, but neatly, which he will need to do in college. Without the loops and swirls, which are attractive when made by someone with the manual dexterity, this simpler form of cursive looks nice and gets the job done.


I recently ordered the 4th grade BJU student text, but I plan to order the 3rd grade text. I know you stated you didn't want anything dumbed down, but we have to go back to the beginning to learn a new style. Hopefully with your son it is just a matter of practice. With my son's grip, he needs to learn a new method. And since 15-20 minutes a day doing this is easier than anything else at homeschool, he's happy to do it!


I hope you find a choice that works well for you.

Edited by GeorgiaH
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My 16 year old DS decided on his own he wanted to re-learn cursive so he can write more speedily for an AP exam. He got out his younger sister's HWT workbook to refresh himself on what the letters looked like - especially the capitals - and just started practicing with it when writing out his other assignments (lab reports, essay questions on history exams, etc.) It took almost no time at all for him to get himself back up to speed once he had the proper internal motivation. ;)

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Learning italics worked wonders for my handwriting. I used Getty-Dubay's Write Now. The writing samples are about the history of handwriting. It was fun and low stress for me.



Another vote for Write Now! DS used this when he was 14 because we had never got around to cursive for one reason or another. He still prefers to print or type, but he does sign his name in cursive now (and he actually enjoyed the historical information in the book). His sister also used this book to learn cursive when she was about 12 and now has lovely cursive handwriting which she uses all the time.

Edited by speed.cleaner
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You can try these cursive copywork books - they provide passages from classic literature (like Shakespeare, Robert Frost, Charles Dickens), or quotes from historical figures or US Presidents, so they should be interesting to an older student, while still giving them good practice on cursive writing. 


Great Literature Cursive Copywork


Inspirational Quotes Cursive Copywork


Presidents of the United States Cursive Copywork



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The Getty Dubay style would work best for my son. Even though we just received the BJU handwriting, I'm switching to Dubay Getty. Eliminating the loops and having a slant of only 5 degrees will work better with his grip. I'm looking forward to learning with him.

Learning G-D was easy for me I learned the printing, then the LC cursive is learning the joins. Most of the cursive letters are exactly the same as the print (exception is LC "k"). I learned the UC capital letters, but decided to just use the print UC letters.


Best wishes.

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