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Allergy medicine question...need answer soon


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I would call a pharmacy or his doctor to check.


You can do Benadryl with Zyrtec if that would help.  I have had to do that a few times for DS.  I checked with his allergist first and she said it was okay.  I try not to give him Benadryl because it makes him moody, angry, and hard to be around, but sometimes there aren't a lot of options.

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Yes you can use both. Completely different drugs. Afrin is going to work on the capillaries and reduce the inflammation. It has nothing to do with Zyrtec or Flonase. They're three completely different classes and purposes. Most docs recommend trying to stay on the Afrin for less than five days though- your nose kind of gets hooked on it to explain it simply.

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Can he do neilmed saline nasal rinses? My son finally agreed and it makes a difference with a cold and allergies. You should use bottled water and zap for 30 seconds or so to warm and then add saline packet. Test temperature on your wrist to ensure it is not too hot. 


Wash afterwards with hot soapy water and sterilize in microwave for 1 1/2 to 2 minutes before re-use. Just google neilmed. he has a detailed webpage with video and written instructions.


Also, ask your doctor too.

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