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Is there a Guiness Record for the most times a clean pile of laundry...

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and I wonder if that number is more or less than the times one load of laundry has been washed because it got forgot in the washer day, after, day, after, day, and smelled just a bit more than ripe....




(.....as I slink off to smell the washer again.....:svengo: man, I didn't do that Again did I ?!?!?)

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Do you remember the Aragorn at the Black Gate laundry speech?

From Kate, long ago


"Here is my laundry speech a la Aragorn before the black gate...



I see in your eyes the same mountain that would take the heart of me. A

day may come when this laundry pile of mine overwhelms me, when I

forsake clean towels and break all scoops of soap, but it is not this

day. An hour of soiled shirts and dirty pants, when the laundry room

comes crashing down, but it is not this day. Today, I fold! For all of

the children in my house, and for my dear husband too, I tell you I will

sit, and fold my laundry!"




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I think I'm going to break some laundry records around here this week. Ugh.


Also - don't you just want to throw out all the socks and start over? I am so tired of matching them up. Especially the little ankle-footie ones that are in such an assortment of colors. They're multiplying like rabbits, I tell 'ya!

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I think I'm going to break some laundry records around here this week. Ugh.


Also - don't you just want to throw out all the socks and start over? I am so tired of matching them up. Especially the little ankle-footie ones that are in such an assortment of colors. They're multiplying like rabbits, I tell 'ya!


I actually plan on doing just this at christmas time. I currently have 2 whole dresser drawers of socks I have not yet matched up, And occasionally I sit downa nd spend an hour sorting socks, but I hate it. SO I think it is time to garbage them all and switch everyone over to white sports socks to make it easier for myself.


As for laundry the dirty pile is shrinking, HOWEVER I currently have a huge mountain of mostly folded, clean laundry in my room waiting for the kids to clean their rooms so we can actually make a path to the closet and dressers to put said laundry away.


As for rewashing a load of laundry over and over I have done that. First repeatedly because I forgot it in the washer, then becaue my son in his infinite wisdom, decided he didn't want to empty the washer into the dryer threw it all over our basement and I didn't find them for another day when they were then all crusty and gross. So back in the washer they went to be rewashed over and over lol

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I know if I wait long enough my 16 yr. old will do it as she has OCD and this is one of the things that drives her crazy. My guess that she will do it today. The rest of the family is perfectly content to just grab a towel out of the stack. If only I had a playpen to put them in and a place to put the playpen, they would never have to be folded. The reason they don't get folded is because they are large beach size towels and require to be folded a certain way which requires them to be laid on a flat surface to be done. I have no flat surface to use other than the floor. It kills my back to use the floor but the 16 yr. old doesn't mind at all. All other clothes are sorted into baskets for individuals and then the baskets are distributed to said individuals for them to deal with on their own.

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Today I am attemting to climb Mount Washmore and having thought of making my own laundry soap go through my head!!!:001_smile:


Me, too. DD cleaned her room and brought down 3 overflowing baskets of laundry -- that's how she got her room clean. I slept through it all and was amazed at how her room looked, until I went to the laundry room.


At last, I've found all the missing towels. And my mother is on the road from Atlanta to bring me even more. Thank heavens for Moms!


After doing laundry for the last 7 hours, I am nearly out of detergent, but I have the ingredients here and I'm going to make my own. I hope it works.



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:grouphug:You need more baskets and move them towards someone else's bed. I've started placing them into their rooms;).


Big old hug...Now that my youngest is eleven most of the laundry actually meets the hanger, closet or drawers before making its way back to the wash pile.

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The three oldest girls all wear the same size and style of panties. I have no idea which ones belong to whom and I got tired of them returning them to me and informing me that these do not belong to me. So I have taken to just putting them in a basket and each child can go through the basket and find their own. I frequently get shirts wrong as well but not quite as much.

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The three oldest girls all wear the same size and style of panties. I have no idea which ones belong to whom and I got tired of them returning them to me and informing me that these do not belong to me. So I have taken to just putting them in a basket and each child can go through the basket and find their own. I frequently get shirts wrong as well but not quite as much.


The puppy has chewed up so many of the panties in this household, we are experiencing a shortage. Thus, panties are being borrowed from one another's dresser, squeezed into if need be, or falling off if they're too big.


I wish this pup would leave the panties alone and start in on mismatched socks. Those I can't seem to get rid of.

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Can be put from the bucket to the bed and back again unfolded?


I'm just asking............


It is in the same records category as the number of times a shirt can be washed, folded, put on the floor in front of the dresser, put into the laundry and rewashed WITHOUT ever being put onto a human body.

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