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PSA: Pregnant women: Update in Post #1 - CDC Zika alert for South Beach (Miami Beach FL USA)


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The CDC has issued an alert for Pregnant women, for South Beach (Miami Beach FL USA). 





Update on 20 August 2016: 

I just watched this video about things Pregnant women can do, to try to avoid getting the Zika virus. Dr. Manny is an OB-GYN in NJ. 



Edited by Lanny
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It isn't just pregnant women that need to worry about this. http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/zika-virus-outbreak/zika-might-affect-adult-brains-too-study-finds-n633951


I had a trip planned to go down into the Keys this November. I thought since I am out of reproductive age it wouldn't be an issue for me really. Now I am really starting to question that trip. I have no immunoglobins in my blood (chemo was too effective for me) so I am mildly immuno-compromised. I don't know if it is worth the risk. By how fast it is spreading, it will be in the Keys by November. 

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3 ladybugs:  You have a long time to research this. On the plus side, November is getting into Winter and there is less possibility of being infected in Winter.  On the negative side, Key West (for example) is very far South (for the USA) and it will be warmer there, even in November.  If you do not have immunity, investigate and consider going somewhere else.  

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I will write my doctor when we are closer to the trip. I will be going down to at least Tampa. However I also know how fast things can spread. Look at the deer tick and Lyme disease. It was just in Connecticut what, 30 years ago. Now it is across the whole continental US. 


Hopefully it will be contained soon. I certainly can drive through Miami without getting gas. :)

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It isn't just pregnant women that need to worry about this. http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/zika-virus-outbreak/zika-might-affect-adult-brains-too-study-finds-n633951


I had a trip planned to go down into the Keys this November. I thought since I am out of reproductive age it wouldn't be an issue for me really. Now I am really starting to question that trip. I have no immunoglobins in my blood (chemo was too effective for me) so I am mildly immuno-compromised. I don't know if it is worth the risk. By how fast it is spreading, it will be in the Keys by November. 



Well geez.  I hadn't heard that.  Now I am freaked out.  


Dh travels to the south a lot.  We may or may not be done having kids.  I thought I was the only one to have to worry about it.  


And we are going to LA in November.  Passed on FL because of Zika.  

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Keep in mind, too, that the Zika diagnoses = the number of people who have actually been able to acquire tests.  It is exceedingly difficult to acquire a test for Zika. 


And other things we now know:

1. It appears that person to person (nonsexual) transmission is possible---the Utah case.

2. It's not just A. aegyptii mosquitos--it's also A. albopictus--http://www.cdc.gov/zika/vector/range.html

3. Most people are getting mild enough cases that they aren't getting tested, and the "government" isn't looking elsewhere. This CDC briefing says 4/5 infections are asymptomatic: http://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2016/t0801-zika-update.html

4. The current tests aren't fabulous; each has their own limitations: http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/03/10/469549176/how-best-to-test-for-zika-virus

5.  Some cases from travel have started to pop up in the US--the El Paso case this past week

6. Aside from pregnant people, there's an Alzheimer's like effect in some adults--this isn't the best link, but what popped up: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/zika-alzheimers-effect-adults-symptoms-causes-what-happens-latest-study-a7198876.html


Here's an article from The Atlantic: http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2016/08/more-zika-than-anybody-thought/494201/


I'm not trying to fear monger, but I'm advising me and mine to cover up and use bug spray, regardless of whether or not you are in FL. 

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This is why I've barely been outside since I found out I was pregnant. I'm in central Florida, and we don't have any locally caught cases yet, that we know of, but have a large number of travel related cases. I did take the kids to the playground today, but used DEET, which has it's own issues. (so do herbal ones..natural doesn't = safer always). Blergh.

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This is why I've barely been outside since I found out I was pregnant. I'm in central Florida, and we don't have any locally caught cases yet, that we know of, but have a large number of travel related cases. I did take the kids to the playground today, but used DEET, which has it's own issues. (so do herbal ones..natural doesn't = safer always). Blergh.


Dh did a lot of research on Zika/repellants before our family trip to Costa Rica in May.


He determined that picaradin was as effective as DEET but safer. We used a lot of it (lotion form) in CR and it certainly seemed effective and was much less nasty smelling/feeling than the DEET ones we also brought. 


Also, the Repel brand of eucalyptus repellant seems very effective and is presumably safer. 


Also, you can treat clothes, shoes, hat, etc with a long lasting (many wash cycles) permethrin spray. It is stinky when you apply, but then it's just on your clothes and you can't smell it. (I'd have your dh apply it to your stuff since you are pregnant, just to be safe.)


Just a couple thoughts. It must be very stressful being pregnant in an area that may expose you to Zika!!

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We use precautions because of ticks, but the precautions are similar. We also have a mosquito and tick service take care of our yard now, but that is because DS had meningitis and then a six week illness this summer due to ticks. The mosquito protection is a bonus.


I guess I'm trying to say don't panic. Take precautions, do your best, and still try to enjoy being outside.

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Dh did a lot of research on Zika/repellants before our family trip to Costa Rica in May.


He determined that picaradin was as effective as DEET but safer. We used a lot of it (lotion form) in CR and it certainly seemed effective and was much less nasty smelling/feeling than the DEET ones we also brought. 


Also, the Repel brand of eucalyptus repellant seems very effective and is presumably safer. 


Also, you can treat clothes, shoes, hat, etc with a long lasting (many wash cycles) permethrin spray. It is stinky when you apply, but then it's just on your clothes and you can't smell it. (I'd have your dh apply it to your stuff since you are pregnant, just to be safe.)


Just a couple thoughts. It must be very stressful being pregnant in an area that may expose you to Zika!!


Lemon eucalyptus is actually deemed less safe than DEET for children under 2 year old. DEET is approved for over 10 months, Lemon Eucalyptus not for anyone under 2 yrs. Picaridin I'm still researching...haven't found much about it yet. But yes, all three are effective, and we own all three. 


Lemon Eucalyptus makes my morning sickness bad though. 

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This is why I've barely been outside since I found out I was pregnant. I'm in central Florida, and we don't have any locally caught cases yet, that we know of, but have a large number of travel related cases. I did take the kids to the playground today, but used DEET, which has it's own issues. (so do herbal ones..natural doesn't = safer always). Blergh.


Have you looked into Lemon Eucalyptus?  I truly don't know whether or not there are side effects; my only familiarity is through use (No pregnancy or  Zika issues here. I just figure it's certainly not any worse than DEET and it's as effective on mosquitoes for me.)  Just a thought.


Never mind.


Note to self:  Read whole thread before replying...

Edited by JoJosMom
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This is why I've barely been outside since I found out I was pregnant. I'm in central Florida, and we don't have any locally caught cases yet, that we know of, but have a large number of travel related cases. I did take the kids to the playground today, but used DEET, which has it's own issues. (so do herbal ones..natural doesn't = safer always). Blergh.

I have actually thought of you each time I hear reports about Zika in FL.

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I have actually thought of you each time I hear reports about Zika in FL.

Aww, thanks. So far, no mosquito bites. If anything, we've had a lot less mosquitos than usual, which is a big blessing. I'm actually finding myself grateful for the annoying frogs in my backyard, lol. (actually, not sure the stupid invasive cuban frogs eat mosquitos, I should check)

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Outbreaks are ongoing in Mexico, Caribbean (including Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands), Central America, South America, Pacific Islands, and a small area in Miami, Florida. Many people with Zika virus infection do NOT have symptoms.


Yes. Many people, probably most people, who have had Zika, have no idea that they had it, because the symptoms are usually extremely mild or they may not be aware of symptoms.  We live in a Tropical Valley (Cali, Colombia). I told my wife, a few minutes ago, possibly we've had Zika, or, been exposed to it, and now have some immunity.


More concerning to me, is that in Venezuela there is a huge outbreak of Malaria (thanks to Chavez and Maduro and the lack of funding for medical things),  that I hope will not spread to Colombia. Given a choice, I would take Zika over Malaria, any day.  


I think a week or so ago, they said that by next year (2017) approximately 1/4 of the population in Puerto Rico will have had Zika.  That is a huge medical problem, compared to the cases in Miami and Miami Beach.


It isn't a long way from Miami to Miami Beach and apparently Mosquitoes can fly that far. 

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Mosquitoes can fly about 250 yards. However, we have a LOT of people from Puerto Rico in my Central Florida, and many may be flying back and forth to visit family, etc. If a mosquito bites them, then bites me, I can get it. So I'm unlikely to be a victim while walking into the grocery store, but I'm avoiding things like outdoor patios at restaurants, theme parks, etc where a lot of travelers would be congregated outside. 

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Mosquitoes can fly about 250 yards. However, we have a LOT of people from Puerto Rico in my Central Florida, and many may be flying back and forth to visit family, etc. If a mosquito bites them, then bites me, I can get it. So I'm unlikely to be a victim while walking into the grocery store, but I'm avoiding things like outdoor patios at restaurants, theme parks, etc where a lot of travelers would be congregated outside. 


From what I've read, most species of mosquitoes have a range of 1-3 miles.  I, too, think about you when I read about Zika.  I'm so glad I don't live in Central FL anymore!

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At this moment (1049 A.M. EST on 23 August) this is Breaking News at the top of the FoxNews.com Home Page. At this time, there isn't a link I can include in this post, for additional information.


The Gov. of FL announced that they are investigating a case of Zika in the Tampa area. And. there are new cases in the Miami area.

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I live in NJ and I have seen up here that if we don't have a cold enough winter (you know those winters when we all get on here and wonder if it is EVER going to be summer again) then we have a huge mosquito population the next spring. I can just imagine what it is like further south. 


Zika in Tampa?!?! I guess we may have to rethink our travel plans. I don't really like even my mother (who has feared she will get dementia for years) being down there. However she lives there so no chance of her not going back (she is on vacation right now). 


I don't mind putting even DEET on my children. But putting it on everyday, seems like it wouldn't be good for them either. Ugg! 


Katie I hope you have a pool with a bird cage. I can't imagine keeping my children inside ALL the time for fear of the little critters!

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We do have a screened in area, but the screen has holes. And the doors are open to let the dogs go in and out, lol. 


We went to the park last week, and will again this week, and will wear repellant. But lots of inside play right now. Tomorrow the science center, for instance. 

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I live in NJ and I have seen up here that if we don't have a cold enough winter (you know those winters when we all get on here and wonder if it is EVER going to be summer again) then we have a huge mosquito population the next spring. I can just imagine what it is like further south. 


Zika in Tampa?!?! I guess we may have to rethink our travel plans. I don't really like even my mother (who has feared she will get dementia for years) being down there. However she lives there so no chance of her not going back (she is on vacation right now). 


I don't mind putting even DEET on my children. But putting it on everyday, seems like it wouldn't be good for them either. Ugg! 


Katie I hope you have a pool with a bird cage. I can't imagine keeping my children inside ALL the time for fear of the little critters!


A good reason to hope for a long cold winter.

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I pray  for it every year and rarely do I get it. What I want to know is how there are so few bugs in Europe. They don't even have screens on their windows (is my understanding). How is that possible?


I know.  With Global warming I just don't think we are going to get those cold winters so much any more.  There is supposed to be more rain than snow.  But hey look what happened in Boston.


Good point about Europe.   I would like to learn why.

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I know.  With Global warming I just don't think we are going to get those cold winters so much any more.  There is supposed to be more rain than snow.  But hey look what happened in Boston.


Good point about Europe.   I would like to learn why.



I guess it is a myth. So don't go pack your bags for a move to Europe to get away from Zika. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

It would be nice if Congress acted on zika alone especially since the President and the CDC have been asking for extra funding but they dragged their feet when asked by trying to tie zika funding to other things like budget cuts and defunding Obamacare :cursing:


Something an urgent as zika needs to be dealt with alone without politics! 

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Yes, there was a long discussion about this today on one of the NPR shows. That they are finding out more and more about the dangers of the virus. Scares the crud out of me,and I don't scare easily. WE've been staying indoors pretty much all the time here, and I hate that, but it's not worth the risk. 

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Was that bill filled with pork? 1 Billion seems awful high for funding for this. Sometimes more isn't better it is just more. 


I have pretty much given up on going down to the Keys this year. :( My mom is hoping to sell her house soon (needs to fix the damage from the storm then it is on the market). If she ends up where she wants to end up (here is hoping!) then we will have a new area to explore anyway. :)

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I don't care if the bill had pulled pork, baby back ribs, and a side of bacon. I'd rather fund stupid stuff and control Zika than what we have now, where the experts are sitting around, wanting to act, but lacking the money. Which IS what is happening now. 


Edited to add: 


Every single dead baby, every child born with lifelong defects from this, is on the heads of every congressperson that allowed it to happen. 

Edited by ktgrok
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It seems that it was caused by no meeting of the minds on how to combat this disease. Democrats wand to fund Planned Parenthood to fund contraception, as a way to combat this. Republicans want to ease environmental laws, and in the process help businesses, to control the bugs. 


Basically 2 pet projects of the 2 sides are tied to this very issue. Neither will budge, especially in an election year. As a result, we all loose. I don't know why they can't just fund the things that people on both sides agree on like finding an immunization or a cure to Zika. If you have that, you eliminate the need for easing environmental laws or funding Planned Parenthood more. 


Now I kind of wish it was pork. It is easy to get them to agree when it is just that. 

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Two of the 5 people in our house have something, possibly Zika. My wife and her DIL.  My wife thinks it is either Zika or something I can't spell. If they have Zika, I think it is unusual for people with Zika to know they have been infected.  Most people who have Zika don't know they've had it.  

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Two of the 5 people in our house have something, possibly Zika. My wife and her DIL. My wife thinks it is either Zika or something I can't spell. If they have Zika, I think it is unusual for people with Zika to know they have been infected. Most people who have Zika don't know they've had it.

I'm sorry. I hope it's something simple and that they get better soon.

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