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I simply cannot handle this heat


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and I can't be inside all the time.


Yesterday I had to go to a meeting for work.  I only had to go to the 2nd half.  When I got there, there parking lot was so full from those who were there all day, that I had to park WAY off behind the football field.  I had to walk all the way across one parking lot, through the ball field, through a 2nd parking lot, and into the building, where I had to walk quite a ways and up two flights of stairs to get to my meeting.  The inside was air conditioned, but by that time I was so overheated that I felt faint.

And then the upstairs room was fairly hot too.


I get heat exhaustion quite easily.


What can I do?  I can't just stay inside all the time or in a pool.  I am going to have to be outside some with my new job.  


I am going to start wearing those bandanas that you can soak in water.  Those help a bit.


Anything else?  

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I don't know, that's tough. Maybe for the walk, this may sound silly, but, have you considered one of those fans with the water mist? And if your job requires you to be outside I'd consider bringing the fan along as well.


Not sure it applies, but also careful consideration of what kind of haircut you have. If it's thick, ask the stylist to thin it out. If it's long, have it cut.

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I have the same problem.  This year, I've just not gotten out during the day any more than is necessary.  There are clothes you can buy at REI and other places that cover and protect from the sun but are still cool, letting air circulate through the material.  Some of them would be okay for business casual.   Unfortunately, they're expensive.   My older daughter bought some last year when she was having problems with both the heat and sunburn.  Otherwise, I second the handheld fan mister and ice pack.  

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One more is to wear a good hat.  My daughter bought a brimmed hat at REI that was treated to reduce the amount of sun exposure.  I wore it this spring when I had to attend an all day outside event for work.  I was surprised what a difference the hat made in my comfort level.  To be fair, it was hot and humid that day but nothing compared to August.  

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I won't be outside a whole lot for my job, but I have to travel a bit, so I will need to walk to and from each building.  I may need to supervise outside a bit, but not sure yet.  I had to at my last job.


This heat didn't bother me in CA, so I really think it is the humidity.


My hair does very weird things in the humidity too.  It is thick and wavy and poofs out a lot, even when I get it thinned.  I hate it.  A hat would be wise, but not sure what crazy things it would do to my hair, since I am sweating under the hat.



A mister is fine, but not with other people, I don't want to mist them!  I do have a battery operated little fan thing, again, not with others next to me, but may help when I can be away from anyone it will bother.


An ice pack is good, until it melts.  But I can use it until then.  Or maybe I should take a plastic water bottle and freeze it, that way when I hold it it won't look as strange.


I do need to work on making sure I am hydrated.  I had ice water with me yesterday, but I went through it pretty quickly and then didn't have more.  I am going to start carrying my larger bottle for a while.

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The older I get the more the heat bothers me.  I just keep some ice water with me at all times and that helps.  I tend to retain water in the heat too.  My dr. said to avoid caffeine when it is hot and to limit the salt.  So when it is extremely hot and I have to be outside for awhile I do that and it helps too.

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I work parking at the county fair every year. 9 days standing on the blacktop in the heat, usually the hottest week of the summer and no shade.


Drink a lot before, during, and after the time you're outside. Get one of those neck cooling things. I use a large washcloth dipped into the ice water of the cooler, but it doesn't matter if my shirt is wet (I've even dipped my shirt in the cooler on bad days). Wear a hat, and sunglasses. Wear loose fitting shorts and shirts. Get outside more.

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I use an umbrella for long walks. Shade matters!!!  Cooling rags are great, so are personal battery operated fans. Mine is silent and discreet.  


How much water are you drinking? Carrying ice water is essential.  I have 2 32 oz water bottles that I take with me whenever I am about.


It's been 100F+ since April and we have two months left to go.


Clothing....I find that the long pants from Columbia without side zippers function as business casual. Wearing very lightweight uv rated clothing is great.  I have to wear long sleeves and ankle length pants as any sun exposure = immediate burn.

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